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Emperor Nero By: Chelsea Welsh and Ayanna Turner

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1 Emperor Nero By: Chelsea Welsh and Ayanna Turner

2 Childhood Facts Nero’s full name is Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus.
He was born on the 15th of December, 37 AD in Anzio, (Antium, Italy). When he was two years old his mother was banished by Caligula to the Pontain Islands. Then his father died two years later.

3 About Nero’s Death Nero died in 68 AD. He died by committing suicide.
He committed suicide because he was guilty for killing many people which involved his love ones.

4 Time Line Born on December 37 AD in Antium Italy.
In 35 AD his mother died. His father died one year later in 34 AD. He became 5th emperor of the Roman Empire in AD 59. Then he burnt down the whole city and started the great fire of Rome in AD 64. The people wanted to draw him from the throne in 68 AD

5 Interesting Facts An interesting fact about Nero is he built his own palace and ended up living in it. Focused much of his attention on diplomacy, trade, and increasing the cultural capital of the empire. Conducted war and peace

6 Character Traits with Examples
Nero is Brave and intelligent because he started the great fire of Rome and Nero had to be very brave to do something that hectic. Nero is also intelligent because he was the 5th emperor of Rome and he had to be very smart to become a king and take such big responsibility in his part.

7 Accomplishments and Achievements
Succeeded to throne and ended the Julio-Claudian monopoly of the throne. Left a reputation. Produced a renaissance. Started the great fire of Rome.

8 His Family His family given names were Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus.
Nero’s mother was Agrippina the younger, great-granddaughter of emperor Augustus. Nero’s father died when he was still a kid and Agrippina married emperor Claudius in 49 AD. Claudius adopted Nero as his eldest son naming him Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus. Nero married Octavia Claudius daughter. The next year Claudius died. Many historians believe that Agrippina poisoned him so Nero could become king.

9 EU: Did he use or abuse power?
Nero his abused power because when he became emperor he started the great fire of Rome and he was trying to make everything go his way and it led to him killing a lot of people. So he didn’t use his power in the right way.

10 EU: Contributions to Rome or the history of the world
Nero contributed to the history of the world by serving Rome and being an emperor. Even though he didn’t make many great decisions he still did a lot in history just by being a king.

11 Bibliography Roman- Wikipedia World book

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