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Monica Melo. As time progresses, technology progresses along with it. Digital Photography is the most new and preferred way of taking high quality pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "Monica Melo. As time progresses, technology progresses along with it. Digital Photography is the most new and preferred way of taking high quality pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monica Melo

2 As time progresses, technology progresses along with it. Digital Photography is the most new and preferred way of taking high quality pictures. Digital photography uses electronic photo detectors to capture an image, professional cameras have a lens that allows you to focus on your target compared to a film camera that uses strictly exposure. Although it’s a more expensive hobby to get into and to buy a camera, and accessories like new lenses, flashes and tripods. It has it’s pro’s and cons.

3 1975 Steven Sasson attempted to make the first digital camera ever. It weighed 8 pounds and took 23 seconds to capture an image. The first successful or known true camera was the Fuji DS-1P, it recorded to a 16 MB internal memory card that used a battery to keep the data. This camera was never marketed. The first available camera to buy was the 1990 Dycam Model 1. This camera used a CCD image sensor, stored photos in it and was the first to connect to the computer to download them. As time progressed cameras kept improving In 1991 the first pro camera was introduced. Kodank DCS-100. It was similar to a Nikon F3 SLR body.

4 You can instantly review an image you took. You don’t need film. You can easily share your photos once you get them onto your computer. You don’t need to have them printed. Take as many photos as you want and simply delete them if you don’t like them. You don’t have to worry about perfecting something because you don’t want to waste film. Portable. Most digital cameras allow you to shoot videos.

5 Expensive to purchase, and if you decide to purchase accessories such as, flashes, lenses and a tri-pod. If you’re into editing your photos, it’s expensive to buy Photoshop or other alternative programs. Your battery will need to be recharged constantly. You will need a computer to transfer your images. Film cameras are better at capturing motion. Image quality may not be as good. Enlargement sizes may be limited because of the digital cameras resolution.

6 If you’re considering getting into digital photography, what you should know is that it’s a pricy hobby or interest. You have to be willing to drop a lot of money on the camera it’s self. On average a professional digital camera is at least over $400. On top of that $400 (or more) you will need to buy memory cards and although it comes with one lens, a battery and a charger. You will likely lose one or more over the course of time, and they are not cheap either. To buy more lenses and a flash, you’re looking at over $300 and sometimes a lens is more than your camera is even worth.

7 It’s really cool but also really annoying how often technology is changing, because once you buy something like a brand new digital camera. A few months down the road there will be a more new and better release. Since digital camera’s were first invented, they’ve been increasing technology and getting more effects. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you can edit your photos straight from the camera and be able to send them to your computer with a Bluetooth feature in the future.

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