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 OSHA - (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) This is a governmental regulatory body to ensure safe working and learning environments for Americans.

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Presentation on theme: " OSHA - (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) This is a governmental regulatory body to ensure safe working and learning environments for Americans."— Presentation transcript:


2  OSHA - (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) This is a governmental regulatory body to ensure safe working and learning environments for Americans.

3  Accidents - Any suddenly occurring, unintentional event which causes injury or property damage  First Aid - Immediate, Temporary care given to the victim of an accident until the services of a physician  can be obtained.

4  Some steps in giving first aid include:  Remain Calm and analyze the situation  Survey the scene, glove up, Shake & Shout.  Stop bleeding using direct pressure or  pressure points  Treat for shock by covering victim with a blanket.  Call for help, notify instructor  Don’t move if there is a head, neck, or back injury

5 1.Wear Safety Glasses 2.Clean up spills 3.Use protective gear for hands and body 4.Proper installation of guards and shields 5.Clear Communication 6.No Horseplay

6 SAFETY RED  Fire protection equipment  Containers of flammable liquids  Lights at barricades and obstructions  Stop bars and switches on machinery  Fire alarm boxes  Fire exit signs  Sprinkler piping

7 SAFETY YELLOW  Caution, physical hazard  Construction equipment  Handrails, Guardrails  Material Handling Equipment  Piping systems containing dangerous materials  Waste containers  Exposed, unguarded edges

8 SAFETY ORANGE  Dangerous parts of machinery  Inside of movable guards  Safety starting buttons  Exposed parts

9 SAFETY BLUE  Caution, equipment under repair  Warnings should be located at the starting point or power source of machinery.

10 SAFETY GREEN  Safety  First aid equipment  Safety bulletin boards  Gas masks  Stretchers  Safety deluge showers

11  BLACK & WHITE  Traffic and housekeeping markings  Dead ends of aisles or passageways  Stairways  Directional signs  Refuse cans

12 SAFETY PURPLE  Designates radiation hazards. Often used in combination with yellow on tags, labels, signs, and floor markers. Gray  Used as a contrasting color for other safety colors. Usually on floors.

13  Fire Safety  Draw and label the fire triangle in the space provided below


15  Ordinary combustibles  Wood and paper  Numerical rating  Amount of water the fire extinguisher holds  Amount of fire it will extinguish

16  Flammable liquids  Grease  Gasoline  Oil  Numerical rating  States the approximate number of square feet of a flammable liquid that a non-expert person can expect to extinguish

17  Electrically energized fires  No numerical rating  The letter “C” indicates that the extinguishing agent is non-conductive

18  Flammable metals  Specific for the type of metal  No picture designator  Generally no rating







25  In red metal containers.  In containers that have been properly marked.  In a location that is away from sparks and open flames. How do you prevent spontaneous combustion?  Store oily rages in an airtight container or lay them out flat in a well-ventilated area.

26  Spontaneous combustion- The ability of a material to produce enough heat to reach the point of combustion.  Carbon Monoxide- A poisonous, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that can kill you. I t is produced by combustion  Flammable Liquid- Any liquid that will burn in the presence of heat and oxygen.  Flashpoint-The temperature at which oil will flash and burn

27  OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration.  Extinguish - to put out or to stop burning.  Gasoline - A fluid hydrocarbon used to power internal combustion engines.  Hydrogen Gas -A flammable gas that is produced when a battery is charged or discharged.  Solvent- A solution that dissolves some other material. Example: water is a solvent for sugar

28  Prevention - The act of taking precautions to avoid the event of an accident.  Oxygen - An atom in the atmosphere that we breathe. It also promotes the process of  combustion.  Fuel - Any material that will burn.  Heat - The type of energy that causes the temperature to rise.

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