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Sub Committees and Working Group Activities Historical Data Working Group Presented by Brett Abrams NARA.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub Committees and Working Group Activities Historical Data Working Group Presented by Brett Abrams NARA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub Committees and Working Group Activities Historical Data Working Group Presented by Brett Abrams NARA

2 Historical Data Working Group promotes the awareness of the historical dimension to geospatial data which have been financed in whole or part by Federal funds. facilitates maintaining historically valuable geospatial data and making it available to future generations.

3 Historical Data Working Group Accomplishments FY 05 Expand group membership among and beyond the Feds. New and additional members from the EPA, DOE (Sandia Labs), FSA (Aerial Photography Field Office) Private Sector Members include: universities, non- profit organizations, and consultants

4 Historical Data Working Group Team Members USGS, Eros Data Center FSA, Aerial Photography Office NARA, DOJ, EPA, DOE San Diego Supercomputing Center CIESIN (Columbia University), NC State University Library Boze Allen Hamilton

5 Historical Data Working Group Current Activities Increase Intragroup Communication + Developed Wiki Site: has Discussion Section and Library with papers and presentations related to preserving geospatial data + Steve Morris, NC State Digital Librarian presentation on challenges of preserving geospatial data at NARA in December.

6 Historical Data Working Group Current Activities Steve Morris’s Activities: Work with North Carolina geospatial producers (state, county and local governments) to ingest data and metadata for all counties in the state Engage existing state/federal geospatial data infrastructures in preservation

7 Historical Data Working Group Current Activities Program at ESRI Federal Users Conference Explain Geographical Markup Language v.3 and Simple Features Profiles Complexity, variability in some of its elements and schemas not being part of “bundle” make it questionable for archival purposes

8 FY 07 Increase awareness of issues and provide business cases to promote building of community with interest in archiving geospatial data Proposed session at ESRI International Conference

9 Assistance What are the historically significant GIS data in your agency? Who are the individuals responsible for saving the data? Send emails to

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