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HOSPITALTY REVISION MOCK 2013. 3.1 The Hospitality Industry OUTLETSectors they provide forLinks to Tourism McDonald’s Boarding School Sea View Hotel Caravan.

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Presentation on theme: "HOSPITALTY REVISION MOCK 2013. 3.1 The Hospitality Industry OUTLETSectors they provide forLinks to Tourism McDonald’s Boarding School Sea View Hotel Caravan."— Presentation transcript:


2 3.1 The Hospitality Industry OUTLETSectors they provide forLinks to Tourism McDonald’s Boarding School Sea View Hotel Caravan Park Leisure Centre Luigi’s Restaurant Guest House Wine Bar Conference Centre List three types of establishments you would expect to find in the entertainment and leisure sector of the hospitality industry Explain why a hotel situated in a British resort may employ a mixture of full-time, part-time and casual staff

3 3.2 Types of Service & Client Group Discuss the main points you would need to consider when planning a tea party for a group of senior citizens in a day centre. A manager has requested a meeting room for ten delegates with a boardroom layout. Draw the layout and suggest what else the delegates will need Needs of a private client holding a dinner party at home… Function RoomEquipment & Décor Food & DrinkAccommodation

4 3.3 Job Roles, Employment and Training Give five qualities needed by a receptionist working in a five-star hotel Explain the role of a night porter.State two occasions when casual staff may be employed by a hotel. Job RoleOperating LevelResponsibilities Head receptionist Assistant receptionist Porter Conference & banqueting manager Station head waiter Banqueting wait staff

5 3.4 Planning for Functions & Events Stan and Joan are holding a party to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary and have invited 50 guests including family and friends. Suggest how the room and tables could be decorated for the party and the type of food service you would recommend. Explain the importance of good communication between Stan and Joan and the party organiser. When planning a function or event, the following are the most important points to consider: Give examples & explanations to the following points: Date & time of event: Choice of venue: Cost, portion control and profit: Advertising and promotion: Number of guests: Type of menu: Dishes chosen: Styles of service: Décor and room layout: Menu cards and place names: Risk assessment: Staffing:

6 Hazard Assessment Form for a Party HazardWho might be affectedIs risk adequately controlled?Further action taken to control risk Special dietary requirements Fire Hazards relating to food preparation and cooking. Eg cuts, burns Accidental trips & Falls

7 3.5 Costing Menus & Events Explain the following Key Facts: Selling Price: Actual Food Costs: Overheads: Profit: VAT: The formula used in industry to calculate selling price is: PORTION CONTROL Match the following foods to an appropriate method of portion control Ladle Individual Dish Ice-Cream scoop Cutting Lines Sundae dish Fresh fruit salad Cheesecake Tomato soup Creamed potatoes Individual lasagne portion 1.A hotel has calculated actual cost of one portion of chicken chasseur at £2.86. List 4 other costs to be considered when calculating the selling price: 2.Calculate the price of one portion of chicken chasseur using the formula. Explain why good portion control is important Explain the function of this piece of equipment

8 3.6 Customer Care & Corporate Image What is the importance of a corporate image to a company? What are some ways in which a company chooses to establish their corporate image? Why do large chains, eg Hilton Hotels, have a corporate image? What does ‘customer care’ mean? 1. 2. 3. To achieve good customer care, staff need to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.Explain the importance of good customer care to Customers: Staff: Owners: 2. State 5 ways in which a hotel can measure customer satisfaction: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Target GroupGood Customer Care Poor Customer Care Customers Staff Establishment

9 3.7 Standards of Service Write out the Customer Complaints Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A guest complains that the cheesecake served at dinner is still frozen in the middle. Suggest how the wait staff would deal with the problem. A guest rings reception to say that the heating not working in their hotel room. Suggest how the receptionist would deal with this situation. Standards of ServiceStaff Training is the key … Level of service Not Type of service Level of Service should be… Standards of service are judgedAll staff should be trained to …

10 3.8 & 3.9 Quality Assurance & Quality Control The Quality of a meal is determined by …The quality of service depends on …The Quality of surroundings depends on… Accommodation quality of standard is denoted by … Restaurants have 2 systems which can denote high quality these are… Explain why a couple who are looking for a venue to celebrate their 25 th wedding anniversary may look at the star rating of hotels before making a choice. Describe the differences between guest house, a hotel and a bed & breakfast

11 3.10 Teamwork & Communication Job Description: Must be a good team member: DESCRIBE what a good team member would be like. What makes a good team leader? Communication: It is important to communicate effectively in hospitality establishments. ACCURACY in communication, which means, is particularly important in the following areas: Explain how and why! Administration: Customer billing: Booking systems: ICT Skills: Storage of personal data:

12 Discuss the importance of good teamwork when running a hospitality event Discuss the importance of effective communication between the front office and housekeeping departments of a large hotel. Practice Exam Question: Complete on separate lined paper: John has just started work on reception in a large hotel. He works with other staff and uses a number of different ways of communicating with colleagues and clients. He is keen and enthusiastic and hopes to be promoted within the company. 1.State two (2) methods of communication he will use on reception and give an example of when each type could be used. (4 marks) 2.Explain why John and his colleagues need to communicate with the head housekeeper. (4 marks) 3.Discuss the skills and qualities needed by a hotel receptionist. (6 marks) 4.Assess the importance of teamwork within the hospitality industry. (6 marks) Practice Exam Question: Complete on separate lined paper: John has just started work on reception in a large hotel. He works with other staff and uses a number of different ways of communicating with colleagues and clients. He is keen and enthusiastic and hopes to be promoted within the company. 1.State two (2) methods of communication he will use on reception and give an example of when each type could be used. (4 marks) 2.Explain why John and his colleagues need to communicate with the head housekeeper. (4 marks) 3.Discuss the skills and qualities needed by a hotel receptionist. (6 marks) 4.Assess the importance of teamwork within the hospitality industry. (6 marks)

13 Group of people affected Good TeamworkPoor Teamwork Customers Staff Establishment Explain the affect of good and poor teamwork on the following groups of people. For an event to run smoothly teamwork must be PERFECT. Write a word beginning with each letter of PERFECT to help you remember the essentials of good teamwork. P E R F E C T 3.11 Environmental Issues 1

14 The Three R’s: R__________________ R___________________ R______________________ 3.11 Environmental Issues II Conserve Energy & Water …


16 Rosette awards for restaurants The long-established Rosette scheme recognises successful cooking at different levels across the UK. Success or failure in achieving Rosettes is based on one or more visits by an AA inspector to a hotel or restaurant. Essentially the visit is a snapshot, whereby the entire meal, including ancillary items (when served), is assessed. About 10% of restaurants nationwide are of a standard that is worthy of One Rosette and above. This is indeed a huge achievement, and not to be underestimated. AA Rosettes are solely awarded by AA Hotel and Restaurant Inspectors. External influences from hotels, restaurants or other guides are not taken into account when awarding Rosettes. Suspension of Three, Four and Five Rosettes When a chef holds Three, Four or Five Rosettes and moves from one establishment to another, the award is suspended at the hotel/restaurant they have just left. The award does not follow the chef either. We therefore recommend that establishments inform us of a change of chef as soon as possible, in order to schedule a forthcoming inspection.

17 Other Rating Systems Diamond Ratings – exist just as stars – most companies are rated using stars instead. Crown Ratings: – Northstar Travel Media classifies hotels using ‘Crowns’. Crowns are determined on the basis of information from a variety of sources. The hotel’s own web site – Fact based information received directly from the hotel – Northstar submits a questionnaire to hoteliers asking them in-depth information about the hotel’s attributes such as amenities, check-in/check-out, etc. Northstar looks not just at whether they have an amenity, but also the depth of the amenity. For example, if the hotel has a fitness center, is it a full complement of equipment or just a few items. – Guest experiences, which they mostly receive from Trip Advisor – Reviews by their sister publication, STAR Reviews. STAR is a subscription review service that agencies pay for. STAR reviews are based on visits to the property. About 7,500 properties with Crown ratings also have a STAR review. STAR reviews tend to be for properties with three or more Crowns. RAC Ratings:

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