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1. The Question You are a travel agent. A very important visitor is coming to New Zealand next summer and wants to know …… “Where is the best place to.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The Question You are a travel agent. A very important visitor is coming to New Zealand next summer and wants to know …… “Where is the best place to."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The Question You are a travel agent. A very important visitor is coming to New Zealand next summer and wants to know …… “Where is the best place to go for a holiday in New Zealand?” These materials are © 2006 Barbara Bowen, Waitakaruru School, all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345

2 2. Information Sources You will add to your own knowledge and experience of places in New Zealand by comparing two holiday destinations. At least one of these should be a place you are not very familiar with. Ideally, one would be in the North Island and one in the South. You will need to collect information about these two places from at least 3 good sources. You could use: -  other people  travel agencies  web-sites These materials are © 2006 Barbara Bowen, Waitakaruru School, all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345

3 3. Collecting Information Other People Friends and relatives are a great source of information. You could do a survey to find out favourite holiday destinations and the reasons why people like them. Think also of the places you have been and what made them great holiday venues Travel agencies You can visit these yourself and pick up brochures, email them for information or visit their web-sites e.g. Websites Many New Zealand places have their own website. Most can be located by e.g. You could also search using, typing the name of the place and nz into the e.g. Tauranga, nz Some general NZ sites like may also be a good starting These materials are © 2006 Barbara Bowen, Waitakaruru School, all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345

4 4. Recording and Analysing Information Place Location Accommodation and travel Sights to see Activities Available Other features Rating............ These materials are © 2006 Barbara Bowen, Waitakaruru School, all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345 Location A Location B Record the information you have gathered on a chart similar to the one below. You could then use a venn diagram like the one opposite, to compare the attributes of the two locations. What do they have in common? Which one has the best features? Why are these features better than others? Who for? How do you know?

5 5. Presenting Your Information You can present your information in a variety of ways  As a travel brochure or poster  On a display board (as per science fair)  Digitally eg Power Point, Photo Story, Interactive Whiteboard  Orally using props  Another method as negotiated with your teacher Whichever way you choose to present your information, you need to include  The location you consider the best place to holiday in NZ  Reasons why this is the best place (as opposed to another location)  The sources of your information and be prepared to share you information with an audience! These materials are © 2006, Barbara Bowen, Waitakaruru School all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345

6 6. Teacher Support Materials This is primarily a Social Studies unit Achievement objectives (place and environment) Level 1 – Why particular places are important for people Level 2 – How and why people describe places and environments in different ways Level 3 – How different groups view and use places and the environment Level 4 – Why and how people find out about places and environments Process – Inquiry Perspective – current Setting – New Zealand Essential Skills Communication – share ideas orally and/or in written, digital or other visual form Information – gather, process, present Problem solving – inquire, research, explore Work and Study – independently and/or in groups This unit of work is based on an Inquiry Model e.g. Task –The Big Question Set the Scene –What do we already know? What do we want to know? Collect Information Sort, record, analyse and apply information Presentation Evaluation These materials are © 2006 Barbara Bowen, Waitakaruru School all rights reserved. 612345 We recommend the use of decision making templates in Infusing the Teaching of Critical and creative Thinking into content Instruction by Swartz & Parks pg 39 - 68

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