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Balance that beam Ricky Martinez. Stage 1- Desired Results Established Goals: The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:

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Presentation on theme: "Balance that beam Ricky Martinez. Stage 1- Desired Results Established Goals: The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance that beam Ricky Martinez

2 Stage 1- Desired Results Established Goals: The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by: [3] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring, and communicating [3] SA1.2 observing and describing their world to answer simple question [4] SA1.2 observing, measuring, and collecting data from explorations and using this information to classify, predict, and communicate

3 Understanding: Students will demonstrate clear knowledge of how to set up a balance beam arm and correctly balance the beam. Students will be able to compare and contrast the weights of different objects. Student will be able to tell the difference between weighing a object and using a object of known weight to guess the unknown objects weight.

4 Essential Question: How do you balance the beam? What do you see when you place a heavy item in and a light item in? What is the difference between using a balance and a scale? What is a unit?

5 Key Terms: Weight Balance Observation Unit Approximant Scale record calibration

6 Students goals: Set up, balance and use the balance beam arm. Record data from the weights of the balance beam. Apply the information to guess how much each object weighs.

7 Stage 2- Assessment Evidence Performance task: Your job is to test out setting up and balancing the beams are, experimenting with placement of weights in the bucket. After you have the balanced calibrated, you will find the weight of five objects. First you will write which object you think weighs the most. Then weigh and record the weight of each object on the cube paper, coloring in the cubes used. After coloring the cubes draw a picture of the object you weighed. Finial after weighing all the object look to see if you guessed the heaviest object. If you did, write a sentence why thought it was, If you didn’t write how much less your object weighed.

8 Key Criteria : The worksheet will be turned in at the end of the class.

9 Stage 3- Learning Plan WHERE TO? W- Introduce key terms and definitions. Demonstrate how to balance the beam. H- Do you use balancing in your own life? what jobs use balancing? E- Show key terms both visually and orally. Have students explain key terms. R- Have the students weigh each item twice. But only record once. E- Let students work in groups of 2-3 to compare and collectively perform the task. T- Differentiate the lesson by having the students balance on one foot, show a video of a tight rope walker. O-Have all materials place out before the lesson starts.

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