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GSA 8.6 – New Features
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GSA 8.6 – New Features
GSA 8.6 – New Features 64-bit edition
GSA 8.6 – 64-bit hardware support
New 64-bit edition of GSA 32-bit edition remains available Improved handling of large models Utilises (effectively) unlimited RAM 264 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (232 = 4,294,967,296) Side effects OpenGL viewports Graphics selection (resolved by updating graphics driver in most cases) Licensing GSA now supports the 64-bit capabilities of modern computer hardware. The size of model that can be analysed is only limited by the amount of swap space available. A 32-bit edition of GSA will continue to be available for older machines and 32-bit versions of Windows but the size of model it can analyse has been reduced slightly to make the program more stable. The two editions of GSA can read each other’s files, though the 32-bit edition may not be able to read extremely large models written by the 64-bit edition.
GSA 8.6 – New Features Steel Design
GSA 8.6 – Steel Design Codes
New steel design codes: AISC360:05 AISC360:10 AS4100:98 HKSUOS:05 EN :2005 Eurocode 3 (NL) EN :2005 Eurocode 3 (FR)
GSA 8.6 – Steel Design of Channels and Tees
Steel design may now be carried out for Channel and Tee sections This is available for all supported codes
GSA 8.6 – New Features Seismic Analysis
GSA 8.6 – Seismic codes Response spectra supported now include:
ASCE 7-10 (USA) GB (China) Equivalent static analysis extended to more support more codes: ASCE 7, Eurocode 8, FEMA 356, GB50011, IBC, IS 1893, UBC 97 Response spectrum analysis now has a fast or rigorous option Fast – only combines responses where coupling coefficient is significant – reducing the number of calculations when there are a large number of modes
GSA 8.6 – New Features 2D Load Panel Elements
GSA 8.6 – 2D Load Panel Elements
Non-structural 2D elements that transfer load to surrounding beam elements Load distribution options: All edges supported Three edges supported Two edges supported Two adjacent edges supported One edge supported Cantilever support Useful for applying wind loads Load panels have been added to GSA. These are non-structural 2D elements (quad-4 and triangle-3) that allow simpler definition of loads and which transfer that load to the surrounding beam elements. 2D elements are specified as being load panels by setting the 2D Element Property 'Type' to 'Load Panel'; the load distribution is specified by setting the 2D Element Property 'Support Pattern' to one of the following: All edges supported - the load is distributed to the edges in proportion to the contributing areas. Three edges supported - the load is distributed to the supporting edges so that as far a possible equilibrium is maintained. The edge opposite the reference edge does not take any load. Two edges supported - the load spans from the sides adjacent to the reference edge. Two adjacent edges supported - the load is taken on the reference edge and the 'next' edge on the element. One edge supported - the load is all attributed to the reference edge. The moment due to the offset of the load is ignored. Cantilever support - the forces are distributed as for one edge supported but the moment is applied to the edge so that equilibrium is achieved. The 2D Element Property 'Ref. Edge' field specifies the reference edge.
GSA 8.6 – 2D Load Panel Elements
Limitations Will give force equilibrium... ... but may not give moment equilibrium (one edge supported) Can only be used for uniform pressure over the element Load panel must be bounded by beam (bar) elements (can be dummy elements) Dummy elements cannot be loaded – different load pattern must be selected Can be problems if warped Load panels have been added to GSA. These are non-structural 2D elements (quad-4 and triangle-3) that allow simpler definition of loads and which transfer that load to the surrounding beam elements. 2D elements are specified as being load panels by setting the 2D Element Property 'Type' to 'Load Panel'; the load distribution is specified by setting the 2D Element Property 'Support Pattern' to one of the following: All edges supported - the load is distributed to the edges in proportion to the contributing areas. Three edges supported - the load is distributed to the supporting edges so that as far a possible equilibrium is maintained. The edge opposite the reference edge does not take any load. Two edges supported - the load spans from the sides adjacent to the reference edge. Two adjacent edges supported - the load is taken on the reference edge and the 'next' edge on the element. One edge supported - the load is all attributed to the reference edge. The moment due to the offset of the load is ignored. Cantilever support - the forces are distributed as for one edge supported but the moment is applied to the edge so that equilibrium is achieved. The 2D Element Property 'Ref. Edge' field specifies the reference edge.
GSA 8.6 – Cladding tool Generates load panel elements
Convenient for ‘cladding’ a structure for the application of wind loads Can be caught out by complex topologies (Implemented to contribute to the GsWind ‘Wind loading Automation for GSA’ development, funded by others) A cladding tool has been introduced — "Tools | Manipulate Model | Create Load Panels on Surface". This allows a surface to be specified as a list of 1D elements. The tool then generates a set of load panel elements to fill the faces bounded by the 1D elements in the list. ‘Wind loading Automation for GSA’: Macro that will allow structural engineers to rapidly generate code based wind loads for GSA. Project Director: Kubilay Hicyilmaz Project Manager: Kubilay Hicyilmaz Team Members: Pierre Verhaeghe (ATR - Wind specialists) Mark Fyson (Newcastle - Helping with checking and scripting) Joe Chan (Newcastle - wind checks and general due diligence) Mark Arkinstall (ATR - GSA Coms specialist, oversight and script checker) Andrew Allsop (ATR - oversight from a wind point of view) Kubilay Hicyilmaz (Dubai Overall oversight) Stephen Hendry (Oasys GSA team)
GSA 8.6 – Cladding tool Start with frame model
GSA 8.6 – Cladding tool Start with frame model
Create list of exterior elements & select
GSA 8.6 – Cladding tool Start with frame model
Create list of exterior elements & select Use ‘Create Load Panels on Surface’
GSA 8.6 – Cladding tool Start with frame model
Create list of exterior elements & select Use ‘Create Load Panels on Surface’ Add cladding to model
GSA 8.6 – Cladding tool Start with frame model
Create list of exterior elements & select Use ‘Create Load Panels on Surface’ Add cladding to model Clad model
2D Element Thickness Modifiers
GSA 8.6 – New Features 2D Element Thickness Modifiers
GSA 8.6 – Thickness Modifiers on 2D Elements
New modifier for mass/weight calculations Includes gravity loading Clarification of thickness used for 2D element results In-plane forces (Nx, Ny, Nxy) based on in-plane thickness Moments (Mx, My, Mxy) based on bending thickness Through thickness shear (Qx, Qy) based on bending thickness Stresses (σxx, σyy, σzz, σxy, σyz, σzx) based on actual thickness
GSA 8.6 – New Features Wall Element
GSA 8.6 – Wall Element Super-elements represented internally by 4-by-4 Quad8 shell elements. Wall results are represented on an equivalent beam, or ‘wall stick’, in either direction Equivalent beam results can be tabulated, and displayed as contours and diagrams Forces/moments & stresses Wall elements have been added to GSA. These are super-elements that are represented internally by 4-by-4 Quad8 shell elements. A Quad4 element is specified as a wall element by setting the 2D Element Property Type to 'Wall'. Wall element results are represented on an equivalent beam, or 'wall stick' stick, in either the primary or secondary (local x or y) direction. These equivalent beam results are available tabulated in Output Views, and contoured and as diagrams in Graphic Views. The wall stick direction is specified in the 1D Element Results dialog. Note that: Only linear static and modal dynamic analysis may be carried out on models with wall elements. Wall element grouping for post-processing is not available. Refer to the GSA manual for a complete list of limitations.
GSA 8.6 – Wall Element A large 2D element/super-element represented internally by 4×4 Quad8 shell elements Wall results are represented on an equivalent beam or ‘wall stick’ in either primary or secondary direction, i.e. wall elements results at the 4 edges Wall element nodes have rotational stiffness about the normal direction of the wall elements But with limitations Wall elements have been implemented in GSA 8.6. Wall element can be considered as a large 2D element or super-element that are represented internally by 4-by-4 Quad8 shell elements A wall element is defined as a Quad4 element with 2D Element Property Type being set to 'Wall'. Wall element results are only available at the 4 edges in this version of GSA and the results are represented by two equivalent beams in primary & secondary directions, primary direction is from node 1 to node 2 and secondary direction is from node 2 to node 3. These equivalent beam results are available tabulated in Output Views, and contoured and as diagrams in Graphic Views. The wall stick direction is specified in the 1D Element Results dialog. Advantages: make modelling simple, results are intuitive, reduce global stiffness matrix size etc Rotational stiffness about the normal direction of the wall element has also been implemented
GSA 8.6 – Wall Element A wall element Topology 4 Topology 3 Edge 3
As the wall element is represented by 16 Quad8 elements, there are total 65 nodes that are classified as internal and external nodes, the internal nodes are condensed out and do not appear in the global analysis, so the size of the global stiffness matrix can be significantly reduce compared with using normal 2D elements Topology 1 Edge 1 Topology 2 A wall element
Equivalent beams in results output
GSA 8.6 – Wall Element Topology 4 Topology 3 Secondary Primary This shows the equivalent beams of wall element in results output, primary direction is from node 1 to node 2 and secondary direction is from node 2 to node 3. The direction of the equivalent beams is also shown by the arrows, the zx plane of the beam axis coincide with the xy plane of the wall element Topology 1 Topology 2 Equivalent beams in results output
Generation of drilling stiffness
GSA 8.6 – Wall Element Topo 4 Edge 3 Topo 3 Edge 4 Edge 2 The rotational stiffness (drilling stiffness) about the normal direction at the 4 corner nodes is generated by (1) introducing dummy (slave) nodes with constrained x & y displacements and (2) linking the dummy nodes to the corner nodes by a stiff beam elements. Topo 1 Edge 1 Topo 2 Generation of drilling stiffness
Generation of drilling stiffness
GSA 8.6 – Wall Element Dummy/slave node to the edge nodes Same vertical displacement Same horizontal displacement Stiff beam with in-plane bending & shear stiffness only, pinned at dummy node end and fixed at corner node end The x displacement of the dummy node is equal to the x displacement of the middle node at the vertical edge. The y displacement the dummy node is equal to the y displacement of the middle node at the horizontal edge. The dummy nodes are free to move in all other directions. A stiff beam is used to connect the dummy node with the corner node, the beam is pinned at the dummy node end and fixed at the corner node end. The beam has only in-plane bending and shear stiffness and no stiffness in all other directions. In this implementation, it is implicitly assumed that the beam section to be connected to the wall element in the structure is rectangular and the section size is equal to 1/8 of the wall size. If the actual beam section size is not equal to 1/8 of wall size, the drilling stiffness may be over or under estimated for smaller and larger beam section sizes respectively. Generation of drilling stiffness
GSA 8.6 – Wall Element Known limitations in this version of GSA
Wall element must be rectangular Wall elements can only be used for linear static, modal dynamic and response spectrum analysis Grouped wall element results are not available Cut section forces are not available Other elements can only connected to the wall elements through the 4 nodes Only equivalent beam results (wall edge results) are available, it is not appropriate to use wall to model slab at the moment Drilling stiffness is underestimated if the connected beam section size is larger than 1/8 of the wall element size
2D Elements with ‘zz’ Stiffness
GSA 8.6 – New Features 2D Elements with ‘zz’ Stiffness
GSA 8.6 – 2D Linear Element with ‘zz’ Rotational Stiffness
‘Drilling’ degree of freedom Bilinear: x, y, z, xx, yy Allman-Cook: x, y, z, xx, yy, zz Useful because: Practically Avoids use of automatic constraints Numerically Reduces in-plane shear locking - better approximations Caution because: A new formulation type has been added to the options available for 2D linear elements. The new formulation includes the local in-plane 'zz' rotational degrees of freedom within the construction of the elements local stiffness. Often referred to as the 'drilling' degree of freedom, their inclusion has both performance and practical considerations: The additional strain states provided by the drilling degrees of freedom turn out to provide the exact bending strain states necessary to help alleviate the element from the problems of in-plane shear locking, often symptomatic of linear element formulations. The new element performs much better for bending type problems. The formulation has the additional practical capability of providing a means to connect moments applied in the local 'zz' direction of the 2D element to translational strain of the element. While this has the clear advantage in practical problems, care must be made to allow for a connection over a sufficiently sized area. Specifically, 'zz' connections to 2D elements made over a single node are not recommended. Not reliable for connecting beam elements directly through a single point connection
GSA 8.6 – 2D Linear Element with ‘zz’ Rotational Stiffness
A new formulation type has been added to the options available for 2D linear elements. The new formulation includes the local in-plane 'zz' rotational degrees of freedom within the construction of the elements local stiffness. Often referred to as the 'drilling' degree of freedom, their inclusion has both performance and practical considerations: The additional strain states provided by the drilling degrees of freedom turn out to provide the exact bending strain states necessary to help alleviate the element from the problems of in-plane shear locking, often symptomatic of linear element formulations. The new element performs much better for bending type problems. The formulation has the additional practical capability of providing a means to connect moments applied in the local 'zz' direction of the 2D element to translational strain of the element. While this has the clear advantage in practical problems, care must be made to allow for a connection over a sufficiently sized area. Specifically, 'zz' connections to 2D elements made over a single node are not recommended. Example
Torsion Constant for Perimeter Sections
GSA 8.6 – New Features Torsion Constant for Perimeter Sections
GSA 8.6 – Torsion Constant ‘J’ for Perimeter Sections
Works (almost) like any other section property Calculated in the Section Wizard Uses a new solver based on BEM Restricted to thick-walled sections only Warning if walls are too thin To be extended to thin- walled sections in the future A new solver has been added to GSA that implements a method for calculating the torsional rigidity of arbitrarily defined perimeter sections. For any perimeter section defined through the Section Wizard, there is now an explicit option to calculate the torsion constant alongside all other section properties. Aside from a valid section shape, no further input is necessary for the solver. Internally, the method makes use of a new solver that solves for the stress field across the section domain, and in turn, the Torsion Constant J (m⁴). The method is applicable to any perimeter section, including sections with voids.
GSA 8.6 – Torsion Constant ‘J’ for Perimeter Sections
A new solver has been added to GSA that implements a method for calculating the torsional rigidity of arbitrarily defined perimeter sections. For any perimeter section defined through the Section Wizard, there is now an explicit option to calculate the torsion constant alongside all other section properties. Aside from a valid section shape, no further input is necessary for the solver. Internally, the method makes use of a new solver that solves for the stress field across the section domain, and in turn, the Torsion Constant J (m⁴). The method is applicable to any perimeter section, including sections with voids. BEM solution
GSA 8.6 – New Features Solvers
GSA 8.6 – GSS Improvements Parallel sparse direct solver
New linear analysis solution method Exploits multi-cores Significantly speeds up the stiffness matrix factorisation (But only marginal reduction in overall analysis time) New eigensolver Uses shifting & locking to improve convergence Up to 10× faster New solution option – Model Stability Analysis of the stiffness of the structure Identify unrestrained or overly flexible parts of the structure Other improvements Improved stiffness matrix assembly The 'Sparse Parallel Direct' solution method has been introduced. This significantly speeds up the stiffness matrix factorisation during linear analyses (approx. x9 on a quad core machine) to result in an improvement in overall analysis time (approx. x1.1 on a quad core machine). 'Sparse Parallel Direct' is the default solution method. Less storage and increased efficiency while assembling the stiffness matrix
GSA 8.6 – GSS Improvements Condition number estimation
The condition number indicates maximum possible error in the displacements while solving a linear system A high condition number can imply results cannot be trusted A model with condition number > 1016 is almost singular Cause of high condition numbers can be investigated using the Model Stability analysis High condition numbers if Model is unrestrained Part of the model is unrestrained Part of the model is too flexible We are producing guidance that will explain the condition number, its implications and provide some tips on keeping a model well conditioned.
GSA 8.6 – Batch Analysis Auto-save
When ‘Tools | Preferences | Miscellaneous | Save file after batch analysis’ is set, and ‘Analysis | Batch Analysis’ is set, The file is saved automatically following a successful analysis GSA now has a user preference to automatically save the model and results to a file whenever batch analysis tasks finish being analysed.
GSA 8.6 – New Features GSA COM
GSA 8.6 – COM interface enhancements
GwaCommand ‘GET_ALL’ returns whole module Output_Arr function returns array of results New view functions to manipulate saved views EntitiesInList returns array of entities in list NodeConnectedEnt returns array of entities connected at a node Output_Arr uses arrays of structs to retrieve results. Faster because less COM calls and because of reduced loops in the client code. New view functions allow for creating a new saved view from existing one, delete, edit cases and entities. Explode an ad-hoc list. Oft requested function. New samples will become available in due course.
2D Element Centre Only Results
GSA 8.6 – New Features 2D Element Centre Only Results
GSA 8.6 – Results at 2D Element Centres Only
Option to calculate results at element centres only To reduce file size and memory The performance of GSA when post-processing large 2D element models may be improved by using the following features. 'Advanced Solver Settings | Results | 2D element forces and stresses at centre only' When this option is set 2D element forces and stresses are stored at centre positions only, not at nodal positions. Tabular output and diagrams will be reported at element centres only; contouring will use the centre value at each nodal position to result in a constant contour value across each element unless results are averaged at nodes). When combining centre only results with results from tasks that do store results at nodal positions the centre value will be used as the nodal value. 'Diagram Settings | Output of 2D Element Results | Centre values only' When this option is set 2D element result diagrams are drawn at the centre position on the element only and not the nodal positions. 'Contour Settings | Output of 2D Element Results | Centre values only' When this option is set the centre value is applied to the nodal positions per element to result in constant contouring values for each element. Element user module CENTRE_ONLY_2D flag When the CENTRE_ONLY_2D flag is set for an element user module only a centre value for each 2D element is stored. Using the 'Generate User Module(s)' command when 'Centre values only' is set causes the CENTRE_ONLY_2D flag to be set in the resulting user module(s).
GSA 8.6 – Results at 2D Element Centres Only
Options to display results at element centres only To reduce post-processing, especially in RC slab design Whether or not results are stored at nodal positions Contours and diagrams Element user module ‘CENTRE_ONLY_2D’ flag The performance of GSA when post-processing large 2D element models may be improved by using the following features. 'Advanced Solver Settings | Results | 2D element forces and stresses at centre only' When this option is set 2D element forces and stresses are stored at centre positions only, not at nodal positions. Tabular output and diagrams will be reported at element centres only; contouring will use the centre value at each nodal position to result in a constant contour value across each element unless results are averaged at nodes). When combining centre only results with results from tasks that do store results at nodal positions the centre value will be used as the nodal value. 'Diagram Settings | Output of 2D Element Results | Centre values only' When this option is set 2D element result diagrams are drawn at the centre position on the element only and not the nodal positions. 'Contour Settings | Output of 2D Element Results | Centre values only' When this option is set the centre value is applied to the nodal positions per element to result in constant contouring values for each element. Element user module CENTRE_ONLY_2D flag When the CENTRE_ONLY_2D flag is set for an element user module only a centre value for each 2D element is stored. Using the 'Generate User Module(s)' command when 'Centre values only' is set causes the CENTRE_ONLY_2D flag to be set in the resulting user module(s).
GSA 8.6 – New Features Miscellaneous
GSA 8.6 – File I/O and Non-numeric Values
GSA checks for valid numerical values when reading the file Invalid numerical values in tables are dispalyed as #### (previously -1 until editing field) Preference to check file versions when reading – gives warning of file written by a different version of GSA and therefore possible compatibility issues. Save is disabled after saving until model is modified. Edge loads on 2D elements can be specified as either pressure or force per unit length. This is set in the analysis specification. Plane strain and axisymmetric structure types only offer the pressure option.
GSA 8.6 – Incomplete Entities
Option in Elements/Member tables to identify incomplete entities Red – reference to non-existant entitiy Blue – repeated entity Edge loads on 2D elements can be specified as either pressure or force per unit length. This is set in the analysis specification. Plane strain and axisymmetric structure types only offer the pressure option.
GSA 8.6 – Edge load on 2D Elements
Edge loads can now be applied as A pressure on the edge (original option) A force per unit length Edge loads on 2D elements can be specified as either pressure or force per unit length. This is set in the analysis specification. Plane strain and axisymmetric structure types only offer the pressure option.
GSA 8.6 – Constraint Stage Lists
Constraints may now be specified as applying to a list of stages Generalised restraints, rigid constraints, joints, constraints and tied interfaces You can now specify generalised restraints, rigid constraints, joints, constraints and tied interfaces that apply in a list of stages.
GSA 8.6 – Load Names Names may now be given to loading records
Only visible in load tables if the 'Input | Show names in loads tables' preference is selected There is now the option to assign names to loads. Note that name fields are visible in loads tables only if the 'Input | Show names in loads tables' preference is selected. Load names are reported in Output Views.
GSA 8.6 – Spreadsheet Interaction
‘Fully populate fields’ Output Setting The new 'Fully populate fields' option produces a report that has all header and leading fields populated. This format is convenient for working with Output View reports in spreadsheets, especially when using the Excel 'Filter' and 'PivotTable' features (and similar). The 'Fully populate fields' option is offered in the Output Wizard : Further Options dialog. The previous 'Spreadsheet format' option has been renamed to 'Output all data per entity on a single row'.
GSA 8.6 – Spreadsheet Interaction
‘Fully populate fields’ Output Setting Useful when used with Excel 'Filter' and 'PivotTable' features The new 'Fully populate fields' option produces a report that has all header and leading fields populated. This format is convenient for working with Output View reports in spreadsheets, especially when using the Excel 'Filter' and 'PivotTable' features (and similar). The 'Fully populate fields' option is offered in the Output Wizard : Further Options dialog. The previous 'Spreadsheet format' option has been renamed to 'Output all data per entity on a single row'.
GSA 8.6 – Misc. Output Options
Beam Section Extended Properties: Grid plane areas reported in Grid Planes output Case list now recognised in: Mass Details; Dynamic Details; Dynamic Summary; Buckling Details; Response Spectrum Details Beam Section Extended Properties may now be reported in Output Views. These include all properties that are displayed in the 'Section Wizard : Section Definition | More' dialog. In Output Views the area of grid planes is now included in Grid Planes output. The reported area is the sum of the areas of all valid panels identified for the grid plane. Where a panel is not parallel to the grid plane the actual area of the panel is used, not the area of the panel projected onto the grid plane. The following Output View options now recognise the specified case list: Mass Details Dynamic Details Dynamic Summary Buckling Details Response Spectrum Details Note that accumulated values are not reported when the case list is other than 'All'.
GSA 8.6 – Graphic View Selection Options
Option to select all elements with same property or group or material When right-clicking on elements, members and areas the right-click menu now includes options to select all entities that reference the same property, the same material, and that are in the same group.
GSA 8.6 – Graphic View Selection Options
Option to select all elements with same property or group or material When right-clicking on elements, members and areas the right-click menu now includes options to select all entities that reference the same property, the same material, and that are in the same group.
GSA 8.6 – Sculpt – Split At Plane
Sculpt option to split 1D entities at intersection with plane The Split 1D Elements and Split Lines dialog boxes now offer the option to split the entities at the intersection of the entity with a plane. The plane may be specified by a grid plane or by three nodes. Selected elements that do not intersect the plane will be ignored.
GSA 8.6 – Sculpt – Split At Plane
Sculpt option to split 1D entities at intersection with plane The Split 1D Elements and Split Lines dialog boxes now offer the option to split the entities at the intersection of the entity with a plane. The plane may be specified by a grid plane or by three nodes. Selected elements that do not intersect the plane will be ignored.
GSA 8.6 – Sculpt – Split At Plane
Sculpt option to split 1D entities at intersection with plane The Split 1D Elements and Split Lines dialog boxes now offer the option to split the entities at the intersection of the entity with a plane. The plane may be specified by a grid plane or by three nodes. Selected elements that do not intersect the plane will be ignored.
GSA 8.6 – Sculpt – Align Elements
Sculpt element alignment options to: ‘Align 1D Elements’ – selected 1D elements are flipped such that the element x axes point generally in current grid axis directions ‘Align 2D Element Edges’ – selected 2D elements are spun such that the first edges align generally with specified axes ‘Align 2D Element Z Axes ’ – selected 2D elements are flipped such that the element z axes point generally in current grid axis directions New sculpt options for aligning elements: 'Sculpt | 1D Element Operations | Align 1D Elements' - The selected 1D elements are flipped such that the element x axes point generally in current grid axis directions. 'Sculpt | 2D Element Operations | Align 2D Element Edges' - The selected 2D elements are spun such that the first edges align generally with specified axes. 'Sculpt | 2D Element Operations | Align 2D Element Z Axes' - The selected 2D elements are flipped such that the element z axes point generally in current grid axis directions.
GSA 8.6 – Sculpt – Connect Column to Slab
Sculpt option to connect columns to slabs A new sculpt option has been added to allow columns and slabs to be connected. A rigid constraint ties the translations and rotations of the slab close to the column to the translations and rotations of the column.
GSA 8.6 – Sculpt – Connect Column to Slab
Sculpt option to connect columns to slabs Uses rigid constraints To transfer rotational stiffness A new sculpt option has been added to allow columns and slabs to be connected. A rigid constraint ties the translations and rotations of the slab close to the column to the translations and rotations of the column.
Interface with Third Party Software
GSA 8.6 – New Features Interface with Third Party Software
GSA 8.6 – Interface with BIM
The GSA Revit link works with Revit Structure 2012 ... and Revit Structure 2013
oasys. intranet. arup. com oasys. structural@arup – structural – general
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