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Dr. Jamie Harvey Tennessee Zeta University of Tennessee Chattanooga July 14, 2014 Southeast Regional Conference at Charleston, W. Va.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Jamie Harvey Tennessee Zeta University of Tennessee Chattanooga July 14, 2014 Southeast Regional Conference at Charleston, W. Va."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Jamie Harvey Tennessee Zeta University of Tennessee Chattanooga July 14, 2014 Southeast Regional Conference at Charleston, W. Va.

2  What do you know about the Blue Zone?  The origination is quite unique. Author Dan Buettner set out to study pockets of the world where people age well. Blue Zone became the title because researchers circled the map with a blue ink pen! Yes, you will receive a blue ink pen (for notes) before you leave this session! Compliments of my school: University of Tennessee Chattanooga!  Buettner, D., 2008,The Blue Zones, National Geographic Society.

3  Five places met criteria:  Sardinia, Italy: mountainous highland of inner Italy with world’s highest concentration of male centenarians (+100)  Okinawa, Japan: Females over 70 are longest-living in the world.  Loma Linda, CA: they live 10 years longer than North American counterparts.  Nicoya Penisula: World’s lowest rate of middle age mortality, 2 nd highest concentration of male centenarians.  Ikaria, Greece: not in book; Aegean Island with one of the world’s lowest rates of middle-age mortality and low dementia.

4  Sardinia, Italy

5  Sardinia Blue Zone lessons: ◦ Eat a lean, plant-based diet. Meat reserved for Sunday or special occasion. ◦ Put family first. Strong and healthy family lowers rates of depression, suicide and stress. ◦ Drink goat’s milk. Protects against Alzheimer’s.

6 ◦ Sardinia Blue Zone lessons: ◦ Celebrate elders. Remember grand-parents! ◦ Take a walk ◦ Drink 1-2 glasses of red wine daily ◦ Laugh with friends: (plenty this week!!)(p. 58-59)

7  Okinawa, Japan

8  Okinawa:  Embrace an ikigai: a What??? (p. 81)  Rely on a plant-based diet  Garden  Eat more soy  Maintain a moai (p. 83-85)

9  Okinawa:  Enjoy the sun!  Stay active  Plant a medicinal garden  Have an attitude! (p. 112-115)

10  Loma Linda, CA: yes! An American city!!

11  Loma Linda, CA : 10 secrets!  Find a sanctuary time; focus on God, family, nature  Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI)  Get regular, moderate exercise; a daily walk  Spend time with like-minded friends: Here we are!!!  Snack on nuts

12  Loma Linda:  Give something back; volunteer  Eat meat in moderation  Eat an early, light dinner  Put more plants in your diet: think color!!  Drink plenty of water; 5-6 glasses daily  (p. 158-161)

13  Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: 8 longevity secrets!

14  Have a plan de vida: A strong sense of Purpose  Drink hard water: high calcium content  Keep focus on family  Eat a light dinner; fewer calories

15  Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: 8 longevity secrets!  Maintain social networks; visit, listen, laugh!!  Keep hard a work; find the joy!  Get some sensible sun: Vitamin D  Embrace a common history; traditions  (p. 217-218)

16  Ikaria, Greece


18  Power of nines is a culmination of nine common denominators amongst the places…  Let these work in YOUR life!!  Dedicate yourself to a new practice, a habit could be formed…… (p. 221)

19  1. Get moving! Inconvenience yourself occasionally; rid as many remotes as possible! Have fun; keep moving; walk, make activity a date Garden; try yoga p. 225-227

20  2. 80% rule: serve the food then store (put it away!) Make food look bigger: add tomato, lettuce, onion Use small plates/glasses Make snacking a challenge; hide the candy! Buy smaller packages; watch number of servings

21  80% rule: Eat more slowly Focus on food; be mindful Have a seat; eat purposefully Eat early p. 231-234

22  3. More plants in your diet 4-6 vegetables A DAY! Limit intake of meat Showcase fruits and vegetables: COLOR! Don’t forget the beans and nuts; Stock-up at home, office… p. 238-239

23  4. A glass of wine daily (Sardinians) Buy a case of dark red wine Treat yourself to “Happy Hour”; friends Take it easy; one-two servings daily; do not over- do! p. 240

24  5.Realize your purpose Create your mission statement; why do you get up each morning??? What is (are) your passion (s)?? Find a partner; communicate, help you assess your plans and successes Learn something new……language, instrument, sport p. 243

25  6.Find a quiet place/space Reduce noise; turn off devices Be early; slow down and focus Meditate; regular schedule; meditate individually or collectively with others in fellowship p.247-248

26  7. Spiritual dimension Be more involved; belong Explore a new tradition; if you are not in a congregation; join with others Just go…..sing hymns, pray, volunteer p. 251-252

27  8. Create your family’s Blue Zone Get closer; one room where family can gather daily Establish rituals; one family meal/day; celebrate events!! Create a family shrine; pictures of deceased loved ones; display remembrances Put family first; play with your children, nurture your marriage, honor your parents p. 254-255

28  9.Build an inner circle Identify your inner circle; the BZ people in your life!! Be likable; less stress and live purposefully Create time together; build strong friendships; invest in the occasions with others… p. 257-258

29  Here is your test. This is the beginning of YOUR Blue Zone (BZ)  After hearing and seeing information of locations (No, you are not going to pull-up stakes and move to the new country!), which Strategy could You first consider changing.  Choose the one of the 9 strategies then one of the tips within.  Rank your first 2. Dedicate yourself to incorporate this in your fun life!! Good luck!

30  Questions???  Any feedback: Jamie Harvey  Enjoy your better life! You are worth the effort!!

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