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Presentation on theme: "CONEBI 45 KM/H SPEED-EPACS PRESENTATION UNECE Geneva February 4th 2015"— Presentation transcript:

Mr. Gianotti Mr. Nissler

2 L1eB 45 km/h A Safe and Sustainable solution for City Commuting

3 L1eB 45 km/h

4 L1eB 45 km/h Together Scooters, Mopeds and speed-EPAC’s are the solution to cut CO2 emissions and city congestion in Europe.

5 L3 e / L4 e /L5 e Motorcycle 45 km/h 25 km/h L1e B EPAC L1e A L2e
> 4000 W 45 km/h 25 km/h L1e B Moped 2 Wheel <4000W EPAC 2&3 Wheel <250W L1e A P. Cycle 2&3 Wheel <1000W L2e 3 Wheel <4000W No type-approval Type-approval

6 L3 e / L4 e /L5 e Motorcycle 45 km/h L1e B EPAC L1e A L2e 25 km/h
> 4000 W 45 km/h L1e B Moped 2 Wheel <4000W EPAC 2&3 Wheel <250W L1e A P. Cycle 2&3 Wheel <1000W L2e 3 Wheel <4000W 25 km/h No type-approval Type-approval

7 The key to success is the acceptation and adoption of a helmets which is: good looking, fashionable, affordable, safe, light, with airflow at low speed (45 km/h).

8 The key to success is the acceptation and adoption of a helmets which is:

9 what is possible?

10 what is possible? L3 e / L4 e /L5 e Motorcycle 45 km/h L2e L1e B
Moped 2 Wheel <4000W EPAC 2&3 Wheel <250W L1e A P. Cycle 2&3 Wheel <1000W L2e 3 Wheel <4000W what is possible? No type-approval Type-approval

11 ECE 22a motor what is possible? ECE 22b 45 km/h?
L3 e / L4 e /L5 e Motorcycle > 4000 W 45 km/h 25 km/h L1e B Moped 2 Wheel <4000W EPAC 2&3 Wheel <250W L1e A P. Cycle 2&3 Wheel <1000W L2e 3 Wheel <4000W what is possible? ECE 22b 45 km/h? No type-approval Type-approval

12 ECE 22a motor what is possible? EN …. EN 1078
L3 e / L4 e /L5 e Motorcycle > 4000 W 45 km/h 25 km/h L1e B Moped 2 Wheel <4000W EPAC 2&3 Wheel <250W L1e A P. Cycle 2&3 Wheel <1000W L2e 3 Wheel <4000W what is possible? EN …. EN 1078 No type-approval Type-approval

13 ECE 22a motor what is possible? EN 1078
L3 e / L4 e /L5 e Motorcycle > 4000 W 45 km/h 25 km/h L1e B Moped 2 Wheel <4000W EPAC 2&3 Wheel <250W L1e A P. Cycle 2&3 Wheel <1000W L2e 3 Wheel <4000W what is possible? EN 1078 No type-approval Type-approval good looking, fashionable, affordable, safe, light, with airflow at low speed (45 km/h).

14 Thank you for your attention.

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