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MS CTE Program Winter Forum Demons trate Student Growth with CTE!

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2 MS CTE Program Winter Forum Demons trate Student Growth with CTE!

3 A National Leader of Our Own! Dr. Sarah Health, President of ACTE & CTE Director for Jefferson County Schools

4 Purpose & Logistics Tell us where you are, who you are and what you are Welcome to CTE! Be refreshed in CTE! Working lunch in Content areas: ‘Birds of a Feather’ Panel of Practitioners! (borrow, use, ask) Afternoon topic Share & Learn sessions

5 Our students wanna be….

6 Where are we now

7 Mission & Vision

8 MS CTE Journey in Colorado Year 1 2011-2012 27 Programs Year 2 2012-2013 65 Programs Year 3 2013-2014 94 Programs Year 4 2014-2015 165 programs 13,396 total enrollment





13 Cool Data Tidbit! 1,917 MS students in the 12-13 enrollment continued into a high school program in 13-14. 561 MS students in the 12-13 enrollment continued into a high school program in 13-14 within the same career cluster. 1594 MS students in the 12-13 enrollment continued into a high school program in 13-14 in a different career cluster.


15 Legislation Graduation Guidelines CAP4Kids Counselor Effectiveness School Counselor Corps Grant ICAP Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Act Early High School Grads Dropout Recovery Results School Counselor Corps Evaluation Remediation Rates ICAP Study Concurrent Enrollment Reporting College and Career Preparation Graduation Guidelines Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Career and Technical Education 21 st Century Skills FAFSA Completion GED Innovations and Individualized Learning Graduation Guidelines ICAP implementation ASCENT Academic Guidance Career Exploration Partnerships: CDE, CDHE, CIC, CCCS ICAP Tutorials CE Advisory Board Endorsed Diplomas Remediation Taskforce College Admission Data Sharing Early College Design Grad Guidelines Work Groups Programs Counselor Corps (80 schools) Concurrent Enrollment (25,000 students) ASCENT (281 students) ICAP (240,000 students) FAFSA Completion (30,000 students) CCR = PWR


17 Developmentally Appropriate Career Guidance (ICAP)

18 Well, as long as you have a plan…

19 Credentialing! Chris Hill, CDE David Barnes, CCCS/CTE

20 Funding & Data Julie McWilson, CTA ‘Guru’

21 Program Approval & Standards Jennifer Jasinowski, CCCS/CTE CCCS CTE Standards Website:

22 CTSO & Advisor Committees

23 What is a CTSO? Career & Technical Student Organizations An integral part of CTE programs Prepare students to become productive citizens and to assume roles of leadership in their communities through a unique program of career and leadership development, motivation, and recognition for secondary and post- secondary students.”

24 As An Advisor…. YOU move away from being a LEADER...

25 As an Advisor… …to being a FACILITATOR –Keep the CTSO on track –Empower students –You TEACH and then you let them LEAD (in most areas anyway…)!

26 The PWR of CTE and MS Programs!


28 Table Discussions Reflect on the content you learned this morning. Synthesize the info Ask each other for answers Write down more wonders Chat about your content area and your areas of expertise: – What projects do you do? How do you teach a certain concepts? – What are your curriculum essential questions?

29 Session 1: Demonstration of Student Growth & Promising Practices Room 108 CTE 101 Continued Room 107 ICAP, POS and Career Exploratory Room 105 CTSO & Advisory Committees Room 106

30 Panel : Best Practices & Program Examples from the Field Brighton 27 j Jefferson County

31 Session 2: Demonstration of Student Growth & Promising Practices Room 108 CTE 101 Continued Room 107 ICAP, POS and Career Exploratory Room 105 CTSO & Advisory Committees Room 106

32 Resources: Middle School CTE: ICAP & Career Guidance: Plans of Study: CTSO: Advisory Committee Handbook: Credentialing:

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