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Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Using Arduino Material taken from Todbot blog Bionic Arduino Todbot blog Bionic ArduinoTodbot.

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Presentation on theme: "Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Using Arduino Material taken from Todbot blog Bionic Arduino Todbot blog Bionic ArduinoTodbot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Using Arduino Material taken from Todbot blog Bionic Arduino Todbot blog Bionic ArduinoTodbot blog Bionic Arduino

2 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 What is the Arduino

3 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009

4 Arduino Duemilanove 13 digital input/output pins –Including 6 with PWM for analog output 6 analog input pins USB connection –For serial I/O and uploading board ATmega168 or ATmega328 processor –16k or 32k for program, 1k or 2k for data Arduino bootloader ~ $30 More Info

5 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Other Arduino Boards Arduino Mega –Lots of I/O pins and lots (128k) of program space –~ $65 LilyPad –For wearable applications –~ $20 Boarduino –Fits within a breadboard –~ $20, but must be soldered!

6 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 1 Start the Arduino IDE from the terminal window with the command: arduino Make sure to connect the PC to the Arduino using the USB cable. Designate the connection port and processor type. Try out the “blink” example –Select: File > Examples > Digital > Blink

7 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Connect the USB Cable

8 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Select Connection and Type atmega328

9 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Arduino IDE

10 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009

11 Status Messages

12 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 1 Modified---Add an External LED to pin 13 File > Examples > Digital > Blink LED’s have polarity –Negative indicated by flat side of the housing and a short leg

13 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Terminology

14 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Arduino Control Very much like Processing/Java –if, then, while, switch –Functions, expressions setup() –Runs once at beginning (or reset) loop() –Runs continuously Like draw()

15 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Arduino Digital I/O pinMode(pin, mode) –Sets pin to either INPUT or OUTPUT digitalRead(pin) –Reads HIGH or LOW from a pin digitalWrite(pin, value) –Writes HIGH or LOW to a pin Electronic stuff you can ignore –Output pins can provide 40 mA of current –Writing HIGH to an input pin installs a 20K Ω pullup

16 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Arduino Timing delay(ms) –Pauses for a few milliseconds delayMicroseconds(us) –Pauses for a few microseconds

17 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Circuits

18 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 All holes in each of the four long columns are connected internally. Use these to route power and ground. Connect this column to GND (0 volts) Connect this column to GND (0 volts) Connect this column to 5V Connect this column to 5V There are ten holes that form the rows. These are divided into two sets of five holes. All holes in each set of five are connected Breadboard Fundamentals

19 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 2 File > Examples > Digital > Melody Speakers have polarity. Positive indicated by small + or dot on piezoelectric speaker.

20 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 2 Get a breadboard and a piezoelectric speaker Assemble as shown Image credit: Tod Kurt Try out the built-in “melody” example –Select: File > Examples > Digital > toneMelody Try this version of Melody.pdeMelody.pde

21 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Digital? Analog? Digital has two values: on and off Analog has many (infinite) values Computers don’t really do analog, they quantize Remember the 6 analog input pins---here’s how they work Image credit: Tod Kurt

22 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Analog to Digital Number of states or “bins” is the resolution Arduino resolution is 10-bits (1024 values) 5/1024 = 4.8 mV smallest voltage change you can measure Image credit: Eoin Brazil

23 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Analog Output Computers can’t output analog voltages –Only digital voltages (0 volts or 5 volts) Simulating an analog signal with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) –Can’t directly supply 2.5V, but can pulse the output on and off really fast to produce the same effect-- -the same effective voltage.

24 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Analog Output Vary the effective voltage by modulating the width of the high pulse Image credit: Tod Kurt

25 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 3 Hardware Needed: –Resistor (in 220-500 Ohm range) –Breadboard –LED –Wire Assemble as shown (MOVE the piezo speaker to pin 7) – Select: File > Examples > Analog > Fading Image credit: Tod Kurt

26 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 PWM is Everywhere Lamp dimmers, motor, speed control, power supplies, noise making, etc. Now on to analog input using sensors--- DON’T DISASSEMBLE your breadboards

27 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Sensing the Dark: Photoresistors a.k.a. a photocell or light-dependent resistor It is a variable resistor –Brighter light => lower resistance Create a voltage divider to use the photoresistor Image credit: Tod Kurt

28 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 4 Hardware Needed: –Resistor (approx. 10k Ohm) –Breadboard –Photoresistor –Wire Assemble as shown Image credit: Tod Kurt

29 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 A Theremin Create a theremin using the photoresistor –A spooky sound machine Works by measuring your body’s electric field –We’ll use light to control the tone produced We’ll also control the brightness of the LED using the photoresistor. Verify your breadboard configuration!

30 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Theremin Breadboard Configuration Hardware Needed: Resistors, Breadboard, Wire, Photoresistor, Piezo speaker, LED

31 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 The Theremin Program Load and run the TherminAndLED TherminAndLED program

32 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Sensors There are many analog sensors that could be used in place of the photoresistor Check out our “theremin” demos created using other sensors Image credit: Tod Kurt

33 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Communication Between the Arduino and Your Computer Arduino Program Processing Program Arduino Board Your Computer Serial (TTL) Communication

34 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Processing Includes libraries supporting serial communication, video capture, audio processing… VERY IMPORTANT: enter the following command in the terminal window to update the serial library: ~brock/bin/serialfix Start Processing from the terminal window

35 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 5 Hardware Needed: –Resistor (10k Ohm) –Breadboard –Photoresistor –Wire Don’t reassemble - this is the same schematic as Activity 4. Image credit: Tod Kurt

36 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Activity 5 Open SimpleWrite.pde into the Arduino IDE. SimpleWrite.pde Open SimpleRead.pde into Processing. SimpleRead.pde

37 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Serial Communication in Arduino

38 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Serial Communication in Processing

39 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Clarifications SimpleWrite spends the first second sampling the photocell readings and setting limits. The Arduino program restarts when the Processing program starts. If the Processing program begins behaving badly, try pressing the restart button on the Arduino.

40 Dean Brock, Rebecca Bruce and Susan Reiser, CCSC SE 2009 Project 2

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