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European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials Conference on Initiatives related to the EIP on Raw Materials, 19 April 2013 Work Package 3 Improving.

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Presentation on theme: "European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials Conference on Initiatives related to the EIP on Raw Materials, 19 April 2013 Work Package 3 Improving."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials Conference on Initiatives related to the EIP on Raw Materials, 19 April 2013 Work Package 3 Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework, knowledge base and infrastructure Maria Spiliopoulou-Kaparia, Slavko Solar, Claudia Wulz European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry Unit-F3 «Raw Materials, Metals, Minerals and Forest-based Industries»

2 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 Strategic Implementation Plan 3.1Technology Pillar 3.1.1Priority Area: Raw materials research coordination (WP1&2) 3.1.2Priority Area: Technologies for primary and secondary raw materials production (WP1) 3.1.3Priority Area: Substitution of raw materials (WP2) 3.2Non-Technology Policy Pillar 3.2.1Priority Area: Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework, knowledge base and infrastructure (WP 3) 3.2.2Priority Area: Improving Europe's waste management regulatory framework conditions and excellence (WP4) 3.2.3Priority Area: Knowledge and skills on raw materials (WP 3 & 4) 3.3International Cooperation Pillar (WP5) 3.3.1Priority area – Strategic international dialogues 3.3.2Priority area – Technology-related international cooperation 3.3.3Priority area – International dialogues on trade-related matters

3 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 The related 2020 target: Regulatory framework for primary raw materials that would provide stable and competitive supply from EU sources and will facilitate the public acceptance Objectives To facilitate the identification and the exchange of best practices among Member States; To support industry-focused initiatives. Priority Area: Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework

4 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 III. 1. Minerals Policy The objective is to facilitate the exchange of best practices in the area of mineral policies and related regulation among Member States. It aims at providing stable and competitive supply from EU sources facilitating public acceptance. III.2. Land Use Planning The objective is to ensure that NEEI are considered on equal terms as the other sectors, with regard to land use planning or marine spatial plans. Land use planning policies at different levels (local, regional, national) should be better co-ordinated and linked with the general rules and guidelines for minerals land use planning issued at national level. Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework Priority Area:

5 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 III.3. Permitting The objective is to streamline the permitting procedure with regard to the time frame, the regulatory co-authority regime, the financial and administrative conditions, and ensure stable operating environment. III.4. Environmental Impact Assessment and Natura 2000 Appropriate Assessment Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an important factor in the legislative framework for raw materials. The EIA Directive provides a framework so that effects on the environment are taken into account at the earliest possible stage in all the technical planning and decision-making processes. Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework Priority Area:

6 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 III.5. Public Acceptance Public acceptance is crucial for fostering the supply of raw materials form EU sources, and would have a positive impact on the regulatory framework and smooth licensing procedures. Priority Area: Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework III.6. Public Reporting In order to increase transparency on raw materials availability in the EU, information on exploration, mineral production, trade, reserves and resources should be standardized and reported by EU and Members States.

7 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 III.7. EU Mineral Potential Objective of this action is to improve the conditions for sustainable supply of raw materials in the EU and safeguard the mineral wealth for future generations. III.8. Good practices for better wood supply Objective: to identify best practices to contribute to securing a sustainable wood raw material supply at affordable prices for EU wood-processing industries by 2020. Priority Area: Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework

8 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 Priority Area: The related 2020 target: Raw materials knowledge base with raw materials flows and trends, using standardised instruments for the survey of resources/reserves and industrially relevant raw materials map covering primary and secondary raw materials Network of Research, Education and Training Centres on sustainable raw materials management organized as Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) Objective The aim is to enhance the EU knowledge base in order to improve the sustainable and safe raw materials supply to EU economy and society. This includes: (a) building an innovative knowledge base of EU resources, and (b) improving the quantity and quality of skilled experts in the EU. Knowledge and skills on raw materials (WP 3 & 4)

9 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 III/IV.1. EU Knowledge Base An EU knowledge base (EUKB) on raw materials should serve both industry and policy making and create an added value on EU as well as on the data source level. It should be organised as a service (permanent body) containing the raw materials information infrastructure and intelligence. Close international co-operation could eventually lead to a wold knowledge base on raw materials. III/IV.2. Knowledge and Innovation Community In order to boost excellence on the raw materials sector, a network of research, education and training centres on sustainable raw materials should be created as Knowledge and Innovation Community (based on education, entrepreneurship and technology innovation). Priority Area: Knowledge and skills on raw materials (WP 3 & 4)

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