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SPAIN. GOVERNMENT Then 5 different kingdoms A different King for each Kingdom Inquisition started by Isabella to find heretics Isabella and Ferdinand.

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2 GOVERNMENT Then 5 different kingdoms A different King for each Kingdom Inquisition started by Isabella to find heretics Isabella and Ferdinand made 200,000 Jews chose to convert or move Now Prime minister Only one ruler for all of Spain Freedom of religion No laws against being a religion other than Catholic

3 RELIGION Then Christian Used to tolerate other religions In 1478 Isabella and Ferdinand started the Spanish inquisition In 1492 told 200,000 Jews to move or convert 150,000 chose to move Now Mostly Catholic Recent poll showed from 81-94% of Spanish population is Catholic Cathedrals and Churches are common in Spain 13,000-40,000 Jews live in Spain today About 1 million Muslims live in Spain today

4 ECONOMY Then Treasure from Americas Expelled Jews and Muslims Made Spain religiously united nation But it hurt Spain economically Many of Spain’s leaders in business and trade were Jews or Muslims Now Exports primarily manufactured goods Export of semi-finished goods, ships, cars, pharmaceuticals, electronic devices = 50% of total exports. Main export partners: -France 18% of total exports -Germany 15 % -China 9.6 % -Italy 8.5 % -Netherlands 5.9 % - United Kingdom -Portugal -United States

5 BORDERS/ALLIES Borders Along coast of the Mediterranean Sea Were 4 kingdoms on Iberian Peninsula were ruled by Christians Kingdom of Portugal Kingdom of Navarre Kingdom of Castile (heir to throne=Isabella) Kingdom of Aragon (heir to throne=Ferdinand) Allies Germany France UK

6 TECHNOLOGY Then Advancements in ship designs (Caravel) Development in navigational tools Now Aerospace Renewable energies Water treatment Rail Biotechnology Industrial machinery Civil engineering Obama presented Spain’s success as model when he detailed administrations goals for our own system

7 NOTABLE PERSON (COLUMBUS) Born October 31, 1451 Died May 20, 1506 Born in Genoa, Italy Died in Valladolid, Spain Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored his voyage to what turned out to be America AKA: Cristoforo Colombo, Cristóbal Colón

8 LEGACIES Isabella and Ferdinand commissioned Columbus to sail Started the Spanish Inquisition Made the Iberian peninsula completely Christian Conquered Granada Drove all the Jews and Muslims out of Spain Unified Spain

9 DECLINE OF KINGS Ferdinand died in 1516 Isabella died in 1504 After Isabella died Ferdinand ruled alone until his death After Ferdinand and Isabella died the unification they had started to break because they were not alive anymore

10 CURRENT EVENT Alba Gonzalez Camacho, 21 years old Posted messages on Twitter calling for a far-left terrorist organization to return to arms and kill politicians Spain’s national court convicted her of inciting terror using Twitter. First verdict of its kind, involving Twitter posts in Spain

11 SOURCES /2013/agosto/140509_Kingdom_of_Spain_REV_Def.pdf

12 SOURCES columbus-9254209#awesm=~oECEnAOhUSmJGw columbus-9254209#awesm=~oECEnAOhUSmJGw olumbus.htm advancements-in-the-15th-century olumbus.htm advancements-in-the-15th-century

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