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Refreshing Rural Indiana LG-Elect Sue Ellspermann Indiana Rural Summit.

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Presentation on theme: "Refreshing Rural Indiana LG-Elect Sue Ellspermann Indiana Rural Summit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refreshing Rural Indiana LG-Elect Sue Ellspermann Indiana Rural Summit

2 Lieutenant Governor-Elect  Grew up in Ferdinand, population 2200  1 of 6 children  Working in family-owned jewelry store  Graduated from Forest Park High School (500 students)  Purdue University Industrial Engineer  Worked for GM, Michelin and Frito-Lay  Owned a small consulting firm in problem solving and strategic planning  Completed PhD from University of Louisville  Founded USI’s Center for Applied Research  Elected State Rep District 74 2010

3 Rural Indiana – circa 1960’s  Vibrant rural communities  Large farm families and family farms  Schools bursting with students  Thriving Main Streets  Abundant entrepreneurship  Abundant young leaders (i.e. Jaycees)  Pick-up games in every park or court  No need to lock your doors  Mayberry RFD

4 Rural Indiana today  Brain drain – loss of young adult population  Empty buildings on Main Street  Fewer locally owned businesses  Shrinking employment opportunities; long commutes  Fewer students in our rural schools  Aged or insufficient infrastructure (sewer, roads, broadband)  “Greybeard” community leaders  Meth, drugs, and crime…even some gangs

5 The Story of Ferdinand  Expands twice its size each work day (jobs)  Had begun to stagnate in the 80’s (didn’t want change)  In 2006, town leadership developed a 10-year vision  The vision embraced growth and development  In 2008, Ferdinand became a pilot for Indiana Hometown Competitiveness  During the recession, Ferdinand kept moving:  Tri-County YMCA  New library  Several new businesses  A new interstate development  A historic home preservation project  A town trails project  2012 National Blue Ribbon School  Highest ISTEP scores in state  Christkindlmarkt rated Top 100 Event in North America by Motorcoach Association


7 Rural Indiana Refreshed  Agriculture  Entrepreneurship  Economic Development  Visioning  Community Development  Rural Workforce Development  Infrastructure Development

8 Agriculture  Support development of a Food and Agriculture Innovation Corridor  Fix the Farm Property Tax Assessment  Promote Agriculture-related Careers in high school and higher education  Connect local farmers to “Locally Grown” opportunities

9 Entrepreneurship  Expand the Young Entrepreneur Program  Develop Rural Entrepreneurship/Small Business funding (RETIF bill)  Increase SBDC presence and reach into rural communities leveraging OCRA model  Create link between Indiana Applied Research Enterprise and rural communities, entrepreneurs, and businesses

10 Economic Development  Work with rural LEDO’s to develop regional initiatives  Leverage OCRA, ISBDC, and OITD to promote expansion, retention and attraction of businesses  Link farmers to Food and Agriculture Innovation Corridor initiatives, new products, and new services

11 Community Development  Expand Indiana HomeTown Competitiveness and Main Street programs  Expand Stellar Communities  Facilitate Community and Regional Visioning  Promote rural communities and “ruralness”

12 Rural Workforce Development  Expand Project Lead the Way to all rural schools  Expand Agriculture and STEM education in high schools  Develop Career and Technical Education linked to regional industries  Create more dual credit/dual degree options for rural schools  Connect young adults to local industry and business opportunities

13 Infrastructure Development  Develop a statewide comprehensive road funding plan  Expand P3 (public private partnership) opportunities  Assist communities in leveraging best assets  Explore new infrastructure funding tools for rural communities

14 Goal  Increase the prosperity of rural communities, rural families and rural businesses  Measured by:  Employment/number of jobs  Net population growth  School enrollment growth  Per capita income  Educational attainment  New business starts  Rural satisfaction metric (to be developed)

15 A Vision for Rural Communities  Bustling Main Streets  Full, high achieving rural schools  New businesses: high tech, low tech, retail and service  High wage, plentiful jobs within a 30 minute commute  Young adults choosing to return home and attracted to our small towns and lifestyle  Large, medium and small agricultural enterprises  Thriving families  “Neighbors helping neighbors” culture  Safe, low crime communities

16 Can we do it?  We can…  It starts with each of us…  …Built organically so that communities can pursue their own unique visions.  Our Administration will facilitate and partner.

17 Let’s Refresh Rural Indiana Together

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