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Spring 2006 Version 3.0 Overview Module. FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Welcome to the FTA/ESF Overview Training Session 1.1.

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1 Spring 2006 Version 3.0 Overview Module

2 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Welcome to the FTA/ESF Overview Training Session 1.1

3 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Session Objectives  Understand business managed by FTA & ESF Applications  Understand how to: Access FTA Search FTA Use FTA Inbox Understand Admin Functions Understand ESF Submissions Understand ESF Error Messages Use FTA & ESF On-Line Help 1.2

4 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session 1.3 TopicTime Introduction to Session10 min Understanding the Business15 min Accessing FTA20 min Searching in FTA15 min Using the FTA Inbox20 min Understanding Admin Functions10 min Understanding ESF Submissions15 min Understanding ESF Error Messages 5 min FTA & ESF On-Line Help 5 min Wrap-Up 5 min Training Session Duration2 hours

5 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Online Classroom Basics  Eliminate distractions  Time allowed for Q & A  Use “Raise Hand” function for questions  Keep text chat on topic  Contact TM NewMedia for LearnLinc Support (David He) 250-475-0808 1.4

6 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Participant Guide = On the Job Resource  Contains: Additional topic details Additional information Step by step summaries  Downloadable from FTA Training Website 1.5

7 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Purpose of Participant Guide  Useful as a support tool when using: 1.6 Forest Tenure Administration System (FTA) Electronic Submission Framework (ESF)  Supports FTA/ESF Overview Training Session  Assists participants during online session

8 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Audience for Guide  Ministry of Forests and Range (MoFR)  Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (MoAL)  District, Region, & Headquarters Staff responsible for processing & administrating Tenure applications 1.7

9 FTA/ESF Overview Module Introduction to the Session Structure of Guide  Participants may read entire Guide or select areas of interest from following topics: Understanding the Business Accessing FTA Searching FTA Using the FTA Inbox Understanding Admin Functions Understanding ESF Submissions Understanding ESF Error Messages FTA & ESF On-Line Help 1.8

10 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business

11 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business Topic Objectives  Understand business managed by FTA & ESF Applications  Understand how ESF & FTA meet the business need 1.9

12 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business The Business:  MoFR manages forested lands in BC  MoFR is primary authority for granting permissions to: Harvest timber Provide grazing rights Recreation opportunities on provincial land base Build Roads 1.10

13 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business  Tenuring business has become more complex  FTA most recent system deployed to meet MoFR business needs 1.11

14 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business How FTA Meets the Business Need  Manages all Tenure types in BC from single data repository  Main business objectives are: Identify & protect interests of clients Use spatial information linked to data elements (attribute data) to manage:  Forest Tenures  Recreation Tenures  Range Agreements  Private Marks 1.12

15 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business Electronic Submission Framework  ESF key component in FTA implementation  Designed to accept attribute & spatial data MoFR clients submit data in a single electronic Submission accessible by:  MoFR Tenure administration  MoAL Tenure registry 1.13

16 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business FTA & ESF  FTA accepts Tenure applications submitted electronically through ESF & makes data available Districts – responsible for processing data submitted via ESF Region & Headquarters staff – have read access only to data 1.14

17 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business Key Objectives of FTA Replace manual, labour intensive submission process Improve timeliness & accuracy of Tenure data Extend licensees’ business process to include electronic file submission Provide spatial & attribute data from a single source Maintain Tenure map images Allow clients to submit Tenure info directly via ESF Allow users to view maps associated with Tenure applications Create & maintain linkages to other Ministry systems Create graphic interface that adheres to MoFR web standards Support core business of Forest and Range Practices Act 1.15

18 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business FTA & ESF User Groups  Internal: MoFR Staff BC Timber Sales  External: MoAL Staff Oil & Gas Commission Clients (Licensees or delegates) 1.16

19 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business Meeting the Business Need Using ESF  ESF allows client data & information to be submitted to MoFR over the internet  ESF is application neutral  ESF is a secure system Data in ESF system is secure 1.17

20 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business 1.18 ESF supports both attribute & spatial data Each business area system using this framework has its own data schemas and specific business rule validations

21 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #1: Understanding the Business ESF Key Objectives Provide portal to make standardized Tenure & regulatory data submissions Provide capability to submit Tenure data directly to FTA Create standard data format – XML/GML Create & maintain spatial & attribute data linkage Capture data once at the source – eliminate need for duplicate data entry Reduce paper submissions Provide Licensees capability to track submissions 1.19

22 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2 Accessing FTA

23 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA FTA is a web-based application  No special software required on your computer  Edits & updates are centralized and seamless for end user  No specific computer configuration necessary FTA Web site URL: 1.20

24 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA FTA is a secure site  Users prompted for: IDIR User Name Password  Sign-in steps dependent on whether sign-in is from: within MoFR outside MoFR (i.e., at home)  Topic 2 of Participant Guide provides detailed Sign-in steps 1.21

25 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA Navigate Using Buttons 1.22 Adjacent to a field. Populates page with data corresponding to entry in adjacent field. Insert new record or save changes to existing one. Display more specific information regarding record of interest. Clear entered data to start new Search. Execute a search based on selected parameters. Navigate to a search specific to a field. Takes you to previous page. Back button must be used to navigate within FTA. Internet browser back function will not work. Buttons are icons that help users navigate in FTA

26 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA Navigate Using Fields 1.23 Fields are areas where information may be entered or edited in FTA Target field. Manually enter data. Drop-down field. Click arrow to select valid field entries. Target field with ellipse button. Manually enter data or use ellipse button to search for valid input from FTA or another application. Useful if unsure of data/format to enter in field. Date field with calendar icon. Click calendar icon to select dates. Manual date format entry is YYYY-MM-DD. Asterisk indicates information is mandatory.

27 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA Navigate Using File Tabs 1.24 } File Tabs File tabs provide navigation to Tenure information from the main Tenure page in FTA

28 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA Screen Identification  Each screen identified with unique number & name references your location in FTA valuable when obtaining support or using On-Line Help 1.25

29 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA Security  Access FTA through User ID & password  Users assigned specific Security Levels (Roles) Dependent on their business needs  Security Levels: Restrict pages user can view in FTA Restrict functions that can be performed in FTA  i.e.: select, insert, update, delete  Search functions can be accessed by majority of users  Inbox functions granted to users with specific authority/security 1.26

30 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA Understanding Limited Access  Users are assigned functional areas directly related to work they perform  Example: User has permission to view the FTA Inbox details User does not have permissions required to Re-assign, Clear, Approve or Adjudicate Tenure file 1.27 FTA Security Levels are explained at:

31 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #2: Accessing FTA  “No Authority” error message appears if you do not have necessary permissions to navigate to a FTA screen 1.28

32 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA

33 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA Search Function  Using a variety of methods, users can search FTA for: A Tenure Client information 1.29

34 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA Search Function  Defines a Tenure by 3 key items that align with hierarchical information structure in FTA: Organizational Unit Tenure Type File Type 1.30

35 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA Organizational Unit  FTA uses Region, District & Headquarters organizational unit codes to subset Tenure data  Defines geographic location of the Tenure information 1.31

36 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA Tenure Type  Defines type of Tenure unique to a business area  Examples: Timber Tenures Range Tenures Recreation Tenures 1.32

37 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA File Type  Defines specific Tenure file type  Examples: A01 – Forest Licence E02 – Grazing Permit F05 – Recreation  File types are specific to Tenures  Selecting a specific Tenure type always filters list of available file types for searching 1.33

38 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA Search Methods & Features  Search function allows quick & easy access to Tenure information  Features & Methods include: Search independently for Forest, Range, or Recreation Tenures Search for Timber Marks Search for Tenure Files using Cut Block criteria Search related Client System for Client Codes without leaving FTA Drill down to view specific record details Dedicated Back button maintains reference to current file 1.34

39 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #3: Searching in FTA Additional Tips  Use calendar icon to enter correct date  Click to re-start a search  Use Sort By option Displays search results in alternate or more convenient arrangement 1.35

40 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4 Using the FTA Inbox

41 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox FTA Inbox  All electronic submissions transmitted to FTA (via ESF) are displayed in the Inbox  A submission is always for a specific feature type  Example: Cut Block or Cutting Permit  Inbox functions as an electronic filing cabinet for all types of submissions  Provides easy access to spatial & attribute information required for submission approval Provides access to details, status & history of a submission 1.36

42 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox FTA Inbox  Think of the Inbox as the central repository of electronic submissions awaiting processing  Both applications and amendments follow the same path through the Inbox 1.37

43 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Inbox Workflow  Inbox is the FTA workflow tool  Applications are made to FTA via ESF Each submission is queued in the Inbox & initially assigned to MoFR Spatial conflicts requiring an official decision are assigned to MoAL 1.38

44 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Inbox Workflow  Inbox is first step in Tenure management  MoFR clerks & Tenure specialists must monitor Inbox contents daily: For arrival of new submissions For status of submissions in process To keep submissions moving through system 1.39

45 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Monitoring the FTA Inbox 1.40 MoAL Registry staff monitor the assignment of applications & adjudicate applications that have been assigned to them

46 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Additional FTA Inbox Functions  Map Reporting is the process of identifying, qualifying & resolving conflicts that may exist between submitted map & existing Tenures, or rights, assigned to area of interest  Map Feature List provides summary of application & list of features within application  Map Report Conflicts page provides a summary of the application & list of identified conflicts for the feature  Participant Guide provides details on FTA Inbox Functions 1.41

47 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Approving/Rejecting Applications 1.42

48 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Tenure File Status  Every Tenure File managed by Ministry is bound by legal & business status  Movement of a Tenure file through FTA is tracked by Status Codes Status Codes correspond to legal & business status of file at any point in Tenure lifecycle 1.43

49 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Most FTA status codes have been carried over from previous Forest Tenure Administration System (FTAS) with the same meaning 1.44 Pending Pending Pending Electronic Application Proposed Pending Issued Logging Issuance Approved Logging Closed Cancelled Complete Common FTA Status Codes Entered Silviculture In Error

50 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox Status Progression  FTA is a status driven system  Status progression defines how a Tenure file moves forward in the administrative & business cycle Certain processes will not be performed until the Tenure File & its components have reached the required status points to move forward in the workflow  Status codes are used to track progression statuses will change, as an application progresses through the Inbox to an issued state, through a combination of manual & automated businesses processes 1.45

51 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #4: Using the FTA Inbox High Level Status Progression Example Harvest with Cutting Permit Application rec’d by FTA via ESF. Tenure file status HI set manually. Cutting Permit & Block initial PE Status set automatically. Harvest with CP Application reviewed, Conflicts resolved & Exhibit A cleared. Cutting Permit status moves to PI automatically with Exhibit A clearance. Harvest application approved by District Manager/Designate; CP issued. When approved, status changes to HI-Issued. When CP status is HI, all blocks automatically change to HB-Logging Approved. Harvesting Activities completed. Automated status change on block. Cutting Permit completed. Cut Block status change to S. Once status on all blocks set to S, Cutting Permit manually changed to HC. 1.46

52 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #5 Understanding Admin Functions

53 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #5: Understanding Admin Functions FTA Administrative Functions  FTA Admin tab contains: general administrative functions business area specific administrative functions 1.47

54 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #5: Understanding Admin Functions Audit Reports  FTA675 – Audit Report page contains two audit reports for Tenure Files: 1.48 District Override Audit Report Delete EE Audit Report

55 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #5: Understanding Admin Functions District Override Audit Report  Lists district overrides made to Tenure status  Provides audit trail, in report form, for every change made  It reports: Before & after change Date stamp User ID of person who made change Identifies status rollbacks to Tenure Files 1.49

56 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #5: Understanding Admin Functions District EE Audit Report  Lets you view files, entered in error, that should be removed from FTA database 1.50 Tenure files with a status of EE are not required to remain in FTA

57 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #6: Understanding ESF Submissions

58 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #6: Understanding ESF Submissions Electronic Submission Framework (ESF)  Secure extranet web portal for data exchange Accepts standardized attribute & spatial data submissions Provides data consistency  Provides benefits to Ministry & Forest Clients Captures data at source Improves data accuracy  All ESF clients require authorized government client user ID to submit & view ESF data 1.51

59 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #6: Understanding ESF Submissions How ESF and FTA are Linked  FTA is one of the destination applications for data submitted through ESF  ESF has a defined schema for FTA business data A schema is an electronic document containing data structure defined in industry standard formats  Attribute data = XML format  Spatial data = GML format 1.52

60 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #6: Understanding ESF Submissions The ESF Process 1.53 Clients log on to ESF & upload file containing spatial & attribute data ESF validates file Validations on data directed to destination business application & related processes

61 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #6: Understanding ESF Submissions ESF is a Secure Site 1.54 Users require an IDIR User Name and Password Access ESF at:

62 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #6: Understanding ESF Submissions ESF Upload Submission Page 1.55  Allows users to submit formatted XML/GML attribute & spatial data submissions to supported business areas

63 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #7: Understanding ESF Error Messages

64 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #7: Understanding ESF Error Messages ESF Error Messages  ESF will generate errors messages for: Schema Validation Spatial Validation Business Rule Validation 1.56

65 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #7: Understanding ESF Error Messages Schema Validation Errors  Occur when XML/GML submission is not formed to schema requirement 1.57 Typical schema validation error message

66 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #7: Understanding ESF Error Messages Spatial Validation Errors  Occur when spatial component violates a topology rule 1.58 Typical spatial validation error message

67 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #7: Understanding ESF Error Messages Business Rule Validation Errors  Occur when attribute data content of submission violates a business rule 1.59 Forest File ID for the Timber Licence Application is mandatory Typical business rule validation error message

68 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #7: Understanding ESF Error Messages MoFR Error Message Cross Reference Site sion.asp?TopicID=63 1.60 Content of site is generated on an as needed basis

69 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #8: FTA and ESF On-Line Help

70 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #8: FTA and ESF On-Line Help FTA & ESF On-Line Help  Share a common On-Line Help framework  Look, feel & operation are consistent across both applications 1.61

71 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #8: FTA and ESF On-Line Help FTA Help Icon  Located in upper right corner on each FTA Web page 1.62 Click to access On-Line Help Guide

72 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #8: FTA and ESF On-Line Help ESF Help Icon  Located in upper right corner on each ESF Web page 1.63 Click to access On-Line Help Guide

73 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #8: FTA and ESF On-Line Help Context Sensitive Help  Select Help in upper right corner of any page in FTA or ESF Pop-up window will appear with On-Line Help information for corresponding FTA or ESF page 1.64

74 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #8: FTA and ESF On-Line Help Full Content Help Navigation tree displays to allow access to On-Line Help for entire application 1.65 button provides alphabetical lists of topics button allows user to type in keyword 1 st select Help icon on any FTA or ESF application page Then, select Show hyperlink

75 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #8: FTA and ESF On-Line Help Business Application Support Centre  Email:  Phone: 250-387-8888 1.66

76 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #9: Wrap-Up

77 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #9: Wrap-Up Learning Objectives Achieved  Understand FTA & the Tenure business processes it’s designed to manage  Understand Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) & role it plays in Tenure business process 1.67

78 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #9: Wrap-Up Tasks Achieved Log into FTA Search FTA Navigate FTA Inbox Perform FTA Inbox functions Log on to ESF Search ESF & download an ESF submission Upload a submission to ESF View file types & download XML/GML Schemas 1.68

79 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #9: Wrap-Up Additional Resources  Quick Reference Card  FTA Search Simulation  ESF Submission Framework Website  District champion 1.69

80 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #9: Wrap-Up Acrobat Preferences 1.70

81 FTA/ESF Overview Module Topic #9: Wrap-Up Thank you for attending the FTA/ESF Overview Training Session 1.71

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