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+ Domus Leadership Training 2014 Session #1. Meeting Ground Rules 1.Everyone participates and takes ownership in the group’s accomplishments. 2.We will.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Domus Leadership Training 2014 Session #1. Meeting Ground Rules 1.Everyone participates and takes ownership in the group’s accomplishments. 2.We will."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Domus Leadership Training 2014 Session #1

2 Meeting Ground Rules 1.Everyone participates and takes ownership in the group’s accomplishments. 2.We will treat each with honor and respect. 3.Different opinions are welcome. 4.Silence is agreement. 5.Limit side conversations. 6.Listen actively and respectfully. 7.You are responsible for your own experience. 8.Keep comments brief and to the point. 9.No cell phones or other electronic devices… enough said. 10.We will start on time and end on time – no backtracking if someone is late.

3 + Agenda Introductions Title What would you like to get out of this series? At the end, what will be different in your work life? Nonprofits 101 (1.5 hours) What does nonprofit mean? What is the role of the board of directors? What is the role of staff? Leadership (1.5 hours) Effective & creative leadership Leadership styles

4 + What are nonprofit organizations? Non-profits are organizations formed for the purpose of serving a public benefit other than the accumulation of profits for owners or investors.

5 + Defining Characteristics: 1. They provide societal benefit. 2. They are private, not governmental. 3. No person owns shares of the corporation. 4. They operate under the non-distribution constraint. Profits may only be applied to mission. 5. They are self-governing. 6. They are owned by the public to serve the public.

6 + Nonprofit Classifications 1. Arts, culture & humanities 2. Education and research 3. Environment and animals 4. Health 5. Human services 6. International affairs 7. Public societal benefit 8. Religion

7 + Before acquiring tax-exempt status, you need: Board of Directors Mission Statement Program Outline

8 + Nonprofit Structure Board of Directors AdministrationPrograms

9 + Governance (Board of Directors) 1. Determine mission & purpose. 2. Select, support and evaluate the chief executive. 3. Ensure effective planning. 4. Monitor and strengthen programs and services. 5. Protect assets and provide proper financial oversight. 6. Build a competent board. 7. Ensure legal and ethical integrity. 8. Enhance the organization's public standing.

10 + Legal Requirements Duty of Care Duty of Obedience Duty of Loyalty

11 + Duty of Care The duty of care that an ordinary prudent person would exercise in a like position and under similar circumstances. This means that a board member owes the duty to exercise reasonable care when he or she makes a decision as a steward of the organization.

12 + Duty of Obedience The duty of obedience requires Board members to be faithful to the organization’s mission and the rules/laws of the Federal and State governments. They are not permitted to act in a way that is inconsistent with the central goals of the organization.

13 + Duty of Loyalty The duty of loyalty is a standard of faithfulness; a board member must give undivided allegiance when making decisions affecting the organization. This means that a board member can never use information obtained as a member for personal gain, but must act in the best interests of the organization.

14 + Legal Liability Fiduciary obligation to the organization. Conserve and protect the organization’s assets Responsible for corporate compliance ( information returns, payroll etc.) Must act in good faith and loyalty and the best interests of the organization Respecting donor’s wishes (temporarily and permanent restricted contributions) Liability to third parties

15 + Management Responsibilities

16 Management Functions PlanOrganizeDelegate CommandCoordinate Control

17 + Management/Administrative Positions Executive Director Financial Management Resource Development Volunteers Marketing & Communications Human Resources Information Technology Facilities

18 + Difference between governance & management Management = Operations Board = Oversight & Strategy

19 + Quiz – Board or Management Approving annual budget Board Strategic planning Both Hiring the CFO Management Hiring the auditor Board Determining mission Board

20 + Programs A predefined set of activities designed to achieve a stated set of goals & objectives. -- Netting, Kettner & McMurtry

21 + Organizational Chart

22 + Organization 1 Board of Directors Executive Director (.75) Director of Volunteers (.50) Volunteer Tutors (8.0) Social Worker (1.0)

23 + Organization 2 Board of Directors Executive Director (1.0) Director of Finance & Administration (1.0) Office Manager (1.0) Director of Social Services (1.0) Caseworkers (6.0) Director of Volunteers (1.0) In Kind Donations Manager (1.0) Volunteers (200+) Director of Development (1.0) Development Officer (0.5) Database Assistant (0.75)

24 + Organization #3 Board of Directors Executive Director (1.0) VP of Finance and Administration (1.0) Staff Accountant (1.0) Bookkeeper (1.0) Bookkeeper (0.75) Director of Facilities (1.0) Maintenance Workers (2.0) Director of Human Resources (1.0) VP of Development (1.0) Director of Marketing & Communications (1.0) Director of Foundation & Corporate Relations (1.0) Director of Annual Fund (1.0) Data Entry (1.0) VP of Programs (1.0) Director of Residential Services (1.0) Residential Managers (5.0) Director of Social Services (1.0) Social Workers (3.0) Director of Child Care Services (1.0) Teachers (2.0) Assistant Teachers (5.0)

25 + Excellence Today


27 + 2014 Focus Leader Accountability Impact Outcomes Planning Return on Investment Evidence Based Practice


29 + Peter Drucker “Only three things happen naturally in organizations; friction, confusion, and underperformance. Everything else requires leadership.”


31 + Leadership v. Management ManagementLeadership AdministersInnovates MaintainDevelops Focuses on systems & structuresFocuses on people Relies on controlInspires trust Short-range viewLong-range perspective Asks how & whenAsks what & why Eye on bottom lineEye on the horizon Accepts the status quoChallenges status quo Does the right thing Plans detailSets direction TransactionalTransformational

32 + Non-Profit Leaders Must Have vision Focus on effectiveness Cultivate culture of financial awareness and stability Embrace competition Engage stakeholders Maximize technological capacity Build and sustain an effective board Value & manage diversity

33 + Core Skills of Effective Leadership 1. Vision 2. Discrimination 3. Strategic Thinking 4. Commitment 5. Communication

34 + Internal v. External Competencies

35 + Nonprofit Leadership Competencies - Internal Planning Program Development Financial Management Human Resources Management Visioning Board Management Evaluation

36 + Nonprofit Leadership Competencies - External Fundraising Marketing Community Relations Advocacy Policy

37 + Leadership Styles Survey

38 + Leadership Styles Authoritative ATells Political BSells Evaluative CTests Participative DConsults Laissez-faire EJoins

39 + Situational Leadership There is no one best way to lead. Leadership behaviors should match the situation. Effective leaders are able to adapt to the situations at hand.

40 + Leading Today 1. Act quickly… and thoughtfully. 2. Stay mission-focused. 3. Manage talent well. 4. Organize and change. 5. Use your board. 6. Communicate openly and often. 1. Funders 2. Board 3. Staff

41 + The Army’s Leadership Principles 1. Be tactically and technically proficient. 2. Know yourself and seek self-improvement. 3. Know your soldiers and look out for their welfare. 4. Keep your soldiers informed. 5. Set the example. 6. Ensure the task is understood, supervised and accomplished. 7. Train your soldiers as a team. 8. Make sound and timely decisions. 9. Develop a sense of responsibility in your subordinates. 10. Employ your unit in accordance with its capabilities. 11. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.

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