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Case Study Methodology & e-Learning: Reflections on Evaluation Activities for Blended Modules Richard Walker & Wendy Fountain University of York.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study Methodology & e-Learning: Reflections on Evaluation Activities for Blended Modules Richard Walker & Wendy Fountain University of York."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study Methodology & e-Learning: Reflections on Evaluation Activities for Blended Modules Richard Walker & Wendy Fountain University of York

2 Starting late  Late, phased roll-out of VLE 2005-2008  Currently entering 3rd phase –1 st round ca. 20 pilot projects –2 nd round ca. 40 pilot projects Project Timeline

3 Drivers for e-learning  Enhancement of student learning experience through blended learning  Promotion of active student learning –skills development, personalised learning pathways, collaboration  Transformation of academic practice –student-focused course design –sharing & collaborative development of learning and teaching resources

4 Rationale for case study research evaluation  Interpretive research agenda: focusing on student perceptions of their learning experience  Experiences of actors are important, the context of action is critical  Holistic & multi-dimensional picture of a real life context “to understand phenomena through accessing the meanings participants assign to them” (Orlikowski & Baroudi, 1991)

5 Key research questions  What are the students’ affective and attitudinal responses to the blended course experience?  How are the e-learning tools used by students to support their learning in formal/informal study activities?  How did the lecturer/tutor perceive students’ learning relative to previous performance? (What actions are to be taken for future course development?)

6 Data collection methods (Informal progress checks) Entry survey Staff interview Focus group interviews Exit survey Activity logs

7 Selecting the case studies  Based on the completeness of data; innovation and transferability of approach; richness of experience  Two stage collaborative process: after preparing draft, it is verified and expanded by lecturer/tutor e.g. outcomes and actions for the future

8 Case study template  Overview  Background  Description of approach  Learning activities & tools  Student profile –Experience with computers –Experience with computers for learning –Expectations towards the VLE  Outcomes of the pilot –Activity statistics –Focus group feedback –Exit survey feedback –Instructor and tutors’ feedback –Student skills required & developed –Staff skills required & developed  Actions for further development

9 Communicating the research  Target an audience of practitioners: dissemination and application a priority, reinforced in f2f gatherings  Are presented in a ‘ whole course ’ context with course artefacts such as module site and resources available to explore  Inform training activities, informally and formally in a virtuous cycle The case studies:

10 Lessons learned  Not e-benchmarking: an attempt to embed e-learning evaluation  But challenges will arise: sustainability of data collection methods & volume of modules  Survey fatigue and cross- referencing between entry and exit survey results  Visibility of student learning: access to focus groups

11 Concluding observations  Case study research helps us to identify generalisable features of learning experience (adoption trends; characteristics of the student population)  Complementing interpretive research agenda & focus on student-centred learning  Contributing to evolving framework of instructional responsibilities (course design & delivery methods)

12 Questions?


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