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Section 2-1. Objectives  N.2.1.1. Explain how electric charges interact.  N.2.1.2. Explain what an electric field is.  N.2.1.3. Describe how static.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2-1. Objectives  N.2.1.1. Explain how electric charges interact.  N.2.1.2. Explain what an electric field is.  N.2.1.3. Describe how static."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2-1

2 Objectives  N.2.1.1. Explain how electric charges interact.  N.2.1.2. Explain what an electric field is.  N.2.1.3. Describe how static electricity builds up and transfers.

3 Electric Charge  Charges that are the same repel each other and charges that are different attract each other. N.2.1.1.  Sound familiar?  Magnetic poles follow the same rules.

4 Electric Force  Electric Force is the attraction of repulsion between electrically charges particles.  An electric field is the region around a charges particle where electric force is exerted on other charged particles. Objective N.2.1.2. Sound familiar?  Just like magnetic fields!!!

5 Electric Fields Around Single Charges  The electric field from a positive charge point outward while the electric field from a negative charge points inward.

6 Electric Fields Around Multiple Charges  When two charges are brought close to each other, their electric fields are combined.

7 Combined Electric Fields OppositeLikes

8 Combined Electric Fields: Cool Picture

9 Static Electricity  Static means not moving so, in static electricity charges build up on an object but they do not flow. Objective N.2.1.3.

10 Transferring Charge  There are three methods for transferring charge from on object to another:  Friction  Conduction  Induction

11 Friction  Friction is the transfer of electrons by rubbing objects together.

12 Conduction  Conduction is the transfer of electrons by two objects touching. Sound familiar?  Heat can also be transferred by conduction.

13 Induction  When a charged object is brought close to another object, the charges separate by induction. The objects don’t need to touch.

14 Static Discharge  When a negatively charged object and a positively charged object are brought close together, electrons may transfer until both objects have the same charge again. Objective N.2.1.3.

15 Lightning

16  Lightning is the most dramatic natural form of static discharge. Trillions upon trillions of electrons suddenly “jump” from the cloud base to the ground.

17 Lightning




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