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Lets test our understanding with sample questions from the chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Lets test our understanding with sample questions from the chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lets test our understanding with sample questions from the chapter.
(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

2 End of module Would you like to clarify any thing on the module
End of module Would you like to clarify any thing on the module? Any suggestions for improvement? (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

3 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

4 What is planning? How planning helps? What the BA should be planning?
(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

5 Home sweet home It was getting quite cold outside as the month of December was approaching. However, Dinesh was very relaxed as his first large Oracle Financials implementation for a prestigious retail chain in Seattle was well on schedule. He was confident that his team would complete the project in the balance one month left and he would be back home in India after 6 months of on-site stint. His phone rang. Todd, Head of Legal, wanted to see him. Dinesh had met Todd only during the project kick-off. For subsequent project review meetings, no one from legal function was invited. When he met Todd, his comments hit him hard. Todd told that most of the financial reports developed by Dinesh’s team need to be rewritten, as none met legal requirements with respect to US taxation. With just under a month left, Dinesh and his team were now faced with the task of completely rewriting these reports that had taken over 3 months to create. Please read out key phrases even while the participants are reading from the slide Please refer to your experiences when learning was available in other Projects, which when known earlier could have helped (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

6 Tools for BA planning Lets review the handout and present
Acceptance and evaluation criteria definition Brainstorming Interviews Decision analysis Business rules analysis Lets review the handout and present (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

7 Business analysis tools..01
Acceptance and evaluation criteria definition Acceptance criteria describe the minimal set of requirements that must be met in order for a particular solution to be worth implementing. Evaluation criteria are the set of requirements that will be used to choose between multiple solutions. Brainstorming Brainstorming is a group discussion oriented technique intended to produce a broad or diverse set of options. The primary rule behind brain-storming is no criticism to any one’s ideas and developing on others’ ideas. Interviews In an interview, the interviewer formally or informally directs questions to a stakeholder in order to obtain answers that will be used to create formal requirements. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

8 Business analysis tools..02
Decision analysis Decision analysis is an approach to decision-making that examines and models the possible consequences of different decisions. Decision analysis assists in making an optimal decision under conditions of uncertainty. Problem tracking Problems may include issues, questions, risks, defects, conflicts, or other concerns that need to be tracked to resolution. Root cause analysis Root cause analysis is a structured examination of the aspects of a situation to establish the root causes and resulting effects of the problem. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

9 Business analysis tools..03
Lessons learned process Lessons learned sessions can include any format or venue that works for the key stakeholders identified as participants in these sessions. Metrics and Key performance indicators (KPI) A metric is a quantifiable level of an indicator that an organization uses to measure progress. An indicator identifies a specific numerical measurement that represents the degree of progress toward achieving a goal, objective, output, activity or further input. A KPI is one that measures progress towards a strategic goal or objective. Reporting is the process of informing stakeholders of metrics of indicators in specified formats at specified intervals. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

10 Business analysis tools..04
Organization modeling An organizational model defines how an organization or organizational unit is structured. Organizational units bring together a group of people to fulfill a common purpose or goal. Process modeling A process describes how multiple people or groups collaborate over a period of time to perform work. Requirements workshops A requirements workshop is a highly productive focused event attended by carefully selected key stakeholders and subject matter experts for a short, intensive period (typically one or a few days). (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

11 Business analysis tools..05
Risk analysis A risk describes an uncertain event or occurrence that may have an effect on the ability of the business analyst, project team, or organization to achieve an objective. Risks by their nature can be positive or negative. User stories A user story is a textual description of things that the solution needs to allow users to do. User stories are typically a sentence or two that describes who uses the story, the goal they are trying to accomplish, and any additional information that may be critical to understanding the scope of the story. A user story includes a short description of the problem to be solved. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

12 Business analysis tools..06
Scope modeling Scope models serve as a basis for defining and delimiting the scope of business analysis and project work. Scope models allow the definition of a 'complete' scope—that is, the boundaries of the scope correspond with the natural boundaries of a business domain. Survey/Questionnaire A survey administers a set of written questions to the stakeholders and subject matter experts. Functional decomposition Functional decomposition involves breaking down a large problem into smaller functions or deliverables. Stakeholder map A map indicating stakeholder influence and attitude (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

13 Business analysis tools..07
Estimation Estimation techniques are used to develop a better understanding of the possible range of costs and effort associated with any initiative. Estimation is used when it is impossible to determine exact costs. Estimation cannot and does not eliminate uncertainty; rather, the purpose of estimation is to get a reasonable assessment of likely costs or effort required. Structured walkthrough A structured walkthrough is a working session where invited participants review and discuss a set of requirements. RACI chart List of deliverables with information on Responsible (Author), Accountable (Approver), Consulted and Informed (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

14 Business analysis planning and monitoring
Plan business analysis approach Conduct stakeholder analysis Plan business analysis activities Plan business analysis communication Plan requirements management process Manage business analysis performance (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

15 Inputs, Activities and Outputs
(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

16 What are the common approaches for Business Analysis
What are the common approaches for Business Analysis? How do these approaches differ? Which approach is good and why? (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

17 Business analysis approach
Business analysis approaches describe the overall process that will be followed to perform business analysis work on a given initiative, how and when tasks will be performed, the techniques that will be used, and the deliverables that should be produced. In software world, approaches could vary from waterfall to agile Lean and Six Sigma Plan driven vs. Change driven approaches (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

18 Plan driven approaches vs. Change driven approaches
Attribute Plan driven Change driven Focus To detail as much as possible in the beginning to maximize control and reduce risk. To discover as we go. Authority to approve Sponsor Designated person Applicable situation Complex, high cost of failure, well drafted requirements possible. Challenging stakeholder interaction. Low cost of failure Requirements amorphous Model Water-fall Agile / Iterative Level of detail High Low Change management Formal process Through product backlog, time driven Communication Formal Informal (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

19 What are the factors that a BA must consider while deciding on the business analysis approach? What are requirements management tools? How do they help the BA? (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

20 Plan business analysis approach
Purpose: This task describes how to select an approach to performing business analysis, which stakeholders need to be involved in the decision, who will be consulted regarding and informed of the approach, and the rationale for using it. Stakeholders : Customer, Domain SME, End user or Supplier, Implementation SME, Project Manager, Tester, Regulator, Sponsor Inputs Activities Outputs Business need Expert judgment Organizational process assets Decide BA approach depending on - Timing of business analysis work and formality and level of detail of BA deliverables Identify requirements prioritization approach Identify change management approach Decide on business analysis planning process Identify stakeholders communication approach Requirement analysis and management tools Business analysis approach Tools and Techniques: Acceptance and evaluation criteria definition, Brainstorming, Interviews, Organization modeling, Process modeling, Requirements workshops, Risk analysis, Scenarios and Use cases and user stories, Scope modeling, Survey/Questionnaire, RACI matrix, Stakeholder maps (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

21 Plan business analysis approach
Purpose To select an approach for business analysis, decide which stakeholders need to be involved in the decision, and who will be consulted regarding and informed of the approach, and the rationale for using the approach. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

22 Element Decide business analysis approach based on timing of business analysis work, formality and, level of detail for business analysis deliverables. Identify requirements prioritization approach. Identify change management approach. Decide on business analysis planning process. Identify stakeholder communication approach. Identify requirements analysis and management tools. Estimate business analyst effort based on project complexity. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

23 Who are stakeholders. Why stakeholder analysis is critical
Who are stakeholders? Why stakeholder analysis is critical? How do we analyze stakeholders? (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

24 Who are stakeholders? Stakeholders are all those who have interest in the project and who may influence the project outcome Key stakeholders are Project sponsor Customer Users Project Team Functions affected by the project implementation Why manage stakeholders? Stakeholder management is critical to the success of every project in every organization you will ever work with. By engaging the right people in the right way in your project, you can make a big difference to its success and to your career. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

25 Steps in stakeholder management
Stakeholder Identification Identifying key stakeholders who will or will be influenced by your project Stakeholder Analysis Understanding needs, expectations, and interests of key stakeholders Stakeholder Management Managing stakeholder expectations and helping them adapt to change (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

26 Identifying stakeholders
Customers, suppliers, regulators, and others Solution Delivery Affected Organizational Unit Organization or Enterprise Affected External Stakeholders Sponsors, executives, domain SMEs, and others who interact with the affected group. End users, help desk, and others whose work changes when the solution is delivered Project team and others directly involved with creating the solution (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

27 Stakeholder influence patterns
Understand reasons for discomfort Engage actively Communicate vigorously Identify positive influencers who can influence these stakeholders You are lucky! Positive High Influence Negative Low Influence Negative Low Influence Identify what should be done to move these stakeholders to high influence zone Understand reasons for discomfort Engage actively Communicate frequently Identify positive influencers who can influence these stakeholders (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

28 Stakeholder charter Lets have a look at sample stakeholder charter!
Many stakeholder management issues can be resolved by having an appropriate stakeholder charter A stakeholder charter sets ground rules for engagement with all stakeholders This is a joint responsibility of the project manager and business analyst Lets have a look at sample stakeholder charter! (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

29 Conduct stakeholder analysis
Purpose: This task covers the identification of stakeholders who may be affected by a proposed initiative or who share a common business need, identifying appropriate stakeholders for the project or project phase, and determining stakeholder influence and/or authority regarding the approval of project deliverables. Stakeholders : Domain SME, Implementation SME, Project Manager, Tester, Regulator, Sponsor Inputs Activities Outputs Business need Enterprise architecture Organizational process assets Identify stakeholders Determine complexity of stakeholder group Assess stakeholder attitudes Stakeholder list, roles, and responsibilities Tools and Techniques: Acceptance and evaluation Criteria definition , Brainstorming, Interviews, Organization modeling, Process modeling, Requirements workshops, Risk analysis, Scenarios and use cases and User stories, Scope modeling, Survey, RACI matrix, Stakeholder map (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

30 Conduct stakeholder analysis
Purpose Identify stakeholders affected by a proposed initiative, or who share a common business need, appropriate stakeholders for project or project phase, determine stakeholder influences and, approval authority for project deliverables. Element Identify stakeholders. Determine complexity of stakeholder groups. Assess stakeholder attitudes. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

31 Plan business analysis activities
Purpose: Determine the activities that must be performed and the deliverables that must be produced, estimate the effort required to perform that work, and identify the management tools required to measure the progress of those activities and deliverables Stakeholders: Customer, Domain SME, End user, Supplier, Implementation SME, Operational support, Project manager, Tester, Sponsor Inputs Activities Outputs Business analysis approach Business analysis performance assessment Organizational process assets Stakeholder list, roles, and responsibilities Consider geographic distribution of stakeholders Type of Project or Initiative Identify the deliverables from Business analysis Determine Business Analysis Activities Business analysis plan Tools and Techniques: Estimation, Functional decomposition, Risk analysis (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

32 Plan business analysis activities
Purpose Determine business analysis activities to be performed, deliverables to be produced, estimate effort, and identify tools required to measure progress of those activities and deliverables. Element Consider geographic distribution of stakeholders. Type of project or initiative. Identify business analysis deliverables. Determine business analysis activities. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

33 Plan business analysis communication
Purpose: A business analysis communications plan describes the proposed structure and schedule for communications regarding business analysis activities. Record and organize the activities to provide a basis for setting expectations for business analysis work, meetings, walkthroughs, and other communications. Stake holders: Customer and Supplier, Domain SME, End User, Implementation SME, Operational Support, Project Manager, Tester, Regulator, Sponsor Inputs Activities Outputs Business Analysis Approach Business Analysis Plan Organizational Process Assets Stakeholder List, Roles, and Responsibilities Consider the geographic locations Consider the culture diversity Type of project Determine communication frequency Consider level of communication formality Business analysis communication plan Tools and Techniques: Structured Walkthrough (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

34 Plan business analysis communication
Purpose Describe structure and schedule for communications regarding business analysis activities. Element Consider geographic locations. Consider cultural diversity. Consider type of project. Determine communication frequency. Consider communication formality. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

35 What is requirements management
What is requirements management? Why requirements management is critical? How do we manage requirements? (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

36 Plan requirements management process
Purpose: Define the process that will be used to approve requirements for implementation and manage changes to the solution or requirements scope Stake holders : Domain SME, End User, Implementation SME, Operational Support, Project Manager, Tester, Sponsor Inputs Activities Outputs Business Analysis Approach Business Analysis Plan Organizational Process Assets Maintain repository of requirements Trace the requirements Select requirements attributes Prioritize the requirements Follow change management Requirements management plan Tools and Techniques: Decision Analysis, Problem Tracking, Risk Analysis (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

37 Plan requirements management process
Purpose Define process to be used to approve requirements for implementation and manage changes to solution or requirements scope. Element Define requirements repository. Define traceability requirements. Identify requirement attributes. Define requirements prioritization process. Define requirements change management process. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

38 Demo of Open Source Requirements Management Tool (OSRMT)
(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

39 Manage business analysis performance
Purpose: To manage the performance of business analysis activities to ensure that they are executed as effectively as possible. Stake holders: Domain SME, End User, Implementation SME, Operational Support, Project Manager, Tester, Sponsor Inputs Activities Outputs Business Analysis Performance Metrics Business Analysis Plan Organizational Performance Standards Requirements Management Plan Determine the performance measures Prepare Performance Reports Identify the Preventive And Corrective Action Business Analysis Performance Assessment Business Analysis Process Assets Tools and Techniques: Interviews, Lessons Learned Process, Metrics and Key Performance Indicators, Problem Tracking, Process Modeling, Root Cause Analysis , Survey/Questionnaire (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

40 Manage business analysis performance
Purpose To manage performance of business analysis activities to ensure they are executed as effectively as possible. Element Determine BA performance measures. Prepare performance reports. Identify preventive and corrective actions. (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

41 Lets review the vocabulary for the knowledge area (10 Mins)
(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

42 Lets develop a business analysis plan for the given case study
Lets develop a business analysis plan for the given case study. Time : 30 Minutes (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

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