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Military use of Drones! by, Scott Amack.

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1 Military use of Drones! by, Scott Amack

2 Agenda History Current State of Drones Future State of Drones

3 History British Kites (1806) Austrian Balloons (1849) Civil War (1863)
Lord Thomas Cochran of the HMS Pallas Dropped propaganda leaflets on the French coast Austrian Balloons (1849) Battle with Venice using tethered balloons Contributed to the collapse of the Venetian Revolt Civil War (1863) Patents issued for unmanned aerial bombardment balloon Confederate army want to annihilate General Grants army Consensus was that these forward thinkers were crazy

4 History Nikola Tesla (1898) Aerial Torpedo (1938)
Remote Control Patent Remote boat bomb Aerial Torpedo (1938) U.S. Navy Developed Curtiss "N2C-2“ Remote Controlled Drone Successful test attack on destroyer 20 miles away Japanese Balloons (1944) Fire Balloons carried explosives Attack on U.S. soil 6 confirmed deaths

5 History Radiation Testing (1946) MQM-57 Falconer (1955)
Remote Control B-17 Flying Fortress Launched from ground control Piloted remotely from another aircraft MQM-57 Falconer (1955) Remote controlled reconnaissance drone Carried camera payload and flares for night time 30 minute flight time Model Ryan 147A/B (Firebee) (1962) Recon flights over China and Vietnam Used for SAM detection Chinese shot down 5 drones U.S. adopted “no comment” policy on drone usage

6 History Israel vs. Syria (1982) DARPA Amber Project (1984)
Electronic Decoys Electronic Jammers Resulted in minimal loss of life DARPA Amber Project (1984) First inverted v-tail drone Used for Reconnaissance and ELINT (electronics intelligence) Remote Cruise Missile Predator (1994) Developed using information learned from Amber Project First mission Spring 1995 Albania Initially created for reconnaissance

7 History Reaper (Predator B) (2001)
Designed for long endurance high altitude surveillance Carries 15 times the payload of the predator 1st hunter-killer drone for tactical combat moved from using UAVs primarily in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance roles before Operation Iraqi Freedom, to a true hunter-killer role with the Reaper

8 Current State Reaper Added capability for increased payload
Increased fuel capacity for 37 hour endurance Built in suppression of air defenses Electronic Jamming Integration of Gorgon Stare “Video Like” surveillance New York Air National Guard unit fully transitioned from F-16 pilots to Reaper pilots The Reaper has a range of 3,682 mi (5,926 km) and an operational altitude of 50,000 ft (15,000 m)

9 Current State Global Hawk Predator
Used as replacement for U2 spy plane Wide area search imagery High resolution spot mode Predator Used to kill prominent Al-Qaeda Operatives 195 in operation (2009) 70 lost to air crashes 55 lost to operator error, equipment failure, or weather 4 have been shot down 11 lost to operational accidents on combat missions


11 Future State of Drones Micro Air Vehicles Long Term Usage
Blend into Environment Silent Monitoring Work in Swarms

12 References

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