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Chakras In Depth Tantric Prospective. Chakras Chakras The Seven Rights 1.The right to be here 2.The right to feel 3.The right to act 4.The right to love.

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Presentation on theme: "Chakras In Depth Tantric Prospective. Chakras Chakras The Seven Rights 1.The right to be here 2.The right to feel 3.The right to act 4.The right to love."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chakras In Depth Tantric Prospective

2 Chakras

3 Chakras The Seven Rights 1.The right to be here 2.The right to feel 3.The right to act 4.The right to love and be loved 5.The right to speak and hear truth 6.The right to see 7.The right to know

4 Chakras The Demons/Tricksters of the Chakras 1.Fear 2.Guilt 3.Shame 4.Grief 5.Lies 6.Illusions 7.Attachment

5 Chakras 1 st Chakra: Muladhara

6 Chakras 1 st Chakra  “Muladhara” is located at the base of the spine.  Survival instincts  Ability to ground ourselves  Colors: red, black  Earth Element, Mineral kingdom, Bones, Flesh, Skin, Nadis and Hairs of the Body

7 Chakras 1 st Chakra  Attributes: Patience, Trust and Greed  Activity: Collecting and Saving  Sense: Smell  Symbol: Yellow Yantra Square, surrounded by Four Red Petals represents the Four Directions of Earth.  Bija Mantra-Lam

8 Chakras 2nd Chakra: Svadistana

9 Chakras  The second chakra, located just beneath the navel, and related to our sexual and reproductive capacity  Blockage manifests as emotional problems or sexual guilt  The desire for physical sensations and mental fantasies can be a problem

10 Chakras 2nd Chakra: Svadistana  Emotional identity, oriented to self- gratification  Governs sexuality, creativity, emotions  Colors: orange, brown  Water Element  Attributes: Purity and Attachments  Desire: Family and Friends  Sense: Taste

11 Chakras 2nd Chakra: Svadistana  Symbol: Blue Crescent Moon, surrounded by 6 Red Petals and Water encircling the Earth.  Mantra-Vam

12 Chakras 3rd Chakra: 3rd Chakra: Manipura

13 Chakras Manipura  Located behind the solar plexus  Gives us a sense of our personal power in the world  Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization  Strive for personal power and recognition. Ego

14 Chakras Manipura  Your freedom to be yourself  Color: yellow  Fire Element  Attributes: Anger  Desire: Achievement and Supremacy  Activity: Hard Labor  Sense: Sight

15 Chakras Manipura  Symbol: Fiery Red Triangle, surrounded by 10 Blue Petals (like the hottest part of the flame).  Bija Mantra-Ram

16 Chakras 4th Chakra: Anahata

17 Chakras Anahata  The heart chakra  Gives us the ability to express love  Blockage can manifest as immune system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion  The deer of Anahata Chakra runs swiftly, changing direction often, with an angular path

18 Chakras Anahata  Social identity  Oriented to self-acceptance  The integrator of opposites  Governs love and compassion  Mediates between higher and lower planes of being  Anahata means "unstruck". "Unstruck Sound"

19 Chakras Anahata  Colors: Green, pink  Air Element  Attributes: Restlessness  Desire: Action  Activity: Movement Within and Outside the Body  Sense: touch

20 Chakras Anahata  Symbol: Green-Gray Star (Smoky- Green as Smoke Pervades the Air), surrounded by 12 Red Petals  Bija Mantra-Yam

21 Chakras 5th Chakra: Vishuda

22 Chakras Vishuda  Located in the throat  Directly tied to creativity and communication  Blockage manifests as problems like laryngitis or sore throats, creative blocks or general problems communicating with others.

23 Chakras Vishuda  Encompasses the five planes of jnana (awareness)  Path that leads to man's true birth into the divine state  All the elements are transmuted into their refined essence, their purest manifestation  To Speak and hear truth

24 Chakras Vishuda  Creative identity  Oriented to self-expression  Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration  Color: Sky blue  Sound Element: Also know as Akasha

25 Chakras Vishuda  Attributes: Ego  Desire: Solitude  Activity: Thoughts and Ideas  Sense: Hearing  Symbol: White Circle (Lunar Circle - Pure Cosmic Sound) surrounded by 16 Purple-Gray Petals  Bija Mantra-Ham

26 Chakras 6th Chakra: Ajna

27 Chakras Ajna  The third eye  Seat of intuition and awareness  Blockage manifests as sinus or eye problems  Place of the "the void“ , the soma chakra refers to the "nectar", *amrita*

28 Chakras Ajna  Archetypal identity  Oriented to self-reflection  Act of seeing, both physically and intuitively  Color: Indigo  Beyond Element: Beyond. Spiritual vision, archangels  Attributes: Transcending Senses, Experiencing God-In-Self

29 Chakras Ajna  Desire: Becoming Non-Acquisitive, a neutral observer  Activity: Mercy, Honesty and Forgiveness  Sense: Telepathy  Symbol: White Circle, 2 Luminous Petals where the Elements are combined  Bija Mantra-Om

30 Chakras 7th Chakra: Sahasrara

31 Chakras Sahasrara  The crown chakra  Related to one's personal spiritual connection to the universe  Blockage manifests as psychological problems  Meaning  Effects of Meditation

32 Chakras Sahasrara  Identifies Self as the guru within  All value judgments or dualistic perceptions must be balanced, or negative intellect, the negation of the divine, may arise within the mind  Happiness  Laziness

33 Chakras Sahasrara  When the Kundalini is raised up to Sahasrara Chakra, the illusion of "individual self" is dissolved  Sahasrara is the seat of the self- luminescent soul - Chitta  Universal identity  Lives in an Extended State of Consciousness and Attains Enlightenment

34 Chakras Sahasrara  Colors: Violet, white  Element: Cosmic kingdom = THE SOURCE  Symbol: One Thousand Rainbow Colored Petals  Mantra: Each of the 50 Sanskrit Letters Repeat on the Petals or Silance

35 Chakras The principal 3 Nadis are: a) Shushuma in central canal of spinal cord and medulla oblongata. b) Ida to the left of Shushuma. c) Pingala to the right of Shushuma.

36 Chakras

37 Chakras

38 Chakras

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