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{ Parental Controls What the different services do to give you control.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Parental Controls What the different services do to give you control."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Parental Controls What the different services do to give you control.

2  The Smart Limit allows parents to set limits for number of texts and instant messages  The amount and types of web usage being used is also limited  Phone usage and time can be set, blocked calling is also an option  Another features include 411 blocking, however this does not block when Wi-Fi is active.  DriveMode App to block text and driving  Locate family with Family Map  AT&T

3  Block or allow texts, data usage and picture and video sharing  See who your child is talking or texting with – and when  Block or allow apps and digital media downloads  Restrict Web access to sites inappropriate for children  Restrict or allow users to manage their own wireless settings  Family Locator allows you to track members in your plan through GPS  Drive Lock screen  Sprint

4  T-Mobile still has all of the basic features in parental controls  They have web page blocking to ensure safe surfing  The Family-Friendly service provided blocks for long distance calling  A free service is mobile backup  FamilyWhere Locate  T-Mobile

5  Verizon extensive parental controls including complete control of how that phone operates  Standard controls include message and call blocking  Time Restrictions  Filter Content by age  Block Apps and what Apps can do  Receive Arrival and Departure Updates  Chaperone is a program that also allows the parent to track your child. You can receive texts when a phone goes out of a predetermined range  guardLandingPage.action guardLandingPage.action guardLandingPage.actionVerizon

6  All of these carriers have the same basic functions. Blocking calls, message limiting, and data restrictions.  Some may be more sophisticated than others, but remember to tell your kids that having a phone is privilege and should be used with responsibility and maturity.  Controls Conclusion

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