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Fatigue: Learn How to Increase Your Energy Naturally! Dr. Diana Draper, Naturopathic Physician Located at: Back in Balance 2325 6 th Avenue 250-304-4401.

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Presentation on theme: "Fatigue: Learn How to Increase Your Energy Naturally! Dr. Diana Draper, Naturopathic Physician Located at: Back in Balance 2325 6 th Avenue 250-304-4401."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fatigue: Learn How to Increase Your Energy Naturally! Dr. Diana Draper, Naturopathic Physician Located at: Back in Balance 2325 6 th Avenue 250-304-4401

2 Welcome! Introduction How the Body Uses Energy Energy Zappers Symptoms of Illness Energy Boosters Questions

3 Introduction What is a Naturopathic Doctor? Licensed medical professional Primary health care provider Specialized in natural therapies: acupuncture, IV, herbs, supplements, homeopathy, nutrition, lifestyle counseling Why would I see a Naturopathic Doctor? For any health concerns: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual

4 Meet Dr. Diana Draper Grew up in Castlegar, BC Has travelled to 9 different countries Has an undergraduate degree in English and Professional Writing from the University of Victoria Active in Dance, Golf, Rowing, Softball, and Curling

5 How the Body Uses Energy Plants trap energy from the sun and store it as chemical-bond energy ◦ Oxygen and hydrogen from water ◦ Carbon and oxygen from carbon dioxide ◦ Nitrogen from the soil

6 How the Body Uses Energy Animals must import chemical-bond energy by ingesting the biomolecules from plants and other animals Animals use respiration to circulate oxygen, carbon dioxide and water Excess energy is stored as chemical bonds, most common being glycogen and lipid molecules

7 How the Body Uses Energy Energy = the capacity to do work Chemical work – making/breaking chemical bonds Transport work – move ions, molecules, and large particles through cells Mechanical work – movement of muscles and cells

8 Energy Zappers Chronic Illness – hypothyroidism, IBD, adrenal fatigue, cancer, DM, MS, ect.

9 Energy Zappers Poor Diet – Not giving the body the nutrients it needs to work

10 Energy Zappers Lifestyle: ◦ Poor sleep ◦ Lack of exercise ◦ Stress ◦ Physiological challenges – injury, reproduction ◦ Emotions

11 Energy Zappers From a Chinese Medicine Perspective: Imbalance of Yin and Yang Disharmony between the 5 elements

12 Symptoms of Illness The Red Flags: Sudden change in body function when everything else is the same Lack of desire to do what you use to love Hair loss Change in bowel function Easy bruising Persistent symptoms not healing

13 Symptoms of Illness Labs to Run: CBC Iron TSH – thyroid panel Cholesterol Blood Glucose Food allergies Stool sample

14 Energy Boosters Harmonize Yin and Yang: Diet Acupuncture Qi Gong Chinese Herbs

15 The Kreb Cycle

16 Energy Boosters Orthomolecular Medicine: Dietary Deficiencies Absorption/Enzyme Defects Transport Defects Genetic Challenges

17 Energy Boosters What’s in your cupboard at home: Magnesium – required for synthesis of ATP B12– used in many cellular processes as a tonic B1, B3, B6 – Resolve deficiencies Multi-vitamin/multi-mineral – to resolve deficiencies Vitamin C – 150mg daily resolved fatigue in minors

18 Energy Boosters L-Carnitine – facilitates transports of fatty acids into mitochondria where they produce energy CoQ10 – Used in the production of ATP Iron – for anemia Vitamin D – in the winter time for deficiency IV Nutrient Therapy (magnesium, B12, B6, B5, B complex, calcium, vitamin C)

19 Energy Boosters Herbs: Rhodiola – tonic for adrenal gland Schisandra – tonic for adrenal gland Withania – anticancer, hormone balancer Panax ginseng – stimulator Holy Basil – boosts metabolism Reishi Mushroom – anticancer, immune stimulator

20 Energy Boosters Homeopathics and Flower Essences: Olive – exhaustion after long periods of strain Elm – Overwhelmed by many responsibilities White Chestnut – repetitive thoughts Calycast – adrenal exhaustion Pasconal – fatigue from mental exhaustion

21 Energy Boosters Take Home Message: There are many cures for fatigue: exercise, diet, lifestyle changes BUT… If you do not figure out what is draining you you will be a hamster on a wheel trying to heal

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