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C LEANING AND S ANITIZING By shaniece witcher, Nolin Thomas, Cindy Mitchell, and Kandice Carlton.

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Presentation on theme: "C LEANING AND S ANITIZING By shaniece witcher, Nolin Thomas, Cindy Mitchell, and Kandice Carlton."— Presentation transcript:

1 C LEANING AND S ANITIZING By shaniece witcher, Nolin Thomas, Cindy Mitchell, and Kandice Carlton

2 W HAT IS CLEANING AND SANITIZING ? Food can easily be contaminated if you do not facility and equipment cleaned and sanitized. In order to correctly clean all surface areas within your facility the right cleaner is required.

3 H OW TO CLEAN AND SANITIZE ? The following steps essential to cleaning and sanitizing: 1-clean the surface with proper equipment and cleaning supply 2-rinse the surface 3- sanitize the surface with proper cleaning supply 4- allow surface to air dry

4 W HEN TO CLEAN AND SANITIZE. All food- contact surfaces need to be cleaned and sanitized at there times 1- after being are used 2-before food handlers work with other foods 3-anytime food handlers are interrupted during a task and the items being used may have been contaminated 4- after four hours if items are in constant use

5 T YPES OF CLEANERS …… Detergents Degreasers Delimers Abrasive cleaners all the different types of cleaning supply listed above can be found in a local shopping center and is used to prevent the spread of germ and life threatening contaminations

6 G UIDELINES FOR CLEARNERS Never mix cleaners. Combining ammonias and chlorine bleach, for example produces chlorine gas this gas can be fatal. Do not use one detergent in place of another unless the intended use is the same.

7 S ANITIZING Food contact surfaces must be sanitized after they have been cleaned and rinsed. This can be done by using heat or chemicals

8 H EAT SANITIZING One way to sanitize items is to soak them in hot water. For this method to work, the water must be 171 °F it must be soaked for 30 seconds Another way to sanitize items is to attach a temp. sensitive label or tape to an item and run it through the dishwasher

9 C HEMICAL SANITIZING Soaking utensils and equipment in proper cleaning supply can also sanitize what has been used or you can rinse, swab, or spray them with sanitizing solution.

10 S ANITIZER EFFECTIVENESS Concentration Temperature Contact time Water hardness Ph The following things listed above have guidelines that have to be used. But they all ensure the proper cleaning of items that have been used with this product.

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