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Mindfulness Friday 24 th October 2014. A bit about Now Unlimited What is meant by the term “mindfulness”? Benefits of mindfulness Why might it be relevant.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindfulness Friday 24 th October 2014. A bit about Now Unlimited What is meant by the term “mindfulness”? Benefits of mindfulness Why might it be relevant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindfulness Friday 24 th October 2014

2 A bit about Now Unlimited What is meant by the term “mindfulness”? Benefits of mindfulness Why might it be relevant to the VCS? How is mindfulness taught? Learning opportunities Session

3 Now Unlimited Social Enterprise Improving the health, well-being and performance of individuals, organisations and communities Undertaking research and sharing the learning Team of associates and volunteers

4 Current activity Local authorities – stress management, leadership, communications Unemployed – 6 week programme General public – adult and community learning and mentoring Primary School – 7 week programme for Year 6 Young people- social and emotional learning programme Carers – emotional resilience programme

5 What is mindfulness? A way to train the mind Buddhist in origin but now secularised – MBSR and MBCT Neuroscience – why it works Adaptations – mindful eating, mindfulness and addiction, mindfulness and cancer, mindfulness in schools, mindfulness in business Cross – party parliamentary group

6 Benefits of mindfulness Improved learning and memory processes, emotion regulation and perspective taking Improved psychological functions of attention, compassion and empathy Calms the stress response Improves medical conditions Improves psychological conditions e.g. anxiety

7 Why might it be relevant to the VCS? Improved resilience/ability to manage stress Heightened emotional intelligence Improved decision making and strategic thinking abilities Heightened ability to focus and enhanced creativity Helps people to become more engaged Increased ability to cope with change and uncertainty

8 How is mindfulness taught? Formal practices – body awareness, breathing, being with difficulty, the importance of self-care Informal practices – adopting a more mindful approach to everyday tasks Moving away from autopilot and responding not reacting Stopping mind-travelling

9 Learning and development opportunities In house leadership and management development Incorporating into other programmes 8 week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme starting 2 nd December I day Introductions to the Application of Mindfulness Underpinning coaching and mentoring

10 For more information Maureen O’Callaghan T: 07939 845920 E: W: Facebook and Twitter

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