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By Elliot Lee. The two pictures. This picture has been uploaded from a camera. This picture has been scanned into the computer.

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Presentation on theme: "By Elliot Lee. The two pictures. This picture has been uploaded from a camera. This picture has been scanned into the computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Elliot Lee

2 The two pictures. This picture has been uploaded from a camera. This picture has been scanned into the computer.

3 The advantages of using a camera  A camera is portable and easier to use as it doesn't need to be plugged into the mains.  It is easier to upload onto the computer.  It’s easier to get the photo onto the camera.

4 The disadvantages of using a camera  Costs more to buy.  Needs a good memory card which costs more.  Needs a good resolution which adds to the price of the original camera.

5 The advantages of usin a scanner  It’s cheaper to buy.  It’s an easier way of getting a document into the computer.  It’s quicker to get into the computer.

6 The disadvantages of using a scanner.  Needs to be plugged into the mains.  Needs to be plugged into a computer as it doesn’t have a storage system.  Not as good quality of image.  Not portable.

7 The comparison of the two pictures. The camera photo is darker and has deeper colours. It also has more detail and it is easier to tell were the detail is. The quality is a lot better. The scanned picture is lighter and has a loss of quality, this could be a loss of quality in the printer and or the scanner. The colours are lighter and it looks blurry.

8 My overview My overview is that the camera is a lot better if you want to get an image and if you can afford to have it but if you have less money and only want it to get writing into the computer then a scanner is the way to go.

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