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NA48 the CERN Kaon facility Fixed target experiment with 400-450 GeV protons from SPS.

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Presentation on theme: "NA48 the CERN Kaon facility Fixed target experiment with 400-450 GeV protons from SPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 NA48 the CERN Kaon facility Fixed target experiment with 400-450 GeV protons from SPS

2 NA48: CP violation K L e e decay A L (14.2 ± 3.0 stat ± 1.9 sys )% K e3 Charge Asymmetry

3 NA48: rare decays K L e e 1997 data (7000 events): BR(K L e e ) = (1.06 ±0.02 stat ±0.02 syst ±0.04 norm )×10 K* = 0.207 ± 0.019 ± 0.017 In the BMS model: K* measure the relative strenght of intermediate pseudoscalar and vector meson contribution 1998- 1999-2001 (600000 events) BR(K L e e e e 3.30±0.24 stat ±0.14 syst ±0.10 norm )×10 K L e e e e BR(K L BR(K L 3 2.81±0.01 stat ±0.02 syst )×10 BR(K L ) = (1.36 ±0.03 stat ±0.03 syst ±0.03 norm ) x 10 - 6 M ee X= M ee 2 / M K 2

4 NA48: V us

5 6 events found in the signal region with a background of 0.22 +0.19 -0.12 NA48/1

6 NA48/2: cusp effect

7 NA48/2: Neutral Asymmetry

8 NA48/2: Charged Asymmetry

9 NA48/2: V us V us x f + (0)

10 NA48/2: K e2 /K 2 Nel 2007: 120 giorni di run per arrivare ad una precisione di qualche per mille

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