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French Monarchy French leadership during the 1500’s and beyond This is like a lesson of French Monarchy for Dummies.

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2 French Monarchy French leadership during the 1500’s and beyond This is like a lesson of French Monarchy for Dummies

3 Protestant Reformation Like most European nations the Protestant Reformation change the way leadership was perceived and France was not exception to this rule. Every one in ten citizens of France was a Huguenot (French Calvinist Protestant) This threatened the Catholic Monarchy of France To prevent the rebellion the French Queen (Katherine de Medici) order the “Saint Bartholomew's’ Massacre” a massacre at Henry III of Navarre’s wedding (Huguenot wedding) When all was done 70,000 Huguenots were dead.

4 Henry IV Henry of Navarre denied his religion and his life was spared, became know as Henry IV. He inherited the throne and understood the need for peace and under the “Edict of Nantes” he gave the Huguenots limited forms of worship. Henry IV became one of the most respected Monarchs of France by restoring wealth and unity.

5 Louis XIII Henry IV was stabbed by a Catholic fanatic, Henry’s young son Louis was crowned king Under the leadership of chief minister advisor Richelieu. Richelieu wanted to suppress (limit) the Huguenots' power and freedom and succeeded. The limitations became known as the “30 Years War” in Europe which pitted the Protestant against the Catholics.

6 Louis XIV When Louis XIII deid his son Louis XIV replaced him Raised to be king he was confident in his ability, he created and absolute monarchy with him being the “Absolute Monarch” Under Louis XIV he established a powerful military, and crushed the Huguenots and became the most powerful ruler of Europe in the in the late 1600’s

7 Loss of power Louis power was lost when the Spanish Monarch died with no heir and Louis claimed to take over. Eventually Europe and the rest of the world stepped in to stop King Louis XIV from gaining to much power. The French Indian War was a result of part of the prevention, in which Great Britain defeated the French in the New World to throw Great Britain at the top of the power list. The 13 colonies of the United States eventually were a result of these actions.

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