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Dudee Chiang, Information Science Specialist Alexander Smith, Information Science Specialist Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Dudee Chiang, Information Science Specialist Alexander Smith, Information Science Specialist Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dudee Chiang, Information Science Specialist Alexander Smith, Information Science Specialist Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology NASA IT Summit, August 15, 2011 Copyright 2011, California Institute of Technology Government Sponsorship acknowledged

2 Trends on going mobile Mobile web sites vs. apps Examples from publishers/societies JPL mobile website

3 Trends “Go mobile or get left behind”  25% waking hours on mobile devices  63% information management functions doing nothing to support handheld devices “Top 10 Information Management Predictions for 2011”, Outsell, Dec 2010

4  More and more people are using mobile devices to access the Internet Of all adults (18+), 85% use a cell phone By ages: 18-29: 89% 30-49: 69% 50-64: 49% 59% online wirelessly Including laptops 24% use apps Pew Internet and American Life Project, Reported March 2011 All U 24% use apps All Adults 85% Use cell phone 59% online wirelessly

5 What type(s) of mobile devices do you have? (Can choose more than one) 1. iPhone 2. Android phone 3. Blackberry 4. Other cell phone 5. iPad 6. Android based tablet 7. Other tablets 8. None of above

6 What do you use your devices for? (Can choose more than one) 1. Make and receive phone calls 2. Text message 3. Receive and send emails 4. Take pictures 5. Play games 6. Watch movies or videos 7. Try and evaluate apps 8. Develop apps 9. Read news, web pages 10. Read professional articles, papers, books

7 An invention has to make sense in the world it finishes in, not in the world it started. Tim O'Reilly Tim O'Reilly

8 Short, context-based, specific interactions on mobiles (m-web, apps); Longer, richer media on one page for laptop and desktop computers Traditional web site vs mobile website

9 High Level Considerations Mobile web sites Apps Available to all devices Server detects requesting device and displays mobile site Simple navigation Point back to full site Device specific (iPhone, iPad, Droid, etc.) Distributed via devices’ store or market One App on multiple devices: Kindle for iPad, PC, Mac, etc. One App One Purpose YouTube, Facebook, games

10 Learn from their examples New roles for information professionals: Trusted experts and curators of apps Collaboration between librarians and IT staff Develop mobile sites or apps together

11 Institute of Physics (IOP) app Free app 20 full text articles per month for anyone, no institutional subscriptions required!

12 “Library Friendly” apps Free apps Free browse, search, abstracts Need institutional subscription to download full text ACS app costs $4.99 to download Science selected free articles

13 Need Individual Subscriptions App may be developed by 3 rd party vendor Harvard Business Reviews case study: HBR Reads: free app, individual subscription to HBR HBR Today: $2.99 app, access to the HBR web site, no scholarly articles HBR Tips, HBR Stat: free apps, free short articles refer to full articles in HBR

14 Mobile web sites IEEE Xplore e/ Search, browse, email references by anyone Need subscription for full text Safari Books Online n Safari To Go: Safari app released in May 2011

15 Technical guru: Alex Smith

16 JPL Library Mobile Web Site

17 Search box for library catalog Search box for Journal A-Z List

18 eBooks by Topic: Tag ebooks via eBook access via IP authentication Mobile site display a list of tags Tag lead to list of book titles Email the list back oneself Access ebooks within JPL Network

19 Toggle bar to show description of the photo.

20 Dudee Chiang, Alexander Smith,

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