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Nouns: Proper and Common; Concrete and Abstract Mrs. Frazee.

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Presentation on theme: "Nouns: Proper and Common; Concrete and Abstract Mrs. Frazee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nouns: Proper and Common; Concrete and Abstract Mrs. Frazee

2 Proper Noun  A noun that names a particular person, place or idea. A proper noun begins with a capital letter. List JohnLondonParis JanuarySeptemberMonday FridaySteven TylerMexican BuddhismDef LeppardNew Orleans Frank SinatraNew YorkBarack Obama MormonsRepublicanUnited Nations

3 Common Noun  A common noun is the general name of a person, place, thing, or idea. List catdogboy girlparktable chaircakechocolate

4 Examples PROPERCOMMON PERSON:Uncle Aluncle PLACE:Dominican Republiccountry THING:Batman The Dark Night movie IDEA:Great Depressionera

5 Concrete  Names an object that occupies space or can be recognized by any of the senses. Sneeze Star Explosion Hedgehog chimney

6 Abstract  Names an idea, quality, or characteristic. Politeness Ability Honesty Love Beauty

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