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AS2.2 - Disparities in Development Introduction to Cambodia.

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Presentation on theme: "AS2.2 - Disparities in Development Introduction to Cambodia."— Presentation transcript:

1 AS2.2 - Disparities in Development Introduction to Cambodia

2 Where is Cambodia? Here! Write a PARAGRAPH to describe Cambodia’s location in the world. Use the map to help you.

3 This is what the CIA said. Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. If you had something similar to that, give yourself a pat on the back:) The map to the right shows the location of Cambodia’s main cities/towns; major rivers/lakes & mountains.

4 Mapping Exercise Using an atlas to help you, locate & label the following on the handout map of Cambodia: ➡ Capital & other main cities ➡ Major water bodies (i.e. rivers & lakes) ➡ Significant sites


6 Some facts & figures Population: 14,701,717 (66th in the world) Age structure ➡ 0-14 years: 32.2% (m - 2,375,155/f - 2,356,305) ➡ 15-64 years: 64.1% (m - 4,523,030/f - 4,893,761) ➡ 65 years and over: 3.8% (m - 208,473/f - 344,993) Median age: Median age ➡ total: 22.9 years ➡ male: 22.2 years ➡ female: 23.7 years Population growth rate: Population growth rate ➡ 1.698% (66th in the world)

7 Birth rate: 25.4 births/1,000 population (57th in the world) Birth rate57 Death rate: 8.07 deaths/1,000 population (102nd in the world) Death rate102 Net migration rate: -0.34 migrant(s)/1,000 population (131st in the world) Net migration rate (131 Urbanization: urban population: 20% of total population (2010) Urbanization ➡ rate of urbanization: 3.2% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.) Major cities: ➡ PHNOM PENH (capital) - 1.519 million (2009) ➡ SIEM REAP - 171,800 (2009)

8 Gross national income per capita ➡ $1,870 Life expectancy at birth m/f (years) ➡ 57/65 Probability of dying under five (per 1 000 live births) ➡ 88 Probability of dying between 15 and 60 years m/f (per 1 000 population) ➡ 350/190 Total expenditure on health per capita (Intl $, 2009) ➡ 119 Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2009) ➡ 5.8

9 A Brief History Kingdom of Funan (southern Cambodia): established circa 100AD; declined around 550AD. Khmer people created Kingdom of Chenla (north of Funan) by 600 AD; broke up in 700’s.

10 A Brief History (cont.) From mid-800’s to 1400’s, Khmer people ruled powerful Hindu-Buddhist empire based at Angkor. ➡ Large building projects created roads, reservoirs, hospitals, schools & temples, ➡ By 1100’s they controlled much of modern Laos, southern Vietnam & Thailand. ➡ Internal/external conflicts & prolonged droughts weakened kingdom & Angkor was abandoned in mid-1400’s.

11 Angkor Wat

12 A Brief History (cont.) New Khmer kingdom established near modern Phnom Penh soon after Angkor was abandoned. This kingdon survived until mid-19th century, when France made Cambodia a part of French Indo-China. Cambodia gained independence from France in 1953 & in 1955 King Norodom Sihanouk became Prime Minister.

13 A Brief History (cont.) General Lon Nol lead a military coup in 1970 and deposed Sihanouk. The country descended into civil war - something not helped by the ongoing conflict in Vietnam. The Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, took Phnom Penh in 1975 & renamed the country Kampuchea. The Vietnamese Army invaded in 1978 & remained in occupation until 1989.

14 A Brief History (cont.) The Pol Pot regime embarked on a campaign of extreme socialism: ➡ Forced city dwellers into the country to work on farms under extremely harsh conditions ➡ Destroyed temples, banks and anything considered “western”

15 ➡ Expelled or killed huge numbers of Chinese, Vietnamese and Cham muslims ➡ Targeted ‘intellectuals’ - doctors, teachers, lawyers ➡ It is estimated that between 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 people died under Pol Pot’s leadership. A Brief History (cont.)

16 Through the late 1980’s & early 1990’s the United Nations guided efforts to: ➡ Preserve a cease fire agreement between the Khmer Rouge & pro- democracy forces. ➡ Disarmament of Khmer Rouge soldiers ➡ Deal with the huge numbers of refugees ➡ Begin rebuilding the country

17 What patterns can you see in this map? Where are the highest population densities? Why do you think they occur in those areas?

18 Are there any relationship between the map on the previous and this map that shows land use & economic activity? Explain


20 Market in Siem Reap. Regular people don’t shop in supermarkets. Why not?

21 What do you think these women are doing? Why are they doing it here?


23 From what you now know of Cambodia, which factors would you consider to be the main causes of disparities in Cambodia? Write 2-3 paragraphs to explain you thoughts.

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