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Area of ConcernNeeds AssessmentProjects - Action PlanEvaluationCompetency Addressed Student involvement and participation in fundraisers for a greater.

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2 Area of ConcernNeeds AssessmentProjects - Action PlanEvaluationCompetency Addressed Student involvement and participation in fundraisers for a greater cause. School administration expressed the need for student participation in a greater cause for those less-fortunate. Plan a fundraiser that raises money for a breast cancer research foundation in which students will donate money to skip class and participate in a school-wide pep rally and attend a volleyball game. Survey of teachers given a few days after the fundraiser event reported that staff and students had a new-found appreciation for supporting those less-fortunate. C 001 C 002 C 007 C 008



5 Join the volleyball teams for the 3 rd Annual Dig Pink Volleyball Game! Tickets are $2.00 a piece and allow you to “skip” 1 st and 2 nd periods Friday morning! Half of the funds raised will help to support a family on campus whose mother is battling breast cancer. The other half will help fund the end of year field trip for girls athletics.






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