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MANAGEMENT OF RESEARCH BY POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Prof. Eunice Mutitu Director, BPS Presented at the Research Development and Advisory Board (RDAB) Retreat:

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Presentation on theme: "MANAGEMENT OF RESEARCH BY POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Prof. Eunice Mutitu Director, BPS Presented at the Research Development and Advisory Board (RDAB) Retreat:"— Presentation transcript:

1 MANAGEMENT OF RESEARCH BY POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Prof. Eunice Mutitu Director, BPS Presented at the Research Development and Advisory Board (RDAB) Retreat: 16 th – 18 th August 2013 – Maanzoni Lodge University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 1 Certified

2 What is research? A systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data in order to express our understanding of a phenomenon under investigation Definition University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 2 Certified

3  Done by thesis  Done by Research Project  Dissertation Types of Research at University of Nairobi University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 3 Certified

4  Humanities and Social Sciences  Biological and Physical Sciences  Engineering Sciences  Health Sciences Research Disciplines at University of Nairobi University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 4 Certified

5  Takes an equivalent of 8 course units - one unit is normally 45 hrs  Mostly by CAVS, CBPS, CAE Thesis University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 5 Certified

6  Takes an equivalent of 4 course units  Mostly by CHSS and CEES Research project University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 6 Certified

7  Usually synonymous with thesis  Mainly used by CHS research  Duration varies depending with the area of specialization  Some like in School of Public Health and UNITID are similar to Research Projects Dissertation University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 7 Certified

8  Starts with Proposal writing  Proposals must be presented and critiqued at Department level Management of Research University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 8 Certified

9 Normally, it has the following;  Introduction  Problem statement  Research objectives; general and specific  Hypothesis  Justification for the research  Literature review Proposal writing University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 9 Certified

10  Methodology – includes research design, data collection and data analysis  References  Work plan  Budget  Appendices Cont’d University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 10 Certified

11  Students allocated supervisors  Actual research carried out  Use of ‘Research Notebooks’ required during research phase University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 11 Certified Proposal Implementation

12  Students allocated supervisors – normally between 1 and 3  Students are expected to consult with their supervisors once a month  Students are expected to write a report to the Dean and copy to BPS once a semester (quarterly)  Students are expected to participate in Departmental Seminars University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 12 Certified Supervision

13  When a student fails to consult  Where a student fails to write quarterly reports  Given a written warning by the Dean, Copy to the Director, BPS  Given 3 months to show improvement Unsatisfactory Performance University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 13 Certified

14  For thesis, notice for submission is given 3 months before accompanied by an abstract;  A Board of Examiners’ is constituted to BPS by the Dean/Director for approval;  Once submitted, BPS dispatches the copies to External Examiners’ and two Internal Examiners’ and they are given two months to submit their reports. Submission & Examination of thesis & project reports University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 14 Certified

15  Once all reports are in, BPS informs respective Deans/Directors and requests that the oral examination be scheduled in two weeks.  BPS prepares the examination reports and sends them to the members of the Examination Board within two weeks. BPS informs also the candidate about the date given for examination.  Once the student defends, a consolidated report is sent to BPS for approval. Cont... University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 15 Certified

16  BPS writes to the member appointed to oversee corrections, who then writes a Certificate of Correction.  After the student is cleared, BPS sends the student’s file with all the information to the Vice-Chancellor for approval in order for the student to graduate.  Once approved, BPS prepares and sends the Letter of Award to the candidate with copies to all the relevant units. Cont. University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 16 Certified

17  Where a student makes no tangible improvement after the warnings  Recommendation for deregistration given after 2 negative reports  Recommendation to deregister made to Senate through Director, BPS Deregistration University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 17 Certified

18  Students not finishing at stipulated time  Students not writing the quarterly progress reports  Students not consulting with their supervisors monthly  Not enough information in students files due to above challenges Challenges University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 18 Certified

19  A random analysis of 322 student responses on why they had not completed analyzed (see table)  The majority – 86% was due to personal reasons  University specific reasons were only 3%  University and other reasons were 11% Analysis of causes of non- completion of students University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 19 Certified

20 Analysis table for 322 students for non - completion ReasonsNumberPercentage (%) Personal problems27686 University specific103 University and Other reasons3611 Total322100 University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 20 Certified

21  Heavy workload  Job transfer from Nairobi  Financial  Family issues including sickness, bereavement and domestic Personal reasons University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 21 Certified

22  Missing marks  Late results  Holding of results  Delay in allocation of supervisor  Change of supervisor University problems University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 22 Certified

23  Unavailability of supervisors  Supervisors outside UON  Confusion whether student is in regular or other modules  Interfaculty transfers  Enrolment challenges Cont’d University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 23 Certified

24  BPS developed an expanded template for information capture and tracking students  Deans/Directors requested to follow their students on progress reports and monthly consultations  Students requested to show cause why they should not be deregistered after expiry of their study period  Development of the BPS Strategic Plan 2013-2018 Address of Challenges University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 24 Certified

25  Participation in the development of the Strategic Plan was all inclusive – UMB and Deans and Directors  It captures all areas that need addressing  The matrix expands on the details and those responsible  Clear that a new structure is needed for BPS to capture the various operations  Focus is now on how best this can be done – Please give us your ideas BPS Strategic Plan University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 25 Certified

26 Thank you for listening University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 26 Certified

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