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Codan C-Band & Ku-Band IF Transceiver Systems

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1 Codan C-Band & Ku-Band IF Transceiver Systems
HiSeasNet Training Course SIO, August 2009

2 C-Band & Ku-Band Transceiver Systems
Overview The C-Band Systems are labelled the 5700 series. The Ku-Band Systems are labelled the 5900 series. Both C-Band & Ku-Band systems have four major components. Theses components are: Power Supply Converter Module Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) LNA (C-Band) or LNB (Ku-Band) Power Supply – Receives AC power from the ship and converts it to 48 VDC to power the Converter & SSPA modules. The AC input is switch selectable for either 220 VAC or 110 VAC Converter Module - The Converter Module performs multiple functions. 1. It provides the interfaces between the below decks equipment (modem & DAC) and the SSPA. 2. Power levels, attenuation levels, and frequencies are programmed in this module using either a PC or hand held controller. 3. It controls the SSPA functions and displays fault conditions. 4. It performs the frequency up conversion from 70 MHz to either C-Band or Ku-Band and the down conversion from C-Band or Ku-Band to 70 MHz

3 C-Band & Ku-Band Transceiver Systems
Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) – The SSPA receives DC power and the Transmit input frequency (C-Band or Ku-Band) from the Converter module. Also, any fault conditions will be relayed to the Converter where it will be displayed on the front panel window. LNA & LNB – Provides the C-Band (LNA) or Ku-Band (LNB) signal to the Converter module for down conversion to 70 MHz.

4 C-Band & Ku-Band Transceiver Systems
Serial Communications Monitor & Control The Converter module is configured in two different ways. They are: 1. Remotely by connecting a PC running HyperTerminal and using the Seatel Supplied cable. 2. Directly connecting the PC to the Converter using the supplied Codan cable. The Hyper Terminal setup communication parameters are: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit , no parity, no hardware control, no flow control The remote connection is established using the available connector (labeled “RS232”) on the interconnect cable at the back of the DAC. This cable is supplied by Seatel The direct connection is established using the supplied Codan cable that is normally located with the Spare Parts Kit.

5 C-Band & Ku-Band Transceiver Systems
Typical Block Diagram for both C-Band & Ku-Band Transceiver Systems

6 Transceiver Connections - Front Panel
For Both the C-Band & Ku-Band Systems the Converter Modules have the same Front Panel Connections. These connections include: RX IF Output (70 MHz signal to modem) TX IF Input (70 MHz signal from modem) Monitor & Control Connector DC Power Input from Codan Power supply Control Panel shows status for Power, SSPA state, and Fault conditions

7 Transceiver Connections C-Band Rear Panel
The C-Band & Ku-Band Systems Converter Modules have similar Rear Panel Connections. These connections include: TX RF Output – Upconverted C-Band or Ku-Band signal sent to SSPA RX RF Input Signal - LNA (C-Band) or LNB (Ku-Band) SSPA DC voltage and control signals to amplifier *C-Band Converter units have an LNA DC/Alarm connector. The Ku-Band Converters do not.

8 Transceiver Connections Ku-Band Rear Panel
The C-Band & Ku-Band Systems Converter Modules have similar Rear Panel Connections. These connections include: TX RF Output - C-Band or Ku-Band signal sent to SSPA RX RF Input Signal - LNA (C-Band or LNB Ku-Band) SSPA DC voltage and control signals to amplifier *Ku-Band Converters have a separate RX L-Band output. The C-Band Converters do not. The RX L-Band Output is used mainly in combined Transmit/Receive & TVRO systems. This is the full 500 MHz receive band of the satellite

9 Transceiver Connections Front Panel Window
POWER OFF / STANDBY / ON switch When in STANDBY, only the reference oscillator and M&C sections operate. The 5700 or 5900 converter can be turned ON by the control-panel switch, a serial data command or a remote contact closure. SSPA - INHIBIT / REMOTE / ACTIVATE The Control Panel switch allows local activation or de-activation of the SSPA for maintenance, and for re-setting alarms. Remote control is also possible by serial data command or a dry-contact closure The highlighted switch positions correspond to: RS232 interface, ASCII protocol, 9600 bits/sec.,8 data bits, no parity. The TERM and PACKET ADDRESS switch settings are not relevant.

10 LNA & LNB Specifications
Frequency range C-Band - LNA GHz Ku-Band - LNB Band GHz Band GHz* Band GHz Gain C-Band LNA 60 dB Ku-Band LNB 60 dB Noise temperature C-Band 50 K max Ku-Band 75 K max Note: Band 2, GHz is the frequency band used by the HiSeasNet ships operating at Ku-Band on Satmex 5

11 C-Band & Ku-Band Transceiver Systems Frequency Conversions
For both the C-Band (5700) and Ku-Band (5900) Systems: The Converter module accepts 70 MHz input from the SCPC modem (Transmit Path) which it up converts to C-Band or Ku-Band frequencies and sends to the SSPA. The Converter module receives the C-Band or Ku-Band input from the LNA or LNB and down converts them to 70 MHz then sends them to the SCPC Modem. The Local Oscillator (LO) for both C-Band and Ku-Band Converters is not a fixed frequency. It can be adjusted, and is selected in consideration with the satellite RF band to be covered and the frequency range of the modem. This means that the programmed frequency of the Converter is set to the Center Frequency of the specified satellite transponder. This Center Frequency, combined with the frequency range of the modem (+/- 18 MHz) allows the modem to be tuned to a specific frequency within each 36 MHz satellite transponder. The satellite transponder Center Frequency equals the SCPC modem Center Frequency of 70 MHz.

12 Frequency Conversion Examples - Transmit
The following example is based on a HiSeasNet Vessel operating on the Atlantic Ocean Region satellite MHZ = Required Transmit RF Frequency as specified by satellite owner MHz = Satellite Transponder Center Frequency – Supplied by HiSeasNet Technical Team. Satellite Transponder Center Frequency = Modem Center Frequency of 70 MHz AND Difference between Transponder Center Freq +/- Assigned Freq = Difference between Modem 70 MHz +/- actual required modem frequency Step – = MHz below modem Center Frequency Step MHz – MHz = Required Modem Transmit IF frequency

13 Frequency Conversion Examples - Receive
The following example is based on a HiSeasNet Vessel operating on the Atlantic Ocean Region satellite Satellite TX Frequency - Satellite Frequency Translation = Satellite RX Frequency MHz MHz = MHz MHZ Required Receive RF Frequency as specified by satellite owner/operator MHz Satellite Transponder Center Frequency – Supplied by HiSeasNet Technical Team. Step – = MHz below modem Center Frequency Step MHz – MHz = Required Modem Transmit IF frequency

14 Codan 5700 C-Band Commands 5700 Converter Commands > VPS
Parameter Settings System Command: On Tx Freq: Atten: 0 SSPA Activate: On Rx Freq: Atten: 0 SSPA Inhibit: Off Cable Comp: 0 Echo: On Impedance: 50 Ref. Override: On IF Freq : 70 SSPA Mode: Extended Faults: LNA - Enable SSPA Comp Type: FAN - Enable Conv Comp Type: 5700AVG SSPA - Enable Packet protocol: Codan Packet addr: 0 (00H) Power Up: Last State For actual transceiver status use VSS command > HLP General Help (this Display) > HLP Control Commands > HCC Set Log Commands > HLC Set Fault enable Commands > HFC Set Parameter Commands > HPC View Commands > HVC Output Commands > HOC > HCC System On > SSOn n ==> Standby On SSPA Activate > SPAn n ==> Off On SSPA Inhibit > SPIn n ==> Off On Reset Change Bits > RCB Reset > RST

15 Codan 5700 C-Band Commands > HFC
Set LNA Fault Enable > SLEn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set SSPA Fault Enable > SPEn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set Fan Fault Enable > SFEn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 – Enabled > HPC Set echo > SECn n == > 0 - Off ; 1 - On Set Ref Override > SROn n == > 0 - Off ; 1 - On Set Impedance > SIMn n == > ; Set IF Frequency > SIFn n == > ; Set Conv Comp Type > SCTn n == > 0 - Standard; 1 - Custom Set SSPA Comp Type > SPTn n == > 0 - Off 1-3 - Custom 1-3 W W W/30W/40W

16 Codan 5700 C-Band Commands Set SSPA Mode > SPMn n ==> 0 - Extended ; 1 - Basic Set Tx Frequency > STFnnnn <=nnnn<= 6425 Set Rx Frequency > SRFnnnn <=nnnn<= 4200 Set Tx Attenuation > STAnn <=nn<= 25 Set Rx Attenuation > SRAnn <=nn<= 30 Set Cable Compensation > SCCnn <=nn<= 15 (Disabled) Set Address Range > SARn n ==> to 31 to 63 to 95 to 127 Set Packet Protocol > SPPn n ==> 0 - Codan 1-3 - Mode 1-3 Set Power Up > SPUn n ==> 0 - Last State ; 1 - Transmit Off > HVC View Faults Status > VFS View Parameter Settings > VPS View Control Status > VCS View System Status > VSS View Lock Status > VLS View Identify information > VID View Table Data > VTD View System Temperature > VST

17 Codan 5700 C-Band Commands > HOC
Output System On > OSO Output Identification > OID Output SSPA Activate > OPA Output Echo > OEC Output SSPA Inhibit > OPI Output Ref. Override > ORO Output Conv Comp Type > OCT Output Temperature Conv > OTC Output SSPA Comp Type > OPT Output Temperature SSPA > OTP Output LNA Fault Enable > OLE Output Fault Status > OFS Output Fan Fault Enable > OFE Output Control Status > OCS Output SSPA Fault Enable > OPE Output System Status > OSS Output SSPA Mode > OPM Output Lock Status > OLS Output Transmit Frequency > OTF Output Transmit Attenuator > OTA Output Receive Frequency > ORF Output Receive Attenuator > ORA Output Cable Compensation > OCC Output Fault Logging > OFL Output Impedance > OIM Output Status Logging > OSL Output IF Frequency > OIF Output Lock status Logging > OLL Output Address > OAD Output Temperature Logging > OTL Output Address Range > OAR Output Packet Protocol > OPP Output Identity Data > OTD Output Configuration Data > ODP Output Status Poll > OSP Output Device Type > ODT Output Frequency Data > OFD Output Compensation Data > OCD Output Conv Serial No > OCN Output Power Up > OPU

18 Codan 5900 C-Band Commands >HLP
General Help (this Display) > HLP Set Control Commands > HCC Set Main Parameter Commands > HPM Set Auxiliary Parameter Commands > HPA Set Log Parameter Commands > HPL View Commands > HVC Output Parameter Commands > HOP Output Data Commands > HOD >HCC System On > SSOn n ==> Standby On SSPA Activate > SPAn n ==> Off On SSPA Inhibit > SPIn n ==> Off On Reset Change Bits > RCB Reset > RST >HPM Set Tx Frequency > STFnnnnn <=nnnnn<= MHz Set Rx Frequency > SRFnnnnn <=nnnnn<= MHz Set Tx Attenuation > STAnn <=nn<= 25 Set Rx Attenuation > SRAnn <=nn<= 25

19 Codan 5900 C-Band Commands >HPA
Set Receive Range > SRRn n ==> to MHz to MHz to MHz to MHz Set SSPA Mode > SPMn n ==> 0 - Extended ; 1 - Basic Set Reference Override > SROn n ==> 0 - Off ; 1 - On Set Cable Compensation > SCCnn <=nn<= 15 (Disabled) Set IF Frequency > SIFn n ==> ; Set Impedance > SIMn n ==> ; Set LNB Fault Enable > SLEn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set SSPA Fault Enable > SPEn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set O/P Fault Enable > STEn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set Conv Comp Type > SCTn n ==> 0 - Standard ; 1 - Custom Set SSPA Comp Type > SPTn n ==> 0 - Off; xx Std; 2 - Custom Set SSPA Detector Type > SPDn n ==> xx Std ; 1 - Custom Set Output Threshold > SOTnn <=nn<= 55 Set echo > SECn n ==> 0 - Off ; 1 - On Set Packet Protocol > SPPn n ==> 0 - Codan ; Mode 1-3 Set Address Range > SARn n ==> to 31 ; to 63 ; to 95 ; to 127 Set Power Up > SPUn n ==> 0 - Last State ; 1 - Transmit Off

20 Codan 5900 C-Band Commands >HPL
Set Fault Logging > SFLn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set Status Logging > SSLn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set Lock status Logging > SLLn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set Temperature Logging > STLn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 - Enabled Set Power Logging > SPLn n ==> 0 - Disabled ; 1 – Enabled >HVC View Faults Status > VFS View Identity Converter > VID View Parameter Settings > VPS View Identity SSPA > VIP View Control Status > VCS View Table Data > VTD View System Status > VSS View System Temperature > VST View Lock Status > VLS View Max/Min Temperatures > VMT View SSPA Faults > VPF

21 Codan 5900 C-Band Commands >HOP
Output Systemn > OSO Output SSPA Activate > OPA Output Reference Override > ORO Output SSPA Inhibit > OPI Output Transmit Frequency > OTF Output Transmit Attenuator > OTA Output Receive Frequency > ORF Output Receive Attenuator > ORA Output SSPA Mode > OPM Output Receive Range > ORR Output Conv Comp Type > OCT Output LNB Fault Enable > OLE Output SSPA Comp Type > OPT Output SSPA Fault Enable > OPE Output SSPA Detector > OPD Output O/P Fault Enable > OTE Output O/P Threshold > OOT Output Fault Logging > OFL Output Cable Compensation > OCC Output Status Logging > OSL Output IF Frequency > OIF Output Lock status Logging > OLL Output Impedance > OIM Output Temperature Logging > OTL Output Packet Protocol > OPL Output O/P Power Logging > OPL Output Address > OAD Output Echo > OEC Output Address Range > OAR Output Configuration Data > ODP Output Identity Data > OTD Output SSPA Band > OFP Output Power Up > OPU

22 Codan 5900 C-Band Commands >HOD
Output Temperature Conv > OTC Output Max/Min Conv Temps > OMC Output Temperature SSPA > OTP Output Max/Min SSPA Temps > OMP Output SSPA O/P Power > OPO Output Identity Conv > OID Output SSPA Compensation > OPC Output Identity SSPA > OIP Output Fault Status > OFS Output Device Type > ODT Output Control Status > OCS Output Frequency Data > OFD Output System Status > OSS Output Comp/Detector Data > OCD Output Lock Status > OLS Output Conv Serial No > OCN Output SSPA Faults > OPF Output SSPA Serial No > OPN Output Status Poll > OSP

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