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1 Plan of the 2009 Economic Census in Japan Seiji TAKATA Statistics Bureau of Japan (Symbol of Economic Census)

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1 1 Plan of the 2009 Economic Census in Japan Seiji TAKATA Statistics Bureau of Japan (Symbol of Economic Census)

2 2 0. Background  Major censuses and surveys for industry were conducted in different years and cycles in Japan. Census of Commerce (1.6 million; latest 2007) Census of Manufacture (0.5 million; latest 2008) Survey on Service Industry (Sample) (0.4 million; latest 2004) Establishment and Enterprise Census (6 million establishments; latest 2006) ・・・

3 3 0. Background  Establishment and Enterprise Census (EEC) does not cover accounting.  Statistics on services sector is not adequate and their development has been unsystematic.  Need for statistics to grasp economic activities comprehensively  Economic Census will start in 2009.

4 4 0. Background To clarify the accounting condition for each industry,  Different types of questionnaire for each industry are needed.  Complete survey frame should be set up before investigating accounting condition.  Firstly, Economic Census for Business Frame is conducted in 2009.  Then, Economic Census for Business Activity will survey accounting items in 2011. (continue in 5-year interval)

5 0. Background 5 2009 Economic Census for Business Frame 2011 Economic Census for Business Activity Surve y Items ・ Name, Address, Phone number ・ Startup date ・ Number of persons engaged ・ Type of business ・ Legal organization of enterprise ・ Amount of capital ・ Number of branches ・ Existence/Name of the parent company ・ Number of subsidiaries etc. (Plan) ・ Name, Address, Phone number ・ Startup date ・ Number of persons engaged ・ Type of business ・ Legal organization of enterprise ・ Amount of capital ・ Revenue ・ Operating cost ・ Payroll ・ Shipment (by type of goods) etc. (may vary across industries) 2011 Census uses different type of questionnaires, corresponding to the industrial classification of establishments. - > Need prior information about the industrial classification of each establishment. - > 2009 Census is necessary.

6 6 1. Changes from the Establishment and Enterprise Census (EEC)  Reporting Unit Establishment => Enterprise  Census Method Enumerator Canvassing Method => Combination of - Mail Survey (for large companies) - Enumerator Canvassing (small/new companies)  Utilization of Commercial/Corporate Register

7 7  Reporting Unit of EEC was “Establishment”. (survey items : name, address, number of workers,..) 1.1 Changes from EEC: Reporting Unit  The aim of (2011)Economic Census – accounting items ! - usually, accounting items are at enterprise level - however, we also need establishment-level data (especially for regional statistics) => Reporting Unit : Enterprise statistical unit is “Establishment” as before. Head office has to fill in questionnaires for branch offices.

8 8 1.2 Changes from EEC: Census Method  EEC : Enumerators Canvassing Method  Economic Census: Reporting Unit is “Enterprise” => difficult for enumerators to survey large enterprises - hundreds/thousands of branch offices - difficult to check accuracy of answers for branches L arge enterprises : Mail survey by Stat. Bureau (or local gov’t) Send back paper or CD- ROM(Excel sheet) or on-line answer (internet) Small enterprises : Enumerators Canvassing Method

9 9 Survey MethodEnterprise Scale Number of Enterprises(estimate) Mail by Statistics Bureau 100 branches or more 3,000 Mail by Prefecture Gov’t(47) 30-99 branches 2,500 Mail by Municipal Gov’t(2,000) 10-29 branches 10,000 Enumerators (90,000) 0-9 branches Unknown 6,000,000 ・ Close cooperation among Statistical Bureau/Local Governments/Enumerators. ・ Enumerators are necessary to maintain high response-rate for small enterprises!

10 10 1.3 Changes from EEC: Commercial/Corporate Register  In Japan, legal commercial/corporate registration (CCR) is required when establishing corporations. 2.8 million corporations in CCR  However, only 1.7 million corporations in 2006 EEC.  CCR may include inactive corporations.  EEC may miss corporations, especially with no signboards. Use CCR for Establishment List ( in addition to the results of 2006EEC )

11 11 2. Preparation of the Establishment List  Need to identify - which establishments are located in the corresponding enumeration district. - who (central/local governments, enumerators) is responsible for distribution/collection of questionnaires. Establishment List (for each enumeration district) is necessary.

12 12  Source for Establishment List - Results of 2006 EEC - CCR  Firstly, we match EEC and CCR data. Secondly, send mail to unmatched data. Companies for which mails are returned as “ not found ”, are dropped from the Establishment List (as inactive companies)

13 13 3. Planning of the Economic Census  Meeting for the Planning of the Economic Census (academia, ministries and local governments) (May 2006 – March 2008)  Consultation with Statistics Commission (May 2008 – August 2008)  Approval by the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications (August 2008)  Public Comment (Sept.-Oct. 2008)

14 14 4. Pilot Survey  1st Pilot Survey - as of September 1, 2007 - 4,000 samples - to get information for planning the Census  2nd Pilot Survey - as of July 1, 2008 (1-year before the Census) - 8,000 samples - as a rehearsal of the Census

15 15 5. Staff Recruitment and Training  About 90,000 Enumerators.  Municipal Governments are responsible for the recruitment and supervising of enumerators. Training ◆ one-day classroom study study at home ◆ supervisors for enumerators

16 16 6. Publicity of 2009 Census  Press Release  Radio, Newspapers, Magazines  Posters at stations/government offices  Visit economic organizations and industrial associations  Mail to large companies  Bus wraps (advertisements covering the frame of commuter buses)  Web-site of Economic Census

17 17 Bus wraps

18 18 Web-Site

19 19 7. Uses of 2009 Census Results  Establishment List for 2011 Economic Census ◆ Sampling Frame for business surveys (source for Business-Frame) ◆ Basic data for the economy (nation-wide / regional level)

20 20 Thank you! Bill & Kei (Mascot of Economic Census )

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