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Lecture 14 Flip-Flops Section 5.5-5.6. Schedule 3/24MondayAnalysis of clocked sequential circuit (1),5.5 3/26WednesdayAnalysis of clocked sequential circuit.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 14 Flip-Flops Section 5.5-5.6. Schedule 3/24MondayAnalysis of clocked sequential circuit (1),5.5 3/26WednesdayAnalysis of clocked sequential circuit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 14 Flip-Flops Section 5.5-5.6

2 Schedule 3/24MondayAnalysis of clocked sequential circuit (1),5.5 3/26WednesdayAnalysis of clocked sequential circuit (2)5.5 3/27ThursdayClocked sequential circuit 3/31MondayShift register (1)6.1-6.2 4/2WednesdayShift register (2)6.1-6.2 4/3ThursdayUniversal shift register 4/7MondayCounters (1)6.3 4/9WednesdayCounter (2)6.3 4/10ThursdayCounter 4/14MondayReview Please bring a functional random number generator to class on Thursday (3/27).

3 Outline Review of Flip-flops – D flip-flops – JK flip-flops – T flip-flop Analysis of a simple sequential circuit

4 Symbol of D Flip-Flops

5 reset and preset When power is first turned on, the state of the flip-flops is unknown. – Reset is used to initialize the output to a 0. – Preset is used to initialize the output to a 1.

6 D Flip-flop with reset Typo in the book. Should be 1 instead.

7 JK Flip-Flops D=JQ’+K’Q The next value of D is determined by JQ’+K’Q. At the rising edge of D Flip-flop, Q is updated with the value of D. Positive edge D flip-flop

8 D=JQ’+K’Q J=1,K=1→D=Q’ J=0, K=0 →D=Q J=0, K=1 →D=0 J=1, K=0 →D=Q’+Q=1

9 Verilog Implementation

10 T Flip-Flop

11 T Flip-Flop from a D Flip-Flop DT=TQ’+T’Q If T=1, D=Q’ If T=0, D=Q. Q is updated with D at the next rising edge. DT rst

12 Verilog Implementation of a T-FF DT rst

13 Example of a Sequential Circuit D flip-flops

14 Example of a Sequential Circuit D flip-flops

15 Construction of a State Table Example: Start with A=0, B=0, x=0. A(next)=0 B(next)=0 Y(next)=0

16 Construction of a State Table Example: Start with A=0, B=0, x=0. A(next)=0 B(next)=0 Y(next)=0

17 What are A(next), B(next) and y(next) given that A=1, B=1 and X=1? D flip-flops

18 Alternate State Table


20 State Diagram Each circle is a state When x=1, y=0.

21 State Diagram Each circle is a state When x=0, y=1.

22 Detects 0 in the bit stream of data Output is a 0 as long as input is a 1. The first 0 after a string of 1s transfers the circuit back to 00.

23 Detects 0 in the bit stream of data Output is a 0 as long as input is a 1. The first 0 after a string of 1s transfers the circuit back to 00.

24 Detects 0 in the bit stream of data Output is a 0 as long as input is a 1. The first 0 after a string of 1s transfers the circuit back to 00.

25 Summary

26 Model a Clocked Sequential Circuit with Verilog 1.Use parameter to represent each state 2.Form the next state from x (the input) and the current state 3.Form the output 4.fork.....join construction S0 S1 S2 S3

27 Parameter S0 S1 S2 S3 Define states with parameter

28 Update States S0 S1 S2 S3 If reset is 0, set state to S0. If reset is 1, update state with next_state.

29 Syntax for always

30 Implement the States Using State Diagram S0 S1 S2 S3 The always statement will be initiated if there is a change in state or x_in

31 fork....join Statements within fork….join block execute in parallel, so the time delays are relative to t=0.

32 Valid Mealy Output S0 S1 S2 S3

33 Mealy Glitches S0 S1 S2 S3 Glitiches occur because x changes before the next rising clock edge

34 Synthesizable Verilog Id6cpTEFM Id6cpTEFM

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