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Totalitarian sects: the threat of religious extremism USU, Ksenia Dinislamova.

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2 Totalitarian sects: the threat of religious extremism USU, Ksenia Dinislamova

3 Contents 1.Criteria of totalitarian sects 2.Analysis of religious situation in Russia 3.Role of the state and religious freedom 4.Ways to remedy the situation

4 Why state should combat totalitarian sects?

5 Totalitarian sects are defined as especially authoritarian organizations whose leaders, striving for control over their followers and for their exploitation, conceal their intentions under religious, politico-religious, psychotherapeutic, health, educational, scientific-informational, cultural, and other guises. The international applied science conference “Totalitarian sects: the threat of religious extremism” (Yekaterinburg, 10 December 2002)

6 Criteria of totalitarian sects leaderauthoritarian,charismatic, absolutely correct ideologythe only way “for salvation of the soul” organizationisolation from the society, thought control, manipulation and psychological pressure, exploitation of the finances, labor of converts liesdeceit, silence to attract new members negative consequences psychosocial problems, conflicts with relatives, interruption of the school, harm to psyche and health, a number of fatal incidents

7 Totalitarian sects systematically violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  article 3  article 4  article 5  article 12  points 2 and 3 of article 16  article 17  article 18  article 19  point 2 of article 20  article 21  article 29  article 23  articles 24 and 25  Article 26  article 27

8 Creeds of the Russians


10 Sects and students 7% - met sectarians more than 3 times 38 - the Moonies 24 - Jehovah's Witnesses 4 - Church of Christ 2 - Society of Krishna Consciousness, scientologists, Seventh Day Adventists, The White brotherhood 1 - Aum Sinrikyo Meetings over one month 62% - did not meet sectarians

11 Religious situation in Russia

12 Religious freedom EuropeThe USARussia history the only state religion religious liberty for groups religious liberty for groups in a particular region todayReligious freedom as an individual right Religious freedom as a group right ??

13 Where is the balance between religious freedom and state’s obligations?

14 Religious freedom is not the permission to religious organizations to do what they want.

15 What may the state do ?  To encourage the creation of informational centers and centers for protection of sects’ victims;  the basic educational curriculum should include history and information about traditional religions and objective factual information concerning totalitarian sects;  To employ the norms of legislation against the activity of destructive groups;  Ministry of justice should carry out a scientific investigation before registration of a group;  existing legislation concerning the protection of children should be more rigorously applied;  To protect minors from any discrimination and intolerance.

16 totalitarian sects violate cornerstones of a democratic society and human rights;totalitarian sects violate cornerstones of a democratic society and human rights; a sound ideological system has not took shape yet which facilitates spreading of destructive cults in Russia;a sound ideological system has not took shape yet which facilitates spreading of destructive cults in Russia; the main task of state is to protect its citizens, from economic, ideological and sexual exploitation, from suppression of their rights if a sect or a sect-like organization tries to violate it;the main task of state is to protect its citizens, from economic, ideological and sexual exploitation, from suppression of their rights if a sect or a sect-like organization tries to violate it; Conclusion: the state should combat totalitarian sects as:


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