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One Person Can Make A Difference Hertfordshire Traveller Education Service.

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Presentation on theme: "One Person Can Make A Difference Hertfordshire Traveller Education Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Person Can Make A Difference Hertfordshire Traveller Education Service

2 Section 1 World War II – Prejudice to Genocide

3 Two of the millions picked out for murder by the Nazis.

4 Gypsy children in a resettlement camp trying to continue their education.

5 This Synagogue was one of many destroyed on Kristellnacht.

6 Pseudoscientific Testing

7 Schuta Weinrich

8 Badges of the Holocaust

9 Soldiers forced the Jews into the Ghetto.

10 Jewish children in the Lodz Ghetto.

11 Jewish Partisans

12 Jews and Gypsies were forced into trains for their journey to the extermination camps.

13 Gypsy fathers and sons in an extermination camp

14 These were just some of the possessions taken from the millions murdered by the Nazis

15 “Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.” Talmud. Section 2 Holocaust Memorial Day 2006 One Person Can Make A Difference.

16 Rescuers and Helpers: "And to them will I give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name (a "yad vashem")... that shall not be cut off." (Isaiah, chapter 56, verse 5) Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations

17 Armin T. Wegner © Ara Sarafian

18 Anne Frank

19 ““It only takes a moment to start to improve the world.” Anne Frank.

20 Sophie Scholl

21 Oskar Schindler © Wiener Library

22 Nicholas Winton

23 Sempo Sugihara

24 Frank Foley ‘…a man of humanity in a time of unparalleled inhumanity’

25 Raoul Wallenberg

26 Janusz Korczak

27 Andrée Geulen Herscovici

28 Helen Bamber

29 Paul Rusesabagina

30 Sula Karuhimbi

31 Aisha and Yahaya

32 Pastor Niemoeller

33 What Do We Learn? Holocaust Memorial Day inspires us all to: stand up to injustice; learn and educate each other about different communities, cultures, religions and sexualities; accept and embrace diversity; never scapegoat whole communities for the actions of a few.

34 Schuta, one of thousands of children killed by the Nazis, because he was considered to be different from the majority.

35 A candle burns in Kielce, Poland, at the memorial to 46 Jews murdered there on their return home after surviving the Holocaust. Copyright: Aegis Trust

36 We wish to acknowledge the support of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. Hertfordshire Traveller Education Service

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