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Connecting Session #1 November 4, 2013. Goals for Session 1 To set the stage for Year 3 (Linda Farr Darling and Pat Dooley) To provide project leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Session #1 November 4, 2013. Goals for Session 1 To set the stage for Year 3 (Linda Farr Darling and Pat Dooley) To provide project leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Session #1 November 4, 2013

2 Goals for Session 1 To set the stage for Year 3 (Linda Farr Darling and Pat Dooley) To provide project leaders with an opportunity to outline current and new projects (Project leaders) To outline plans for the year (Linda and Pat)

3 The Context: Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning Strength-based: celebrating, supporting and shining a light on innovative practices in rural sites. Consolidating partnerships (University of Education, the Ministry of Education, and educators and communities). Facilitating collaboration, meaning-making and learning Conceptualized by members of the Rural Education Advisory Committee through the office of the Eleanor Rix Professor of Rural Teacher Education.

4 Current Projects Innovation defined as a “unique response to a local need, issue or interest”. Growing Innovation over time: - Year 1: 18 projects funded - Year 2: Project leaders connected via Blackboard Collaborate ; catalysts for learning implemented (webinars, rural web site, video gallery) - Year 3: Current projects deepening their work; new projects funded; further growth pending. Continuing commitment to building community and research with goal of growing innovation between schools, communities and districts.

5 Building Community and Understanding: Year 1 Projects: Deepening  School District #10 (Arrow Lakes) – Reconciliation through Art (Terry Taylor, Heather Dennill, Signy Fredrickson)  School District #50 (Haida Gwaii) – Outdoor Classroom Initiative )Daniel Schulbeck)  School District #59 ( Peace River South) – Community Connections (Josh Kurjata)  School District #60 (Peace River North) – 21 st Century Learning: Project Based Learning in the Energetic Learning Campus  School District #62 (Sooke) – Nature Kindergarten (Frances Krusekopf, Dr. Enid Elliot)  School District #64 (Gulf Islands) – Making Space Part 2 (Sarah Hook-Nilsson)  School District #74 (Golf Trail) – Connected Learning in SD74 (Erinn Gregory; Brooke Haller)

6 Project: Nature Kindergarten SD#62 (Sooke) How are we deepening our work this year? - dissemination of pilot learning via conferences, workshops, documentary project - on-going professional learning for teacher and ECE focused on emergent learning practice - setting up visits to observe primary teachers in the province who do inquiry based and project based learning - writing articles - continued research of cohort 1 and 2 and beyond (possible Public Health Agency of Canada research project) - reports to Sooke SD board of trustees re sustaining the pilot

7 Project: Nature Kindergarten SD#62 (Sooke) Student outcomes from cohort 1 - independent learners about to focus on their learning - physical well-being and fitness levels - parental satisfaction - socio-emotional skills: especially empathy to one another and environment.

8 Building Community and Understanding: New Projects  School District #6 (Rocky Mountain) – Intergenerational Project in SD#6 (Barb Carriere)  School District #50 (Haida Gwaii) – School Wide Outdoor Education (Leighann Rodger)  School District #91 (Nechako Lakes) – McLeod Grandparent Buddies (Libby Hart, Marnie Bell, Flioa Lamprecht) Evolving projects: new and existing

9 Takes you to a page with: Website with archived resources Photo Gallery Resources Video Embeds Learning Team Contacts Tags: environment, heritage, PBL, transitions, etc. Takes you to a page with: Website with archived resources Photo Gallery Resources Video Embeds Learning Team Contacts Tags: environment, heritage, PBL, transitions, etc.

10 Growing Innovation: Year 3 Funding logistics Rural Education Advisory Committee – conceptualizing the concept of a “rural commons” Research component Future sessions to connect project leaders Website - Forums for sharing: - IOP - Potential symposium - other

11 Intergenerat ional Learning: Community Engagement Practice Place- Conscious Learning Nurture Purposeful Student Engagement Nurture Purposeful Student Engagement Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships Embed Research & Inquiry Embed Research & Inquiry “How do we effectively diffuse sustainable innovation across rural contexts?”

12 The Rural Education Commons for BC

13 Why a Commons for Rural Education? The concept holds promise for re-invigorating professional and public attention toward, and dialogue about the future of rural schooling in BC. It highlights the communicative power of networks and the need to gather multiple perspectives on issues that matter to rural BC. It underscores the importance of local participation in decision-making that affects local lives.

14 What role can you play in sustaining and enhancing our Rural Education Commons? – Communicating what you have learned from your involvement with “Growing Innovation” partners; – Participating in public dialogue about rural futures; – Carrying out action research on your project and sharing results with others: educators & communities; – Mentoring new rural teachers and/or new project leaders using online means or in-person exchanges; – And…?

15 Contact Information   Project list with contact information pending.

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