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Motion Graphs What information can I get from a motion graphs? Starter: Quick Quiz – prepare to answer some questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Graphs What information can I get from a motion graphs? Starter: Quick Quiz – prepare to answer some questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Graphs What information can I get from a motion graphs? Starter: Quick Quiz – prepare to answer some questions.

2 QUESTION REVEAL Will you get an easy or a hard one?10 seconds to answer: State a unit for speed.If I run 200m in 20 seconds, what is my speed? What is the resultant force? Name 2 contact forces. What is the equation for speed? Name an “action at a distance” force. What is the unit for weight? Name 2 horizontal forces. What as the difference between average speed and instantaneous speed? 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2

3 Learning Outcomes explore representing motion as a distance– time graph explore representing motion as a speed–time graph and H: a velocity–time graph explain the difference between speed and velocity H: explain the difference between displacement and distance

4 What does this graph show? Discuss!!!

5 This graph shows distance or displacement over time. What is the difference?! A “distance- time” graph

6 Distance time graphs At A the speed is constant. At B the object has stopped At C the object is moving again, at a constant rate, but quicker than before.

7 Tasks: 1)Complete the section on the summary sheet on distance –time graph 2)Complete the practise questions. 3)Make a revision card showing a DT graph and label it.

8 Using distance time graphs to work out your speed. Remember speed = distance/time

9 Speed (velocity) – Time Graphs

10 What does this graph show now ? Discuss!!! Speed

11 What about this “velocity” thing?

12 Velocity-time graphs Velocity (m/s) Time (s) 1) Upwards line = acceleration 2) Horizontal line = constant speed 3) Steeper line = greater acceleration 4) Downward line = deceleration The area under the line is equal to the distance travelled.

13 Tasks 1)Make a revision card for Velocity – Time graphs. 2)Complete the summary sheet for V-T graphs.

14 Practise the exam questions on Velocity – Time graphs

15 Extension task Write down your journey to school. Include every time you walk, stop at a shop, sit on the bus, walk into the building etc and how long. Use this to draw a distance – time graph. Annotate it. Work out your speed (velocity) at each stage.

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