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Basic / Low Intermediate NorthStar

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1 Basic / Low Intermediate NorthStar
Unit 4 Save the Elephants

2 One hundred years ago there were 100,000 wild tigers in the world
One hundred years ago there were 100,000 wild tigers in the world. Today there are only between 5,000 and 7,000 tigers. Sometimes people kill tigers so that they can sell the tiger parts to people who make traditional medicines . Other tigers die because people cut down their forests to make room for farms. Friends of the tigers wants to protect forests and to stop people from killing tigers.

3 Save the Northern Spotted Owl
Every year there are 4 percent fewer northern spotted owls in the forests of the Pacific Northwest of America. Today only 3,600 remain. Logging companies have been cutting down the redwood trees for wood. These trees are the owl’s homes. Help us stop the logging companies

4 Paragraph 1 : Grizzly Bears
Grizzly bears are native to North America. In Alaska, there are still many wild grizzly bears. But there aren’t many left in other parts of North America because people have killed so many of them. Hunters kill bears because they want the bears’ fur and meat. Other people, such as farmers, kill bears because they want to protect their farm animals and their families. Paragraph 2: The Ivory Problem Sarah’s grandmother gave her a beautiful set of ten knives and forks with ivory handles for her wedding. Sarah could not accept the gift because she knew that hunters have to kill elephants to get ivory. She convinced her grandmother that it was wrong to buy ivory, save the Elephants Funds

5 so her grandmother took back the gift and made a donation to Save the Elephants Funds .
Native: the place of birth Wild: very strong Hunters: people who kill animals Ivory: white precious material Convinced: to change someone’s mind Donation: to help by giving money Loggers: workers who cut log( wood) Game warden: a person who is responsible for protecting hunted animals.

6 Vocabulary loggers: people who cut wood [ log] by 1907: at this time
to protect: to keep good to save: to protect endangered: rarely found illegal: against the law extinct: not existing any more

7 Answer key page 60 1. protect 2. by 1907 3. donation 4. hunter
5. ivory 6. loggers 7. wild 8. native 9. illegal 10. convince

8 Save the Elephants Fund
Dear Friend of Save The Elephants Fund 1 Thank you for your generous donation last year. Your money helped us to open a new wildlife park in Kenya as part of our work to help protect the 500,000 elephants left in Africa. 2 Unfortunately, elephants are endangered in other parts of the world, too, and we need your help again. This time we need you to help us in Thailand . 3 One hundred years ago, millions of wild elephants lived in Asia. Today there are only 30,000 Asian elephants . The situation in Thailand is especially serious . Thailand now has only 1,800. to 2,000

9 Vocabulary Paragraph 3: Logging in the United In the 1800s in the United States, loggers uses to cut down trees wherever they wanted, and people cut down woods and forests so that they could build houses and farms . By 1907, almost 30 percent ( 286 million acres) of the United States’ forests were gone. So the government decided it needed to protect the forests and it made some new laws. Now it is illegal to cut down trees in many places.

10 elephants . Experts believe that by the year 2010,
elephants in Thailand will be extinct. 4 Why are elephants in Thailand endangered? 5 They don’t have enough food to eat paper companies cut down banana trees and bamboo. These plants are native to Thailand, and they are eaten by elephants . The companies plant eucalyptus trees instead. The eucalyptus trees grow fast, and the companies make a lot of money from the eucalyptus trees. But what about the elephants ? They need 150 to 300 kilograms of food every day, and they can’t eat eucalyptus trees! 6 Hunters kill hundreds of wild elephants every year. Hunting elephants is not legal in Thailand, but many hunters kill these animals anyway. These illegal hunters make a lot of money from selling elephant tusks. The only way to get the

11 With your help and donation , this year we will:
tusk off the elephant is to kill the animal . The Hunters sell the tusks to people who make furniture, jewellery, and art from the ivory in the tusks. 7 What can we do With your help and donation , this year we will: teach companies in Thailand about trees that are good for business and good for elephants Pay for game wardens to protect the elephants from illegal hunting Convince people around the world not to buy thing made of ivory

12 What we can do? Help hunters to find other ways to make money
9 Last year you helped Kenya’s elephants. This year Thailand’s elephants need your help . Please send your donation today. Sincerely, Mark Gow Executive Director

13 Reading for main details 1. -------to protect animals.
Answer key page 63-64 Reading for main details to protect animals. 2. –first they don’t have enough food to eat ---Hunters kill them for the ivory in their tusks. to protect elephants in Thailand . Fund can teach companies about trees that elephants can eat and the companies can use. 1. T F F T F T

14 Answer key page 64 1. No, he doesn’t use the reader’s name.
2. They want money to help protect elephants. 3. It wants to show readers that elephants are endangered animals. 4. If people don’t buy ivory, then hunters won’t kill elephants for their tasks. 5. If hunters make money in different jobs, they won’t kill elephants to make money.

15 Reading 2 : Save a logger- Eat an Owl
1 I am really angry about the article on the northern spotted owl. The article talked only about saving the owl. But what about us- the loggers? 2 The town I live in was built on logging .In the early 1980s, we cut 86 million feet of wood each year. That is a lot of wood. A lot of wood meant a lot of jobs –and a lot of money for the town. This money kept our schools open and our local government running. But by 1992, we were cutting only 100,000 feet of wood a year. Why? Because people like you who just care about the owls stopped us from doing our jobs . You convince the government to stop logging companies from cutting down so many trees.

16 Readig 2 As a result, over 30,000 logging jobs have been lost. Some people have moved away to find work. Others stayed here and took jobs that pay half of what they made as loggers. People have a hard time putting food on the table for their families. Our schools have no money. Our town is a third of the size that it used to be. 3 I’m not against the spotted owl, but saving the owl is hurting people. What is more important – a few owls or the lives of thousands of hardworking families? Ken Waxter, Oregon

17 Answer Key Page 67-66 1. words to be crossed out. 1. fix brought into the place 2. dogs in 2010 3. animals get angry 4. bird saving 5. plan animals Page 67 1. native illegal 2. protect wild 3. by the year donation 4. convince

18 Answer key page 65 1.He is angry because the newspaper didn’t write about the loggers . It only wrote about the owl. 2. The government told the logging companies to stop cutting down the trees in order to save the owl. 3. Because there is less logging, the loggers don’t have as much work to do. Many loggers are out of work, so they don’t have much money.

19 Personal letter : from one friend to another. It has five ports:
1. Date: usually on the top right corner 2. Opening :a greeting to the person 3. Body: your message – 1-2 paragraphs 4. Closing: a word or phrase followed by a comma like ‘Best wishes’, 5. Signature: your first name only for people you know and your full name for all people.

20 Writing / Business letter
A business letter has the five parts as a personal letter, but there are a few differences. Your name and address come after the date 29- June – 2009 James Smith – California The printed name and address on the top of the letter is called letterhead. Most businesses use letterheads on their letters.

21 If you are writing to a specific person , the name and the title and the address of that person comes next before the opening. If you don’t know who is going to read the letter for the opening, write ‘To Whom it May Concern’. Use ‘ sincerely’ for the closing. Your name and title go under the signature. Business letter should be typed if possible.

22 Where do the guests sleep?
the subject What does she need to bring? s When do you want to pay? Who do I call? * Don’t use /do/does / with verb to be. Where is she ? XNever say : does is / do are

23 Wh questions in the simple present
To form wh- questions about the subject of a sentence ,do not use /do/ does. Explanation: Ahmed drives my car. Who is the subject ? Ahmed is the subject . You are , in other words, want to know who/what? So you start the question with Who/ what and the third personal singular ? Who teaches this class Mrs Jasmine . subject What makes the car works. Petrol. Subject You don’t use do/does when forming these kind of questions.

24 Wh questions ask for information.
What do you need ? I need a book. Wh questions start with who – where- when- who To form most of the question in the simple present use ‘ do or ‘ does’ and the base form of the verb [ go- come]. When do you eat- Where does she work. X Don’t use ‘do- does’ with verb to be. [ is do / are does] With verb to be : Who is he ? Where are you?

25 Grammar Wh Questions To form a Wh question about the subject of a sentence do not use ‘do- does’ . Use the third person singular Who eats here? Salma / Salma is the subject. What interests you? Sports / Sports is the subject. Who teaches French? Ahmed/ Ahmed is the subject

26 Answer key /Page 72- 73 2. What lives in the water near Hong Kong?
3. Why do the Chinese white dolphins die? 4. What do elephants in Thailand like to eat? 5. When do game wardens protect the elephants? 6. Who kills many endangered animals every year. Page 73 1. Who do you work for? 2. Why do you need to save elephants there? 3. Who kills the elephants? 4. Why do they kill them? 5. Where can I send it? 6. Who do I write the check to?

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