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Self-Study Based on Myers-Walls, Ballard, Darling, and Myers-Bowman, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Study Based on Myers-Walls, Ballard, Darling, and Myers-Bowman, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Study Based on Myers-Walls, Ballard, Darling, and Myers-Bowman, 2011

2  Read the Background  Reflect on Your Experiences  Complete the Grid  Explore the DFP Model  Set Goals

3  Myers-Walls, J. A., Ballard, S. M., Darling, C., & Myers-Bowman, K. S. (2011). Reconceptualizing the domain and boundaries of family life education. Family Relations, 60, 357-372.

4 Basic points from the article:  How the Domains of Family Practice model came to be ◦ It was created by four FLE professors ◦ They were concerned about confusion regarding FLE ◦ All had used Doherty’s LFI model, but were not satisfied with it  LFI suggests some roles are more advanced  FLE definitions in LFI were not consistent with NCFR  A new model—Domains of Family Practice

5  When have you struggled with the definition of your current or future role with families? ◦ Write down some of your stories.  Consider the roles of Family Life Education, Family Therapy, and Family Case Management as you think of your stories. ◦ When have you been confused about these roles? ◦ How have you tried to describe your role to others? ◦ When have others assumed you belonged in a different category than you thought?

6  Open or print out Worksheet 1.  Cut apart the grid contents from the second page and place them in the correct positions in the empty grid.  Open or print out Handout 1: DFP Table. Look at your placements. How did you do?

7 Each of the three roles considered in the DFP grid has the ultimate goal of building strong and healthy families, but they each take a different path toward that goal. Review Figure 1.

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9 Each role considered in the DFP grid has a body of literature and research foundation that serve as its base. Some of the base is shared with other roles and some is unique. Review Figure 2.

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11 Each role considered in the DFP grid needs to decide the timing of services for families. This has been referred to as primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention or as different levels of prevention or intervention. Review Figure 3.

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13 Another issue regarding timing is the time frame of reference of services. Do practitioners consider the past, the present, or the future as the primary focus? Review Figure 4.

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15 Each family practice must choose a target population for participation in services. Those participants may self-select based on felt needs or may be referred or mandated based on needs that are ascribed by others. Review Figure 5.

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17 The answers to the questions Why, What, When, and For Whom lead to the methods and techniques listed under How in the DFP table. Review that row of the DFP Handout. Note that each entry in that row discusses needs assessment, setting of objectives, location of services, and techniques.

18  What will you do with the information and experiences from this session? ◦ Review and refine your mission statement(s)? ◦ Rewrite job announcements and descriptions? ◦ Share the information with others at work? ◦ Expand your referral and collaboration network? ◦ Change the way you work with others?  Write down your goals. Be specific. Include HOW you will accomplish them. Determine when and how you will review your progress.

19 Myers-Walls, J. A., Ballard, S. M., Darling, C., & Myers-Bowman, K. S. (2011). Reconceptualizing the domain and boundaries of family life education. Family Relations, 60, 357-372.

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