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Early Testing. 2 1.Introduction 2.Extension of NDT 3.Conclusions Index Table of Contents.

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1 Early Testing

2 2 1.Introduction 2.Extension of NDT 3.Conclusions Index Table of Contents

3 3 Introduction

4 4  The test phase is one of the most important in quality assurance. It guarantees that the system meets its necessities in relation to requirements (Binder 1999).  The quality assurance of a system is one of the most studied and analyzed aspects in Software Engineering. The finding of methods, techniques and tools to reduce quality assurance costs and increase the guarantee of the results becomes an essential aim for enterprises and development teams (Ahmed 2012). Introduction

5 5 NDT (N AVIGATIONAL D EVELOPMENT T ECHNIQUES )  NDT is a methodology included in the MDE paradigm that is used primarily in developing information systems for the WEB.  NDT defined a set of derivation rules, expressed under the standard QVT (Query- View-Transformation) (OMG 2008) Introduction


7 7

8 8

9 9 Extension of NDT

10 Work overview: – Study related approaches – Identifiy the techniques used to genetaret test cases – Model the information of these techniques – Generate transfromartios from requirements models.

11 11 Graph Pathfinder Cathegory-Partition Method Extension of NDT

12 Functional Requirement Metamodel Element: SystemActor Element: Subsystem Element: FunctionalRequirement Extension of NDT

13 Test Scenario Metamodel Test Values Metamodel Element: SystemActor Element: TestScenario Element: OperationalVariable & Category Extension of NDT

14 An Overview of the Transformations Tracing information is also added. Extension of NDT

15 15 NDT-Driver produces the test plan is automatic. This Test Plan has shown all the functionality and casuistry of the project. Extension of NDT

16 16 RF-01 Extension of NDT

17 17 Conclusions

18 18 Conclusions ADVANTAGES: 1.We can generate functional test cases from functional requirements in an automatic way. 2.We can keep functional test independ of the life cycle. 3.We can reduce the cost of testing with the automatic generation. 4.We improve final user experience in validation. DISADVANTAGES: 1.We have to improve the way to select which are the more critical test: we have to improve testing priorization. 2.We depend of use cases quality

19 19 IWT2 group Thank you!!

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