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Prague: Interesting places to visit Anna Hrabalová Dominik Kokni 1.B.

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Presentation on theme: "Prague: Interesting places to visit Anna Hrabalová Dominik Kokni 1.B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prague: Interesting places to visit Anna Hrabalová Dominik Kokni 1.B

2 Main Menu The Lennon´s wall Transmitter of Žižkov Palace of Lucerna Stromovka How to use it? – click!click!

3 How to use it? There are 4 interesting places in Prague to visit. Each slide involves a few information about the place and one question. The answer is not in the text so you can just guess or to find it out somewhere. ? – this symbol represents question Wish you good luck and have fun! BACK TO MAIN MENU

4 The Lennon´s wall John Lennon died in December 1980 and that year people of Prague decided to use one wall of the Maltézská zahrada as his symbolic grave before 1980 this wall was called Wailing wall because there were many poems about love and communism written by students and young artists now there are many paintings, grafittis and parts of lyrics by The Beatles during the totality the wall was often washed but in a few weeks many pictures had been drawn again ? BACK TO MAIN MENU

5 Transmitter of Žižkov it´s one of the biggest dominants of Prague – when you´re driving on the edge of the city the transmitter is visible from afar it was built between 1985 and 1992 many people thought it´s really ugly so famous czech artist Martin Černý (that Černý who created the Entropa which made angry almost half of the European Union),,stuck“ on it statues of Babies climbing on the top of the building this transmitter stays in section called,,Žižkov“ and it is useful as a outlook tower too ?BACK TO MAIN MENU

6 Palace of Lucerna complex of buildings which is located near the Wenceslas Square it was built between 1907 and 1921 – it was supposed to be an ice-hockey stadium but fortunatelly it was too small for it (Can you imagine to have an ice- hockey stadium in the center of Prague?) There are many shops, cafés, cinema and mainly a beautiful social hall where we had a school prom If you ask anyone about Lucerna I´m sure he tells you only the best things about it – especially our parents because there is a,,breath of nostalgia“ for them ?BACK TO MAIN MENU

7 Stromovka I don´t know how to translate the czech word,,Stromovka“ in English. It means something like,,park with many trees“. it´s a czech,,Central Park“ if you know what I mean – people of Prague use it for doing sport, taking their dogs for a walk or just hanging out in nature there are many roads for bikes or in-line skaters and if you´re lucky you can see police on horseback guarding your safety ?BACK TO MAIN MENU

8 Where we can find Maltézská zahrada/Lennon´s wall? a)next to the National Theatrenext to the National Theatre b)on the Malá Stranaon the Malá Strana c)under the Petřín Towerunder the Petřín Tower

9 Excellent !!! You´re right! Lennon´s wall is on the Malá Strana near Charles Bridge. BACK TO LENNON´S WALLBACK TO MAIN MENU

10 Oh no!  You´re wrong – try it again, please! BACK

11 How high is this transmitter? a)216 m216 m b)305 m305 m c)199,9 m199,9 m

12 Excellent !!! You´re right! The transmitter of Žižkov is about 216 m high. On the top there is a view and inside there is a restaurant. It´s a pity if you´re afraid of the elevators – there are no stairs! BACK TO TRANSMITTERBACK TO MAIN MENU

13 Oh no!  You´re wrong – try it again, please! BACK

14 On which of those pictures we can see the Palace of Lucerna? a) b) c)

15 Excellent !!! You´re right – this is an interier of the Palace of Lucerna: The b) one was an Exhibition ground in Holešovice and the c) one was the Dancing house in Prague – Southern city. BACK TO THE PALACE OF LUCERNABACK TO MAIN MENU

16 Oh no!  You´re wrong – try it again! BACK

17 In which part of Prague we can find Stromovka? a)Prague 2Prague 2 b)Prague 13Prague 13 c)Prague 6Prague 6

18 Excellent !!! It´s a part called Prague 6 – Bubeneč. This part is one of the oldest ones. BACK TO STROMOVKABACK TO MAIN MENU

19 Oh no!  You´re wrong – try it again, please! BACK

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