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 By Josephine Farram.  All Jewish children and families had to wear the “Star Of David”. As it clearly identified them as Jewish.

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Presentation on theme: " By Josephine Farram.  All Jewish children and families had to wear the “Star Of David”. As it clearly identified them as Jewish."— Presentation transcript:

1  By Josephine Farram


3 All Jewish children and families had to wear the “Star Of David”. As it clearly identified them as Jewish.

4 These cards had some form of Jewish Symbol on them- either a “Star of David” or the letter “J”. It differed depending on where they where in Europe (eg. Poland, Germany). All required personal details and a picture but needed fingerprints.

5 At school the most important lesson was racial studies which consisted of learning about how bad the Jewish population was. The few Non- German and Jewish children had to be used as “teaching Aids” or where forced to wait outside while they learnt, about the “Jewish Problem”, how to identify a Jew and other Nazi Propaganda. Learning to identify a Jewish Person- Above are two Jewish boys being teaching aids.

6 Nazi’s began to push propaganda into the social lives of children, mixing them into books like “The poisonous mushroom (Der Giftpilz). This book is about a German mother and her son that go and pick mushrooms in the forest the mother tell him about the poisonous and harmless mushrooms. She compares the harmful ones to the Jewish people and her son then happily professes that he has learnt all about them at school.

7 Many toys where made by children from scrap fabric and clothing Usually the only link, to the lives and family they had would be a toy.

8 In the prompt efforts of Britain many Jewish children where smuggled out of Nazi rules Europe by train. All children required a number upon boarding.


10 Children collecting the little food given to them from the public Kitchen Children passing time while playing a traditional Jewish game. Confined- controlled communities where the Jewish population was forced to live

11 Photo’s and records of all prisoners In line for boiling showers after hair being shaved (sterilisation process)

12 All personal possessions like clothing, shoes and hairbrushes where taken and they where given striped uniforms

13 Children deemed capable of work did jobs like, shoe making, extending the brackets or creating weapons for Nazi soldiers.

14 Innocent Children Imprisoned in concentration Camps.

15 These camps where primarily setup to kill.



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