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 Access & Dissemination of Data from the SHS Lisa Taylor SHS Research Officer.

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Presentation on theme: " Access & Dissemination of Data from the SHS Lisa Taylor SHS Research Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1  Access & Dissemination of Data from the SHS Lisa Taylor SHS Research Officer

2  Overview  Data Access  Dissemination  How to get results  Use of Data

3  SHS Data Users Range of users & abilities  INTERNAL  Analytical and policy users  EXTERNAL  Academic, Local Authority, students  Basic requests  Semi technical/semi exploratory  Technical users/ secondary analysis/statistical modelling

4  Data Access  Publications  Website Tables  Topic Reports  SHS Lite  Datasets

5  How do I get results?

6 1999/2000 2001 2001/2002 2003 2003/2004 SHS Annual Reports 1999

7  Annual Reports  Scotland’s People: results from the 2003/2004 Scottish Household Survey- August 2005  Who we are- age, sex, marital status, household type, size and composition  Where we live- housing tenure, neighbourhoods and local transport,  What we do- economic activity, flexi-time, working households, education and training  How we live- household and financial resources, health and caring  Our Communities- volunteering, convenience of services, recycling

8  Technical Reports  Questionnaire  summarised version of CAPI script  Methodology  Sampling procedures, stratification, selection  Fieldwork Outcomes  Sample & fieldwork performance, design factors, weighting and data quality

9  Quarterly Publications  Statistical Publication Notice  Qtr 1 August, Qtr 2 Nov, Qtr 3 Feb  Quarter 3 2005- 28 th February 2006  Key Trends  Adults who make personal use of the internet  Adults who have given up their time to help as an organiser/volunteer  Households where respondent or partner has a bank or building society account  Households with individuals who need regular help or care  Households with a car available for private use  People who hold a full driving licence  Employed adults (16+) who work at or from home  Employed adults (16+) who do not work at or from home: usual method of travel to work  Household tenure  Rating of neighbourhood as a place to live

10  Adults (16+) who make use of the internet for their personal use

11  Analytical Topic Reports  Thematic  Policy Focused  SHS Funded  Externally Commissioned  Use SHS data and other data

12  2004/2005 Topic Reports Published October 2005: -Mode Choice -Accessibility & Transport

13  Forthcoming Topic Reports  2005/2006  Caring  Childcare  Long-Distance Commuters

14  Other Publications Using SHS Data  Transport Publications  Household Transport: some SHS results (Dec 2005)  Transport Across Scotland: some SHS results (biennial Jan 2006)  SHS Travel Diary results (March 2005)  Bus and Coach Statistics (Feb 2006)  Social Focus Reports  Scottish Social Statistics (2001)  Men & Women in Scotland (2002)  Urban/Rural Scotland (2003)  Disability (2004)  Deprived Areas (2005)

15  SHS Webtables  ‘One stop shop’/data portal  National and Local Authority results  1999/2000, 2001/2002, 2003/2004  New for 2003/2004 webtables:  Deprivation index  Neighbourhood perception  Financial inclusion

16 

17 Why do further analysis on the SHS?  To provide a context to primary research at local level  To inform the local evidence base  In-depth analysis of particular behaviours or household characteristics  To test or challenge particular views  Is the national picture typical for my Local Authority?

18  SHS Lite  Simplified dataset  Summarised complex variables  User Guide  Data: 1999/2000, 2001/2002, 2003/2004  CD & Guide:  On request from SHS Team

19  SHS DATASETS  Main Dataset & Travel Diary  Internally via SHS Data Administrator  Externally via UKDA  SPSS, STATA, tab delimited  Exploratory analysis via Nesstar  Free for non-commercial use

20  YearAvailabilityESDS/UKDA REF NO. 1999/2000 Full dataset & lite versions UKDA websiteSN 4351 (FULL) SN 5030 (LITE) 2001/2002 Full dataset & lite versions UKDA websiteSN 4642 (FULL) SN5031 (LITE) 2003/2004 Full dataset and lite versions UKDA websiteSN 5020 (FULL) SN 5261 (LITE) 2005 annual datasetUKDA websiteTBC

21  Use Of Data  By those in the Scottish Executive………….  On-going evidence base use for SPQs  to monitor progress towards some of the old Social Justice Milestones  analysis relating to older people  to monitor some of the Transport Delivery Plan indicators  Evidence for Tobacco Control Committee  analysis relating to volunteering strategy in Scotland

22  Data Use by those out with the Scottish Executive………  analysis to understand families and relationships in Scotland, solo living (CRFR, University of Edinburgh)  Analysis on social mobility (University of Edinburgh)  Health Inequalities research (University of Glasgow)  calibration of transport model using travel diary data (Strathclyde Passenger Transport)  As a teaching dataset (University of Edinburgh)  By Local Authorities for evidence for regeneration outcome agreements  Housing need and affordability model for Scotland and many more………….

23  SHS Data  Valuable cross-cutting evidence base  Continued & Increased Use  Government commitment to evidence-based policy making  Requirement for reliable, up-to-date data and analysis to improve the formulation of policy and the delivery of services  Tailored to policy need  Outcome & Output focus

24  How do I keep up to date?  SHS News Email  Approx every 2 months  Key SHS publications  Questionnaire developments  2 way communication/dissemination cycle …… We want to hear about your use…….

25  Contact/Information SHS Team DD/ASD 1F D Email: Tel: 0131 244 0824/0794 Website: To keep up to date with SHS ‘news’  Register your interest in ‘cross-cutting surveys’/ ‘Populations & Household Surveys’ at:

26  Questions?

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