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Low Infrastructure Navigation for Indoor Environments October 31, 2012 Arne Suppé CMU NavLab Group.

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1 Low Infrastructure Navigation for Indoor Environments October 31, 2012 Arne Suppé CMU NavLab Group

2 Overview We have demonstrated camera based navigation of a vehicle in a parking garage We propose to: Work with AUDI/VW to realistically demonstrate algorithm and collect development data Prove robustness in wide variety of real-world environments using actual automotive sensors Explore solutions to reduce computational/data footprint to levels realistic for a vehicle in 5 to 10 years

3 Why Use Cameras for Navigation? Cameras and computation are cheap and projected to get cheaper 3D LIDARs are large, expensive, and not likely to get cheap or rugged enough for automotive environment High infrastructure costs to equip indoor environments with fiducials or beacons

4 Cameras are Not Enough Motion sensors: Have higher update rates and better incremental precision Handle cases where camera-based solutions fails Constrain solutions to make camera-based navigation more tractable Cameras contain drift in pose estimate AUDI/VW’s expertise can help us to collect synchronized camera and real automotive motion sensor data to develop and benchmark our algorithms

5 The Benefit of Combining Camera and Motion Sensors Position Drift Expensive Gyro Automotive Gyro Camera Navigation Camera + Automotive Gyro ≈ Expensive IMU

6 Building on Our Existing Work Tailor system to take advantage of overhead environments. Known entrance and egress points to structures Do not need to solve lost robot problem – only require incremental solution We already do this when in EKF locked in Smaller search space than outdoor problem – can employ stronger inference techniques

7 Ceiling very invariant in overhead environments Classic result in indoor robot navigation. [Thrun 2000] One camera instead of two Reduce physical costs Reduce computational costs Less data to process Potential to vastly simplify solution for camera motion Alternative Camera Locations Current Camera Locations Alternative Camera Location Forward

8 Alternative Algorithms Explore alternative algorithms to measure camera motion to: Reduce computational cost for position refinement Reduce V2V and V2I communications requirements to transmit map representations Improve robustness

9 The Virtual Valet Presented by Arne Suppé With work by: Hernan Badino. Hideyuki Kume Luis Navarro-Serment & Aaron Steinfeld October 23, 2012

10 Existing Vision Based Path Tracking Offline Build location tagged image database recording reference trajectory Locations need only be locally consistent Online Replay trajectory 1.Solve global localization problem 2.Refine position estimate 3.Fuse with vehicle sensors

11 Building the Database Use structure from motion to reconstruct a smooth trajectory of the camera through the environment. [Wu, 2011] Feature points Camera poses

12 Global Localization Find relevant images in the database given new image Returns location of most similar database image Whole image SURF descriptor – weak similarity metric Topometric mapping [Badino 2012] We know which images should be near each other We know how fast the vehicle is moving Database Current Distance Filter State (Database Images in Traversal Sequence) Log Probability of Vehicle Location as it Travels 123456789

13 Position Refinement Recover 6-DOF displacement between database and query image. Database location + displacement = current global location Online process – uses GPU accelerated SIFT feature matching and RANSAC homography Database Query Database Query

14 Sensor Data Fusion Image matching solution may be noisy, wrong, not exist EKF fuses camera data with cheap, automotive sensors Reduces noise while vision contains drift Estimation used for vehicle control Direction of Travel Matched Database Image Location Vehicle Position Covariance Vehicle Position Estimate InitializationLock-On Loss of LockLock Reacquired Global Localization Position Refinement EKF Fusion Position Tagged Database Navigation Cameras Position Refinement EKF Fusion Global Position Information Initialization After Lock-On

15 Sensor Data Fusion

16 Vehicle Platform NavLab 11 - 2000 Jeep Wrangler Throttle, brake, and steering actuators Crossbow IMU, KVH Fiberoptic yaw gyro, Odometry Computing 5 Intel Core i7 M 620, 2 cores @ 2.67 GHz, 8 GB RAM Command & control, vehicle state, obstacle detection, etc. 1 Intel Core i7-2600K, 4 cores @ 3.4 GHz, 16 GB RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX580 Fermi Structure from motion localization Navigation Camera Panorama Camera Collision Warning LIDAR

17 References Probablistic Algorithms and the Interactive Museum Tour- Guide Robot MINERVA, S. Thrun, M. Beetz, M. Bennewitz, W. Burgard, A.B. Cremers, F. Dellaert, D. Fox, D. Haehnel, C. Rosenberg, N. Roy, J. Schulte, D. Schulz. International Journal of Robotics Resesarch, 2000. VisualSFM : A Visual Structure from Motion System, Changchang Wu, Real-Time Topometric Localization. Hernan Badino, Daniel Huber, Takeo Kanade. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2012 Semi-Autonomous Virtual Valet Parking. Arne Suppe, Luis Navarro-Serment, Aaron Steinfeld. AutomotiveUI 2010

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