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Romanticism  Literary movement in England began in 1798 with the publication of the poetry collection Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge o Initially.

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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism  Literary movement in England began in 1798 with the publication of the poetry collection Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge o Initially."— Presentation transcript:

1 romanticism  Literary movement in England began in 1798 with the publication of the poetry collection Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge o Initially published anonymously & initially met with lackluster critical reviews. o Wordsworth published second edition under his own name in 1800 and described poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”.

2 William Wordsworth Samuel Taylor Coleridge

3 INSPIRATION FOR LIT. MOVEMENT o Artistic ideals of Romanticism did NOT reflect mainstream views of society (as they did in Neoclassical period) o Revolutions  movement of protest  expression of desire for personal freedom & radical reform  Poets rebelled against Enlightenment predecessors o New modes of literary expression  Experimented with poetic language and subject matter  Took language and subjects from common life  Focused on freedom and self expression  Serious poems about personal experiences with strong emotions o Rejected science and industry in favor of communion with nature as insight into human experience

4 Effects of LIT. MOVEMENT o Democratic attitude of Romantic era broadened concept of “acceptable” English and narrowed gap between language of scholars/aristocrats and the common person o Poetry and prose included regional dialects, colloquialisms, slang, strong emotions, and some archaic language

5 Defining features - poetry  Personal experience and glorification of the individual  Spontaneity in language and thought; emotional outbursts  Use of nature as stimulus for contemplation  Focus on humble subjects, ordinary people and objects  Fascination with supernatural, exotic, and unknown

6 William blake


8 “Two contrary states of the human soul” = collective book subtitle Illustrated collection of poems printed & illuminated by Blake (1794)1794

9 Illustrated collection of poems printed & illuminated by Blake Songs of Innocence (1789) Songs of Experience (1794)  Modeled on street ballads and rhymes sung by London children  Generally positive outlook on life  19 poems  Many match poems in Songs of Innocence  Deal with more adult topics /perspectives  Generally negative outlook on life  26 poems

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