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Gimbal contor & Analysis Applicatıon M.Özgür Ağcakaya 2009514035

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1 Gimbal contor & Analysis Applicatıon M.Özgür Ağcakaya 2009514035

2 What is gimbal ? Gimbal is an ancient scientific invention that uses – analysis rotation of an object by inertial forces. But in this project we use piezoelectric devices which can provide higher resolution and speed.

3 MPU-6050 Gyro Sensor Accelerometer Temperature Sensor 3.3 V – 5 V Up to 1.000 Hz I^2C / UART ~$ 5 Step Motor ( 64 Steps ) Step Motor Driver Power Source (5v – 500 mAh) BreadBoard Jumper Cable Arduino DUE ( This application may addopt many variants of those equipments) Auxiliary Equipments Equipments

4 Capabilities of App Determine spesific angle for the platform. Arrange speed and rotation ( CW or CCW) of the motor to keep it stable. Arrange threshold value for different equipment quality. ( It can get lower level of threshold for high-end quality motors and sensors) Connection parameters for different microprocessors. Area of Use Filming- Observing fields. War Industries. Stabilization for mobile devices.

5 How ? Step 1 – Getting Info With Arduino – Due, we can easily get required raw data from microprocessor of Gyro sensor and convert it in usefull manner. Wire library comes default with Arduino and i found Register Map in company’s website. Manipulate Power Management register, Read registers that you need, process them and done !

6 Step 2- Motor Behaviour Get your target angle and threshold value and process it to decide motors free space. ( For 0 degree and 2 degree threshold motor will stop in -2 / +2 degree radyan. For budget motors you must do such solution ) For my step motor i used bottom two functions to determine rotation direction.

7 Part 3- Serial Communication Baud Rate of «115200» was my best option for both Arduino and C#. It means 115200 Bits per sec. I didn’t need all that speed but faster connection means faster reaction for step motor. Interrupts were making serial communication more stable by giving exact number of data packs transfered. In this case i send 30 packs and received 3 packs. Every variable supposed to be marked to avoid any data mess. All packages have starting and ending char. «map» function converts data from source interval to your desired interval.

8 C# Part of the App As you can see, almost every variable needed to stabilize platform in single plane( in this case -Y- plane ) is available in this form. From connection parameters to motor variables. Text boxes ( except Port ) won’t accept any input but Control parameters and Digits. Gyro LB will show all sensor data from the beginning of program.

9 Connection Parameters Get parameters from Form and set it for connection. Start Timers ( Soon will be used in sync. Data sending.) Enable buttons for prevent crashes. Clear buffers. (Read & Write)

10 Read / Write Methods Reading PortWriting Port

11 Timers Timers are perfect tools to keep serial communication in order. You can read data in desired interval, so you can keep your application clean and fast. Processing data for application occurs in this timer. Code checks if value is empty or not. If it is not empty, it will be added to ListBox in main Form AcY Array is preparation for graphic data.

12 GraficDisplay Library With few little changes, i have managed to draw Top frame shows method that i have written which transfers data from Form1 and inserts it in Graphic Y Axis Array. Bottom frame is part of library. After discharging example function, application could draw required data.

13 Thanks for Listening

14 References  MSDN ( Microsoft Developer Network )  Graphic Library by Zimmermann Stephan ( plotting) plotting  Invensense MPU 6050 Documents (  Arduino MPU-6050 Examples ( )  Countless examples of Serial Communication and Stepper Motor driving.

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